Robot localization using unscented Kalman filter. This package does not stink :)
- Output state message param:
- Output frame:
- Node:
roslaunch au_localization localizer.launch
- Tests:
catkin_make run_tests_au_localization
- declares custom data-typesufk.h
- generic UKF implementationukf_helpers.h
- implements UKF sigma point class and unscented transform functionlocalization(.h .cpp)
- implements a localization filter using UKF; process and measurement models defined herelocalization_ros(.h .cpp)
- ROS wrapper for localization; implements all ROS inputs and outputs for localizationlocalization_node.cpp
- runs LocalizationRos class as a ros node
All sensor measurements are transformed to robot's base_link frame and added to a temporal
priority queue.
The UKF filter is periodically called by a timer (rate defined by filter frequency param). All
past measurements in the queue are then sequentially passed to the filter. The node then
publishes the state estimate, and odom->base_link
At startup, the node waits for an IMU message to initialize the filter state.
Note: robot pose is w.r.t. world; robot velocity is w.r.t. robot (base_link)
The robot state is defined as a 15 element vector
Note: φ = roll; θ = pitch; ψ = yaw
The state transition model is used to make predict next robot state from previous state. A 3D kinematics model with constant linear acceleration and constant angular velocity is used.
(Reference: Section 2.2.1 from Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control, First Edition. Thor I. Fossen.)
Note: this transformation is undefined if θ=+/-90 degrees
A simple model is used where state is simply reduced to match measurement (aka drop state variables that are not part of the measurement).
E.g. for depth sensor: the model simply returns state z
note: for IMU the wrapping for orientation angles is handled as well