inform-mode supports the usual program mode functions: automatic indentation, moving over expressions, comment and string filling, font locking, tags-file support, starting compiles and parsing errors. You can also run a z-code interpreter against the compiled code.
It should work on GNU Emacs (v22+) or XEmacs (v21.4+) on any supported platform.
See NEWS for details of recent changes.
See INSTALL for notes on installing inform-mode.
After installation, inform-mode will be activated for any files ending in .inf (and optionally .h) when you visit them using Emacs. Type 'C-h m' to view the documentation for the mode. Variables governing inform-mode can be customized; type 'M-x customize' and navigate to Programming / Languages / inform-mode.
inform-mode is free software, released under the GNU General Public License version 3 (or later). See COPYING for further details of the license.
The latest stable release of inform-mode can be found at the website
Seee or subscribe to the Atom feed at to get details of the latest version.
inform-mode can be donwloaded via the Marmalade package system in Emacs; see
It is also available via anonymous FTP at
Any bugs reports, patches, feature suggestions or other feedback would be welcomed. Please email
Development versions can be obtained via the git repository
git clone
Or via github:
The 'master' branch tracks the released version; 'testing' contains the latest development version but may not be stable.
Rupert Lane is the current maintainer of inform-mode. inform-mode was originally written by Gareth Rees and was previously maintained by Michael Fessler. Many people have helped with the development and testing of inform-mode; see AUTHORS for full details.