This repository consists of my work on the CIFAR-10 Dataset with Pytorch Framework for Image Classification using various interesting Deep Learning Architectures (Starting with LeNet and ResNet).
- I have previously worked with TensorFlow in my introductory coursework, but this was a thrilling experience because it challenged my intellect and really captured my interest in the Pytorch framework, hence I am motivated to explore this further.
- This has also been a nice opportunity for me to revise the Deep Learning and ML concepts that I am familiar with. Moreover, I also came across some interesting papers while making this project which I will definitely find time to read.
There are two ways in which you can make use of this project:
- Run and Edit it as you want on the following link: CLICK HERE
This is a hosted & Deployed Docker image on AWS EC2 instance - Run it locally, meaning we have to clone this git repo and then run the Dockerfile present in the working directory, as follows:
git clone cd path/to/cloned/repo/CIFAR-10_image_classifier docker run -d -p 8888:8888 cifar-10_classifier:latest
- For Installation and Setup of Docker, refer to its documentation: Here
./cifar.ipynb ==> Main code notebook, where all the models are implemented and their performances are compared.
./pruning.ipynb ==> A notebook to get a better understanding of regularization of deep learning model
./models/ ==> A directory where all the models (pruned and not-pruned are saved as .pth files)
./test.ipynb ==> Jupyter Notebook for TESTING on random test images by classifying them and then comparing with the true label.
- Python Model training (with and without Pruning) in a Jupyter Notebook, while also providing the model ".pth" files for future uses.
- Trained Model Files in the "./models/" folder ["modelLeNet.pth" , "modelResNet.pth"].
- Pruned Model Files in the "./models" folder ["prunedLeNetModel.pth" , "prunedResNetModel.pth"].
- A report ("./SummaryReport.pdf") summarizing the results, including the accuracy achieved by the original model, the pruning ratio chosen, the accuracy achieved by the pruned model, and the reduction in model size.
- The Docker image was first publicly built and uploaded via local, to docker-hub as well as ECR (Elastic Container Registry) - An AWS Platform to manage Containerization
- Then, an EC2 instance was launched, and I set the security groups to allow traffic on 8888 port of the instance because that is usually associated with Jupyter Notebooks
- After EC2 instance was set, the Docker Image was pulled from the ECR with the following command (after I made sure that I have logged in with the aws CLI):
docker pull
- Post the docker setup and deployment on EC2 instance, I ran with the [`docker run`] command stated before
- For unit testing, I wrote the code and implemented
- Given some more time, I would like to use my ELK Stack Skills and configure the Analytics and Results for this model too. I am a keen learner and problem solver, given an opportunity, I would not disappoint
- This is a Google Document. Feel Free to comment.