You can find me on or checkout my code portfolio. If you can scroll midway down my portfolio you can see projects I am editing most recently.
I thrive on social coding, and I often read about how to better foster team synergy and make the most of professional relationships I am a postdoctoral researcher at the International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems, The MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney University. In 2021 I completed a PhD in Computational Neuroscience from Arizona State University, where I focused on gradient-free data-driven optimization of single spiking neuronal models. During my PhD, I also contributed to a volunteer research project, where I converted a closed source project science project to using an open-source methodology. Currently, I am developing network models and spiking network algorithms in Python and Julia.
I have been practicing social coding in some form since 2014 (11 years).
🧰 Russell's Toolbox
Mainly Developing on Unix like Operating Systems
Stats cards are courtesy of @anuraghazra github-readme-stats