CREATE BY impulsado
As a cybersecurity enthusiast I like to take notes using Markdown (Obsidian).
In order to get the most out of the experience, install Obsidian and configure it
In this notes you can find:
- CTFs Wiretups
- Cheat Sheets
- Projects
- [...]
- Download and Install Obsidian.
- Download the AppImage and put it in the Directory you want.
- Execute the command
/path/to/Obsidian-X.X.X.AppImage --no-sanbox
[//]: You can create an alias for this.
- Go to wannaNotes Repository and Download the code.
- Clone the repository with this command:
$ git clone
- Once you have cloned the repository, open Obsidian and click "Open folder as valut".
- Select "wannaNotes" folder.
More about Obsidian