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Installing the latest beta version

eskitek edited this page Oct 31, 2012 · 6 revisions

These instructions assume that you've already installed openwrap and initialised your project per the Quick Start section.

Follow these instructions if you want to get the latest beta version of openwrap. People generally do this if they need an openwrap feature or bug fix that isn't yet available in the latest published version of openwrap.

To install the latest beta version, you'll first need to add a remote for the openwrap beta repository:

c:\code\> o add-remote beta

Note: Don't forget the trailing slash on the URL - it's important!

You can confirm that the beta repository has been added by listing the existing remotes:

c:\code\> o list-remote

Then update existing projects to use the beta version of openwrap by executing:

c:\code\myProject> o update-wrap openwrap