This is an imaging pipeline to produce high quality high resolution widefield images of LOFAR observations including the international stations. It aims to be a pipeline similar as what the ddf-pipeline is for the Dutch LOFAR, and uses DDFacet, DP3 and WSClean.
The end result of the pipeline is currently a 1'' map that is direction-independently calibrated. As input, it requires a dataset, a square DS9 region centered on the pointing center, the corresponding LoTSS reduction and solutions towards an infield long-baseline calibrator. Given this, the pipeline will then execute the following steps:
- Subtract all sources outside of a given region on the center of the field, using the DD solutions from LoTSS.
- Produce DP3 parsets to split out potential DDE calibrators.
The pipeline is split up in different steps, to accomodate a Grid workflow. Each can be run individually in the genericpipeline framework as <step>.parset
It is mainly designed to work under the GRID_LRT package. This means parallelization is handled on a higher level, i.e. when a job runs on individual subbands, as many jobs as subbands will/should be submitted, running the parsets on that.
Durations are measured on the Spider cluster. This has approximately 15 nodes of 32 cores and NVMe SSDs capable of 6 GB/s read/write as local scratch.
Steps in the pipeline are (or will be):
- Subtract the 6" LoTSS map from the input data. This can operate on the whole bandwidth at once. Duration: <~24 hours
- Find DDE calibrator candidates from the LoTSS catalog and split them out. These are sources brighter than 10 mJy/beam peak flux. This operates on the 10SB blocks individually. Duration: ~29 hours on NVMe SSDs, 24 simultaneous 8 core jobs.
- Collect all SB per source and selfcal on the DDE calibrator candidates. This operates on the full bandwidth of each calibrator individually. Duration: 6 hours, 162 jobs. -- untested below this --
- Image the field at approximately 1.2" resolution.
- Divide the field in 9x9 facets and created 1" map-subtracted datasets for each of them.
- Image each of the facets.
- DDFacet:
- ddf-pipeline:
- DP3:
- LoSoTo:
- long baseline pipeline:
- WSClean: