Author: Viet Dung Nguyen. Gettysburg College
(Introduction to be written)
- System: Window, Linux, and Mac.
- Dataset:
- Know the benchhmark:
- VS Code (in order to run the jupyter notebook with python file: VS Code format)
- Anaconda: The python environment (for systematic code execution)
: Containing images for documentationmer
: The core libraries for model training and
: Package
: Constant for the
: Loss functions for the deep learning
: Deep learning
: Utilization methods
: Main jupython notebook (python format) for training with data with per-second
: Main jupython notebook (python format) for training with data with whole song label.requirements.txt
: Dependency
: Script to convert every mp3 file in a folder into wav format.
- First, install the required libraries:
conda create -n mer conda activate mer pip install -r requirements.txt
- Next, go into one python file
and experiment with the VS Code notebook.
- convert to wav code:
cd audio mkdir wav for %f in (*.mp3) do (ffmpeg -i "%f" -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 44100 "./wav/%f.wav")
python {src} {dst} {ffmpeg bin path} # E.g: python "./dataset/DEAM/audio" "./dataset/DEAM/wav" "C:/Users/Alex Nguyen/Documents/ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl/bin/ffmpeg.exe"
- We want to experiement with depth-wise and point-wise (mobile net) convolution to reduce computational cost but still want to keep the same performance.
- We tried CRNN Model with CBAM architecture with shallow gru (1 layer of gru). first 3 epoch (300 steps of batch_size 16), we train with learning rate 1e-3, next 1e-4. We use mae loss throughout the training process. We achieve the similar loss to other models.
We tried testing with Simple CNN Model with 5 Convolution Block (each block consists of a convolution layer with filer size (3,3) and leaky relu activation followed by a convolution layer with filer size (1,1) and leaky relu activation). Each double the number of neurons (64, 128, 256, 512, 1024). Here is the training result after 25 epochs:
The Music Information Retrieval (MIR) field has always been challenging because there are not a lot of refined dataset constructed. Especially for Music Emotion Recognition (MER) task, to assess the emotion of the song, one has to collect the songs as input (most of them is not possible because of copyright [1]). According to Aljanaki et. al [1], the emotion is subjective to human and language and therefore hard to be determined. There are a lot of emotion labeling scheme such as the emotion adjective wording scheme from Lin et. al [2] or the two dimensional regression scheme from the DEAM dataset developed by Aljanaki et. al [1] which utilize the two orthorgonal psychology states that are discussed by Russel [3].
There are a lot of traditional musical emotion recognition models that utilize sound processing and musical feature detection from the waveform and the spectrogram of the sound such as Improved Back Propagation network [4], MIDI notes, melodic, and dynamic features [5]
The dataset we use is the DEAM dataset which was developed by Aljanaki et. al [1]. The dataset contain 1082 45-second mp3 soundtrack and a set of annotation. The annotations consist of average static (whole song) and dynamic (each second) label of the valence/arousal point on the grade of 10.
As in the beginning of the project, we experiment with most popular method nowaday: deep learning. We want to apply deep learning into assessing the MER task by having the music (and potentially its related standard (Panda et. al [5]) and derived features) as input to the deep learning schema, and the annotated valence-arousal point (ranged from 0 to 10) as label.
We want to firstly test if the linear dense network to see if they accurately predict the two value valence and arousal. We first preprocess the music audio by performing stft on the waveform to get the time-frequency spectrogram of the sound which is represented by a 3D array [
] (a typical spectrogram of a 45 second music will have the shape (15502, 129, 2)). We then resize such data into the smalller size (i.e, (512, 129, 2)) using bilinear method. We then Flatten the array and feed the vector of 512 * 129 * 2 through 4 linear layers of 512, 256, 128, and 64 neurons with activation of rectified linear unit. The last layer is also a Linear layer that have 2 neurons as output with a rectified linear unit activation. We simplly use the l2 loss to the the distance of the output neurons from the actuall labelled valence and arousal. For optimizer, we use stochastic gradient descent with learning rate of 1e-4. After training the model with batch size 16, step per epoch 100, and 10 epoch, we get the following total loss for batch. So the mean squared error should beloss
- Database benchmark:
author = {Alajanki, Anna and Yang, Yi-Hsuan and Soleymani, Mohammad},
title = {Benchmarking music emotion recognition systems},
journal = {PLOS ONE},
year = {2016},
note= {under review}
The PMEmo Dataset for Music Emotion Recognition.
RAVDESS database:
- label scheme:
Lin, Y. C., Yang, Y. H., and Homer, H. (2011). Exploiting online music tags for music emotion classification. ACM Trans. Multimed. Comput. Commun. Appl. 7, 1–16. doi: 10.1145/2037676.2037683
Russell, James. (1980). A Circumplex Model of Affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 39. 1161-1178. 10.1037/h0077714.
- Technical:
Visual attention: Visual attention notebook:
- Related work and works
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A Novel Music Emotion Recognition Model Using Neural Network Technology:
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wave to vec:
- MER Task:
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- DNN-based:
- crnn based:
Recognizing Song Mood and Theme Using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks:
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- Attention:
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