Swift Parser Combinator Framework
In addition to simple combinators, Parsey supports source location/range tracking, backtracking prevention, and custom error messages.
Combinator interface
combinator operators
Lexer primitives:
, ...
Regex-like combinators:
- Postfix
.- Example:
let arrayLiteral = "[" ~~> expression.+ <~~ "]"
- Example:
- Postfix
.- Example:
let classDef = (attribute | method).*
- Example:
- Postfix
.- Example:
let declaration = "let" ~~> id ~~ (":" ~~> type).? ~~ ("=" ~~> expression)
- Example:
- Postfix
.- Example:
let skippedSpaces = (Lexer.space | Lexer.tab)+
- Example:
- Infix
.- Example:
let type = Lexer.upperLetter + Lexer.letter*
- Example:
for directly applying regular expressions.- Example:
let id = Lexer.regex("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*")
- Example:
- Postfix
Backtracking prevention
postfix operator or.nonbacktracking()
Parser tagging for error messages
operator or.tagged(_:)
Rich error messages with source location
- For example:
Parse failure at 2:4 ---- (+ %% 1 -20) 2 3) ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Expecting an expression, but found "%"
Source range tracking
operator or.mapParse(_:)
- For example, S-expression
\n(+ \n\n(+ +1 -20) 2 3)
gets parsed to the following range-tracked AST:
Expr:(2:1..<4:16):[ ID:(2:2..<2:3):+, Expr:(4:1..<4:11):[ ID:(4:2..<4:3):+, Int:(4:4..<4:6):1, Int:(4:7..<4:10):-20], Int:(4:12..<4:13):2, Int:(4:14..<4:15):3]
Swift 3
Any operating system
To use it in your Swift project, add the following dependency to your Swift package description file.
.Package(url: "https://github.com/rxwei/Parsey", majorVersion: 1)
indirect enum Expression {
case integer(Int)
case symbol(String)
case infix(String, Expression, Expression)
enum Grammar {
static let integer = Lexer.signedInteger
^^ {Int($0)!} ^^ Expression.integer
static let symbol = Lexer.regex("[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]*")
^^ Expression.symbol
static let addOp = Lexer.anyCharacter(in: "+-")
^^ { op in { Expression.infix(op, $0, $1) } }
static let multOp = Lexer.anyCharacter(in: "*/")
^^ { op in { Expression.infix(op, $0, $1) } }
/// Left-associative multiplication
static let multiplication = (integer | symbol).infixedLeft(by: multOp)
/// Left-associative addition
static let addition = multiplication.infixedLeft(by: addOp)
static let expression: Parser<Expression> = addition
try print(Grammar.expression.parse("2"))
/// Output:
/// Expression.integer(2)
try print(Grammar.expression.parse("2+1+2*a"))
/// Output:
/// Expression.infix("+",
/// .infix("+", .integer(2), .integer(1)),
/// .infix("*", .integer(2), .symbol("a")))
indirect enum Expr {
case sExp([Expr])
case int(Int)
case id(String)
enum Grammar {
static let whitespaces = (Lexer.space | Lexer.tab | Lexer.newLine)+
static let anInt = Lexer.signedInteger ^^ { Int($0)! } ^^ Expr.int
static let anID = Lexer.regex("[a-zA-Z_+\\-*/][0-9a-zA-Z_+\\-*/]*") ^^ Expr.id
static let aSExp: Parser<Expr> =
"(" ~~> (anExp.!).many(separatedBy: whitespaces).amid(whitespaces.?) <~~ ")"
^^ Expr.sExp
static let anExp = anInt | anID | aSExp <!-- "an expression"
/// Success
try Grammar.anExp.parse("(+ (+ 1 -20) 2 3)")
/// Output: Expr.sExp(...)
/// Failure
try Grammar.anExp.parse("(+ \n(+ %% 1 -20) 2 3)")
/// Output: Parse failure at 2:4 ----
/// (+ %% 1 -20) 2 3)
/// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// Expecting an expression, but found "%"
indirect enum Expr {
case sExp([Expr], SourceRange)
case int(Int, SourceRange)
case id(String, SourceRange)
enum Grammar {
static let whitespaces = (Lexer.space | Lexer.tab | Lexer.newLine)+
static let anInt = Lexer.signedInteger
^^^ { Expr.int(Int($0.target)!, $0.range) }
static let anID = Lexer.regex("[a-zA-Z_+\\-*/][0-9a-zA-Z_+\\-*/]*")
^^^ { Expr.id($0.target, $0.range) }
static let aSExp: Parser<Expr> =
"(" ~~> (anExp.!).many(separatedBy: whitespaces).amid(whitespaces.?) <~~ ")"
^^^ { Expr.sExp($0.target, $0.range) }
static let anExp = anInt | anID | aSExp <!-- "an expression"
/// Success
try Grammar.anExp.parse("(+ (+ 1 -20) 2 3)")
/// Output: Expr.sExp(...)
/// Failure
try Grammar.anExp.parse("(+ \n(+ %% 1 -20) 2 3)")
/// Output: Parse failure at 2:4 ----
/// (+ %% 1 -20) 2 3)
/// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// Expecting an expression, but found "%"
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