- Nextjs 14, typescript.
- Authentication: Clerk Auth.
- Cover images: Unsplash APIs.
- Database: mysql with planetscale.
- Prisma: next-generation ORM.
- Nextjs Server Action (now stable) without traditional APIs routes.
- Stripe: online payment.
- UI library: shadcn-ui.
- Drag and drop: @hellopangea/dnd
- Beautiful toast notification with sonner
- Type safety with zod validation.
- Tailwind CSS.
- Create an organization, invite your friends/colleagues.
- Create boards within organizations.
- Create lists within boards.
- Create cards (tickets) within lists.
- Rename, delete, edit boards, lists and cards.
- Activity logs for boards, lists and cards.
- Board limit for organization (free first 5, subscription monthly, differ between organizations).
- Stripe subscription to unlock unlimited boards.