This is a Hugo Shortcode to embed the Open API Spec (formerly known as Swagger Spec) in a page.
You can see an example here and the source for the example here.
This repository has the following files that need to be copied into your Hugo site's directory:
to your./layouts/shortcodes
to your./static
to your./static
To embed the API documentation below you just need to include the following shortcode:
{{< oai-spec url="http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json" api_key="special-key" >}}
There are just two options:
- url (required) - the url of the Open API Spec
- api_key (optional) - the API Key you want embedded in your document
Currently known issues:
Live Reload currently fails when running locally. I'd recommend using the following command line options for Hugo which disables live reload and manually reload your page to see changes:
hugo server --watch --disableLiveReload