See Eventbrite's developer site for updated info on how to use thier new APIs:
Eventbrite API keys are available here:
Eventbrite User_keys are optional. They are only required if you need to access private data. Eventbrite users can find their user_key here:
require 'Eventbrite.php';
Add your authentication tokens to make this example work:
$eb_client = new Eventbrite( array('app_key'=>'YOUR_APP_KEY',
You can also initialize the API client with an OAuth2.0 "access_token":
$eb_client = new Eventbrite( array('access_token'=>'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'));
Or, initialize the client by using an intermediary OAuth2.0 "access_code", which will automaticaly be exchanged for an OAuth2.0 "access_token":
$eb_client = new Eventbrite(array('app_key'=>'YOUR_API_KEY',
'access_code'=>'YOUR_ACCESS_CODE' ));
For more information and usage examples regarding OAuth2.0, see our
See Eventbrite's API Docs for more information about the available method calls. Request parameters should be encapsulated in an array of key/value pairs as in the examples below:
// request an event by adding a valid EVENT_ID value here:
$resp = $eb_client->event_get( array('id' => 'EVENT_ID') );
// print a ticket widget for the event:
print( Eventbrite::ticketWidget($resp->event) );
$search_params = array(
'max' => 2,
'city' => 'San Francisco',
'region' => 'CA',
'country' => 'US'
$resp = $eb_client->event_search( $search_params );
$new_event_params = array(
'title' => 'My test event',
'description' => 'testing event creation, remember not to set the privacy or visibility of test events to "public".',
'start_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60)),
'end_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60) + (2 * 60 * 60) )
$response = $eb_client->event_new($new_event_params);
}catch( Exception $e ){
// application-specific error handling goes here
$response = $e->error;
If you are planning to use PHP to help keep your site's event listing up to date, take a look at this guide:
Eventbrite API documentation: