Live Reload is a server watcher, written in Deno, for TypeScript and JavaScript that will reload the server when it detects a change in any TypeScript or JavaScript file.
To use Live Reload, first have Deno installed, and then use a terminal and write:
deno run --allow-read --allow-run --main=main.ts
Note that the argument for --main should be the main module for the server. Also the main module can also be a .js file too.
The --allow-read and --allow-run are needed because the program needs to access files and start subprocesses.
To restrict permissions, add command line arguments such as allow-net and allow-read. For example, to restrict the Deno subprocess to only read and net access use:
deno run --allow-read --allow-run --main=main.ts allow-net allow-read
The list of permission arguments are available here.
Note that arguments for permissions leave off the '--' at the beginning of the permission and having no permisions is interpretted as having all permissions (-A).
To give no permissions use:
deno run --allow-read --allow-run --main=main.ts allow-none