In equicopy/ set DEBUG = True
Activate a virtual environment
Start redis-server
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
python runserver
npm run serve
Go to http://localhost:8080
To start the scheduler Run (in 2 separate terminals):
celery -A equicopy beat -s <PATH>/celerybeat-schedule
celery -A equicopy worker -l INFO
Note: The dist
directory gets installed after the npm install
command is run.
This is required only for the production version and to use it run:
python collectstatic
gunicorn equicopy.wsgi
Go to
Update the URLs present in src/App.vue
And also update the credentials in server/utils/
And instead of using celery beat the Heroku Scheduler
add-on is installed.
Then push to heroku or use heroku local web
to test first.
Click Here (Also can be found in the Help button)
queries value should always be in Upper Case.
Append a *
to the string to perform prefix based search.
Else the string has to ben an exact match.
has been set to 2 (default).
You can perform the SC_NAME
query according to the following rules:
To add Numeric filters, seperate the queries with a &
And the value string containing ,
should have no spaces.
Decimal values are also allowed.
Possible Numeric filters include:
SC_NAME: CRES* & OPEN: 0.23,78.6 & LAST: 22.1,40