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Speed up quantile_ensemble_flex by forming model$A with one sparseMatrix call and specially treating tau_group runs #8

merged 8 commits into from
Jul 30, 2021
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions R-package/quantgen/DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ Type: Package
Title: Tools for generalized quantile modeling
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020-06-06
Authors@R: person(given = "Ryan", family = "Tibshirani",
role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "")
Authors@R: c(person(given = "Ryan", family = "Tibshirani",
role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""),
person(given = "Logan", family = "Brooks",
role = "aut", email = ""))
Description: Tools for generalized quantile modeling: regularized quantile
Expand All @@ -17,4 +19,8 @@ Imports:
Config/testthat/edition: 3

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R-package/quantgen/NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ importFrom(Matrix,Diagonal)
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192 changes: 142 additions & 50 deletions R-package/quantgen/R/quantile_ensemble.R
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Expand Up @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
#' \eqn{g}.
#' @importFrom Rglpk Rglpk_solve_LP
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @export

quantile_ensemble = function(qarr, y, tau, weights=NULL,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,12 +248,31 @@ quantile_ensemble_flex = function(qarr, y, tau, weights, tau_groups,
noncross=TRUE, q0=NULL,
lp_solver=c("glpk","gurobi"), time_limit=NULL,
params=list(), verbose=FALSE) {

# Check inputs

if (anyDuplicated(tau) != 0L || is.unsorted(tau) || any(tau < 0 | tau > 1)) {
stop ("Entries of `tau` must be distinct, sorted in increasing order, >=0, and <=1")

if (intercept && noncross) {
stop ("using multiple tau groups with intercept=TRUE and noncross=TRUE is currently unsupported")
# (Matrix formation needs to be debugged or verified for this case.)

# Set up some basic objects that we will need
n = dim(qarr)[1]
p = dim(qarr)[2]
r = dim(qarr)[3]
N = n*r; P=p*r
INN = Diagonal(N)
r_using_taus = dim(qarr)[3]
labels = unique(tau_groups); num_labels = length(labels)
tau_group_runs = rle(tau_groups)
if (verbose && noncross && anyDuplicated(tau_group_runs[["values"]]) != 0L) {
warning('`noncross=TRUE` but `tau_groups` are interleaved; you may want to unify any interleaved tau groups to guarantee they will not cross for any test data (e.g., `tau_groups=c("a","b","a")` -> `tau_groups=c("ab","ab","ab")')
r_using_runs = length(tau_group_runs[["lengths"]])
tau_group_run_inds = rep(seq_len(r_using_runs), tau_group_runs[["lengths"]])
N_using_taus = n*r_using_taus # number of residual vars --- n per quantile level
P_using_runs = p*r_using_runs # number of coefficient vars --- p per tau group run
model = list()

# Determine LP solver
Expand All @@ -261,8 +281,8 @@ quantile_ensemble_flex = function(qarr, y, tau, weights, tau_groups,
if (requireNamespace("gurobi", quietly=TRUE)) use_gurobi = TRUE
else warning("gurobi R package not installed, using Rglpk instead.")
# Gurobi setup

# Gurobi setup
if (use_gurobi) {
if (!is.null(time_limit)) params$TimeLimit = time_limit
if (is.null(params$LogToConsole)) params$LogToConsole = 0
Expand All @@ -278,99 +298,171 @@ quantile_ensemble_flex = function(qarr, y, tau, weights, tau_groups,

# Vector of objective coefficients
model$obj = c(rep(0,P), rep(weights, each=r))
model$obj = c(rep(0,P_using_runs), rep(weights, each=r_using_taus))

# Matrix of constraint coefficients
model$A = Matrix(0, nrow=2*N, ncol=P+N, sparse=TRUE)
model$sense = model$rhs = rep(NA, 2*N)
# `A_nrow` will serve a dual purpose of (a) keeping track of the current number
# of rows in A, updated after each row group is added, and (b) giving the
# offset that needs to be added to row indices of another matrix being rbound
# onto A as part of the rbinding process. Conceptually, A_nrow starts at 0L;
# an equivalent approach below only defines it after the first row group.
# `A_ncol` remains unchanged throughout
A_ncol = P_using_runs + N_using_taus
# The A matrix will be constructed from a list of "parts", rather than row
# groups. Most row groups will consist of one part each, but some (maybe just
# the residual constraint row groups) will consist of multiple parts. Parts
# must use the appropriate `i` values for the final A matrix (rather than
# relative values within their row group).
A_i_parts = list()
A_j_parts = list()
A_x_parts = list()
A_part_ind = 0L
model$sense = model$rhs = rep(NA, 2*N_using_taus)

# First part of residual constraint
for (k in 1:r) {
model$A[(k-1)*n + 1:n, (k-1)*p + 1:p] = tau[k] * qarr[,,k]
for (k in 1:r_using_taus) {
A_part_ind <- A_part_ind + 1L
A_i_parts[[A_part_ind]] = rep((k-1)*n + 1:n, p)
A_j_parts[[A_part_ind]] = rep((tau_group_run_inds[[k]]-1)*p + 1:p, each=n)
A_x_parts[[A_part_ind]] = as.vector(tau[[k]] * qarr[,,k])
model$sense[(k-1)*n + 1:n] = ">="
model$rhs[(k-1)*n + 1:n] = tau[k] * y
model$A[1:N, P + 1:N] = INN
A_part_ind <- A_part_ind + 1L
A_i_parts[[A_part_ind]] = 1:N_using_taus
A_j_parts[[A_part_ind]] = P_using_runs + 1:N_using_taus
A_x_parts[[A_part_ind]] = rep(1, N_using_taus)

# Second part of residual constraint
for (k in 1:r) {
model$A[(r+k-1)*n + 1:n, (k-1)*p + 1:p] = (tau[k]-1) * qarr[,,k]
model$sense[(r+k-1)*n + 1:n] = ">="
model$rhs[(r+k-1)*n + 1:n] = (tau[k]-1) * y
for (k in 1:r_using_taus) {
A_part_ind <- A_part_ind + 1L
A_i_parts[[A_part_ind]] = rep((r_using_taus+k-1)*n + 1:n, p)
A_j_parts[[A_part_ind]] = rep((tau_group_run_inds[[k]]-1)*p + 1:p, each=n)
A_x_parts[[A_part_ind]] = as.vector((tau[[k]]-1) * qarr[,,k])
model$sense[(r_using_taus+k-1)*n + 1:n] = ">="
model$rhs[(r_using_taus+k-1)*n + 1:n] = (tau[k]-1) * y
model$A[N + 1:N, P + 1:N] = INN
A_part_ind <- A_part_ind + 1L
A_i_parts[[A_part_ind]] = N_using_taus + 1:N_using_taus
A_j_parts[[A_part_ind]] = P_using_runs + 1:N_using_taus
A_x_parts[[A_part_ind]] = rep(1, N_using_taus)
A_nrow = 2L*N_using_taus

# Group equality constraints, if needed
labels = unique(tau_groups); num_labels = length(labels)
if (num_labels < r) {
B = Matrix(0, nrow=p*(r-num_labels), ncol=P+N, sparse=TRUE)
Ipp = Diagonal(p)
count = 0
if (num_labels < r_using_taus) {
for (label in labels) {
ind = which(tau_groups == label)
if (length(ind) > 1) {
for (k in 1:(length(ind)-1)) {
B[count + (k-1)*p + 1:p, (ind[k]-1)*p + 1:p] = -Ipp
B[count + (k-1)*p + 1:p, (ind[k+1]-1)*p + 1:p] = Ipp
count = count + (length(ind)-1)*p
absolute_run_inds_for_label = which(tau_group_runs[["values"]] == label)
for (left_relative_run_ind in seq_len(length(absolute_run_inds_for_label)-1)) {
right_relative_run_ind = left_relative_run_ind + 1L
left_absolute_run_ind = absolute_run_inds_for_label[[left_relative_run_ind]]
right_absolute_run_ind = absolute_run_inds_for_label[[right_relative_run_ind]]
A_part_ind <- A_part_ind + 1L
A_i_parts[[A_part_ind]] = A_nrow + c(1:p, 1:p)
A_j_parts[[A_part_ind]] = c((left_absolute_run_ind-1)*p + 1:p, (right_absolute_run_ind-1)*p + 1:p)
A_x_parts[[A_part_ind]] = c(rep(-1,p), rep(1,p))
A_nrow <- A_nrow + p
model$A = rbind(model$A, B)
model$sense = c(model$sense, rep(equal_sign, p*(r-num_labels)))
model$rhs = c(model$rhs, rep(0, p*(r-num_labels)))
model$sense = c(model$sense, rep(equal_sign, p*(r_using_runs-num_labels)))
model$rhs = c(model$rhs, rep(0, p*(r_using_runs-num_labels)))

# Unit sum constraints on alpha, if we're asked to
if (unit_sum) {
vec = rep(1,p); if (intercept) vec[1] = 0
B = Matrix(0, nrow=r, ncol=P+N, sparse=TRUE)
for (k in 1:r) B[k, (k-1)*p + 1:p] = vec
model$A = rbind(model$A, B)
model$sense = c(model$sense, rep(equal_sign, r))
model$rhs = c(model$rhs, rep(1, r))
A_part_ind <- A_part_ind + 1L
if (intercept) {
A_i_parts[[A_part_ind]] = A_nrow + rep(seq_len(r_using_runs), each=p-1L)
A_j_parts[[A_part_ind]] = rep(, P_using_runs-p, p), each=p-1L) +,p) # (recycling)
A_x_parts[[A_part_ind]] = rep(1, (p-1L)*r_using_runs)
} else {
A_i_parts[[A_part_ind]] = A_nrow + rep(seq_len(r_using_runs), each=p)
A_j_parts[[A_part_ind]] = seq_len(P_using_runs)
A_x_parts[[A_part_ind]] = rep(1, P_using_runs)
A_nrow <- A_nrow + r_using_runs
model$sense = c(model$sense, rep(equal_sign, r_using_runs))
model$rhs = c(model$rhs, rep(1, r_using_runs))

# Remove nonnegativity constraint on alpha, if we're asked to
if (!nonneg) {
if (use_gurobi) model$lb = c(rep(-Inf,P), rep(0,N))
else model$lb = list(lower=list(ind=1:P, val=rep(-Inf,P)))
if (use_gurobi) model$lb = c(rep(-Inf,P_using_runs), rep(0,N_using_taus))
else model$lb = list(lower=list(ind=1:P_using_runs, val=rep(-Inf,P_using_runs)))

# Remove nonnegativity constraint on intercepts, if needed
if (intercept && nonneg) {
if (use_gurobi) model$lb = c(rep(c(-Inf, rep(0,p-1)), r), rep(0,N))
else model$lb = list(lower=list(ind=(0:(r-1))*p + 1, val=rep(-Inf,r)))
if (use_gurobi) model$lb = c(rep(c(-Inf, rep(0,p-1)), r_using_runs), rep(0,N_using_taus))
else model$lb = list(lower=list(ind=(0:(r_using_runs-1))*p + 1, val=rep(-Inf,r_using_runs)))

# Noncrossing constraints, if we're asked to
if (noncross) {
n0 = dim(q0)[1]
B = Matrix(0, nrow=n0*(r-1), ncol=N+P, sparse=TRUE)
for (k in 1:(r-1)) {
B[(k-1)*n0 + 1:n0, (k-1)*p + 1:p] = -q0[,,k]
B[(k-1)*n0 + 1:n0, k*p + 1:p] = q0[,,k+1]
if (nonneg && !any(apply(q0, 1:2, is.unsorted))) {
# In this case, we can form noncrossing constraints by run rather than by
# tau. For two taus within the same run or group, we already have that
# group_coefs dot q0[i,,k1] <= group_coefs dot q0[i,,k2] for k1 <= k2
# using nonnegativity and sortedness.
ks_for_run_ends = cumsum(tau_group_runs[["lengths"]])
for (left_absolute_run_ind in 1:(r_using_runs-1)) {
right_absolute_run_ind = left_absolute_run_ind + 1L
A_part_ind <- A_part_ind + 1L
A_i_parts[[A_part_ind]] = A_nrow + c(rep(seq_len(n0), p),
rep(seq_len(n0), p))
A_j_parts[[A_part_ind]] = c(rep(( left_absolute_run_ind-1L)*p + 1:p, each=n0),
rep((right_absolute_run_ind-1L)*p + 1:p, each=n0))
A_x_parts[[A_part_ind]] = c(-q0[,,ks_for_run_ends[[left_absolute_run_ind]] ],
A_nrow <- A_nrow + n0
model$sense = c(model$sense, rep(">=", n0*(r_using_runs-1)))
model$rhs = c(model$rhs, rep(0, n0*(r_using_runs-1)))
} else {
for (k in 1:(r_using_taus-1)) {
A_part_ind <- A_part_ind + 1L
A_i_parts[[A_part_ind]] = A_nrow + c(rep(seq_len(n0), p),
rep(seq_len(n0), p))
A_j_parts[[A_part_ind]] = c(rep((tau_group_run_inds[[k ]]-1L)*p + 1:p, each=n0),
rep((tau_group_run_inds[[k+1L]]-1L)*p + 1:p, each=n0))
A_x_parts[[A_part_ind]] = c(-q0[,,k ],
A_nrow <- A_nrow + n0
model$sense = c(model$sense, rep(">=", n0*(r_using_taus-1)))
model$rhs = c(model$rhs, rep(0, n0*(r_using_taus-1)))
model$A = rbind(model$A, B)
model$sense = c(model$sense, rep(">=", n0*(r-1)))
model$rhs = c(model$rhs, rep(0, n0*(r-1)))

# Build model$A from parts:
model$A = new("dgTMatrix", # `d`ouble-type entries, `g`eneral structure, `T`sparse (ijx format)
i = as.integer(, A_i_parts[seq_len(A_part_ind)])) - 1L,
j = as.integer(, A_j_parts[seq_len(A_part_ind)])) - 1L,
x = as.numeric(, A_x_parts[seq_len(A_part_ind)])),
Dim = as.integer(c(A_nrow, A_ncol))

# Call Gurobi's LP solver, store results
if (use_gurobi) {
a = gurobi::gurobi(model=model, params=params)
alpha = matrix(a$x[1:P],p,r)
alpha_for_runs = matrix(a$x[1:P_using_runs],p,r_using_runs)
status = a$status

# Call GLPK's LP solver, store results
else {
a = Rglpk_solve_LP(obj=model$obj, mat=model$A, dir=model$sense,
rhs=model$rhs, bounds=model$lb, control=params)
alpha = matrix(a$solution[1:P],p,r)
alpha_for_runs = matrix(a$solution[1:P_using_runs],p,r_using_runs)
status = a$status

# alpha_for_runs is p x r_using_runs, while the output alpha is expected to be
# p x r_using_taus; duplicate appropriately:
alpha = alpha_for_runs[,, tau_group_runs[["lengths"]]), drop=FALSE]

return(enlist(alpha, status))

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions R-package/quantgen/tests/testthat.R
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# random number generation is reproducible using withr functions

withr::with_rng_version("3.6.0", withr::with_seed(8899587L, rnorm(5L)))
[1] -0.5220935 0.1550776 0.7199733 0.3463515 -1.5900384


withr::with_rng_version("3.6.0", withr::with_seed(8899587L, rexp(5L)))
[1] 0.8963576 1.1547206 0.1232399 1.2111650 0.5284585
