The purpose of this tutorial is to document the step by step on how to create a React-MUI-TypeScript Template from scratch, so that it will serve as a reference guide for myself and for others.
- React App with TypeScript template:
npx create-react-app react-mui-ts-template --template typescript
cd react-mui-ts-template
- Go to package.json file and rearrange dependencies as follow (keep your current versions):
"dependencies": { "react": "^18.2.0", "react-dom": "^18.2.0", "react-scripts": "5.0.1", "web-vitals": "^2.1.4" }, "devDependencies": { "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.4", "@testing-library/react": "^13.3.0", "@testing-library/user-event": "^13.5.0", "@types/jest": "^27.5.2", "@types/node": "^16.11.42", "@types/react": "^18.0.14", "@types/react-dom": "^18.0.5", "typescript": "^4.7.4" },
- Save
- Delete node_modules and package-lock.json file
npm install
npm i sass --save-dev
- MUI (Material UI):
npm i @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
npm i @fontsource/roboto
npm i @mui/icons-material
npm i @mui/x-date-pickers
- react-i18next:
npm i i18next react-i18next
npm i i18next-browser-languagedetector
- env-cmd:
npm i env-cmd --save-dev
- Stylelint:
npm i stylelint stylelint-config-standard-scss --save-dev
- ESLint:
npm i eslint --save-dev
npm init @eslint/config
- To check syntax, find problems, and enforce code style
- JavaScript modules (import/export)
- React
- Does your project use TypeScript? › Yes
- Where does your code run? › Browser
- Use a popular style guide › Standard:
- What format do you want your config file to be in? › JavaScript
- Would you like to install them now? › Yes
- Which package manager do you want to use? › npm
- Storybook:
npx storybook init
- Do you want to run the 'eslintPlugin' migration on your project? › y
- Do you want to run the 'npm7' migration on your project? » (Y/n) › y
npm i --save-dev react-docgen-typescript-plugin
- React Router
npm i react-router-dom@6
3. Add .editorconfig
- Create .editorconfig file at the app's root level
- Add the following configuration:
# EditorConfig helps maintain consistent coding styles # for multiple developers working on the same project. # Learn more: root = true [*] charset = utf-8 end_of_line = lf indent_size = 2 indent_style = space insert_final_newline = true trim_trailing_whitespace = true
- Save twice (the 2nd save is to apply coding style to the .editorconfig file)
4. Update package.json
- Add description after version:
"description": "React, MUI and TypeScript template",
- Set the package as public:
"private": false,
- Add the homepage URL after private:
"homepage": "./",
- Add keywords after homepage:
"keywords": [ "emotion", "es6", "eslint", "hooks", "i18next", "jest", "mui", "react", "roboto", "router", "sass", "spa", "storybook", "stylelint", "typescript", "vscode" ],
- Replace scripts object with the following:
"scripts": { "build": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.production react-scripts build", "build:d": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.development react-scripts build", "build:l": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.local react-scripts build", "build:q": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/ react-scripts build", "build:s": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.staging react-scripts build", "eject": "react-scripts eject", "init": "npm ci --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund", "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx src/", "lint:f": "eslint --fix --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx src/", "sb-build": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.production build-storybook -s public -o ./out/storybook/production", "sb-build:d": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.development build-storybook -s public -o ./out/storybook/development", "sb-build:l": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.local build-storybook -s public -o ./out/storybook/local", "sb-build:q": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/ build-storybook -s public -o ./out/storybook/qa", "sb-build:s": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.staging build-storybook -s public -o ./out/storybook/staging", "sbook": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.local start-storybook -p 4002 -s public", "sbook-https": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.https.local start-storybook -p 4003 -s public --https --ssl-cert localhost.pem --ssl-key localhost-key.pem", "slint": "stylelint \"src/**/*.{css,scss}\"", "slint:f": "stylelint --fix \"src/**/*.{css,scss}\"", "start": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.local react-scripts start", "start-https": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.https.local react-scripts start", "test": "env-cmd --no-override -f ./.env-override/.env.test react-scripts test --env=jsdom --coverage --coverageDirectory='./out/coverage' --watchAll=false" },
- Remove eslintConfig object
- Add jest object after scripts:
"jest": { "collectCoverageFrom": [ "src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx", "!src/**/*.stories.tsx", "!src/index.tsx", "!src/react-app-env.d.ts", "!src/util/web-vitals.ts", "!src/app/index.tsx" ] },
- Save
5. Update tsconfig.json
- Add the following comments before compilerOptions:
// Specifies the root files and the compiler options required // to compile the TypeScript project. // Learn more:
- Enable ES6 features:
"target": "es6",
- Disable TypeScript incremental compilation (I had experienced cache issues with it):
"incremental": false,
- Put lib on a single line:
"lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
- Sort compilerOptions items by selecting all of them and pressing
(SortLines Plugin) - Remove trailing comma from the last item of compilerOptions
- Replace include array with the following:
"include": ["src/**/*"]
- Save
6. Update .eslintrc
- Rename .eslintrc.js to .eslintrc
- Remove
module.exports =
(the file is now a JSON document) - Remove semicolon at the end of the file
- Replace all single quotes by double quotes
- Enclose all property names in double quotes
- Add the following comments before env:
// EsLint helps to check syntax, find problems, and enforce a code style. // Learn more:
- Add
"jest": true
to the"env"
object - Replace extends array with the following:
"extends": [ "eslint:recommended", "plugin:react/recommended", "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended", "plugin:jest/recommended", "plugin:storybook/recommended" ],
- Replace plugins array with the following:
"plugins": [ "react", "react-hooks", "@typescript-eslint" ],
- Replace rules object with the following:
"rules": { "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function": "off", "comma-dangle": ["error", "always-multiline"], "jsx-a11y/alt-text": "off", "max-len": ["error", { "code": 120, "tabWidth": 2, "ignoreComments": true, "ignoreTrailingComments": true, "ignoreUrls": true, "ignoreStrings": true, "ignoreTemplateLiterals": true, "ignoreRegExpLiterals": true }], "no-duplicate-imports": "error", "no-empty": "off", "no-plusplus": "off", "no-shadow": "off", "quotes": ["error", "single"], "react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "warn", "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error", "react/function-component-definition": "off", "react/jsx-filename-extension": ["error", { "extensions": [".tsx"] }], "react/jsx-indent-props": ["error", 2], "react/jsx-props-no-spreading": "off", "react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off" },
- Add settings object after rules:
"settings": { "import/resolver": { "node": { "extensions": [".js", ".jsx", ".ts", ".tsx"] } }, "react": { "version": "detect" } }
- Add parser after overrides,
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
- Add ecmaFeatures inside parserOptions,
"parserOptions": { "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": true }, },
- Save
7. Add .eslintignore
- Create .eslintignore file at the app's root level
- Add the following configuration:
# Tells ESLint to ignore specific files and directories. # Learn more: node_modules/ out/
- Save
8. Add .stylelintrc
- Create .stylelintrc file at the app's root level
- Add the following configuration:
{ "extends": "stylelint-config-standard-scss", "rules": { "declaration-no-important": true, } }
- Save
9. Add VS Code Settings
- Create .vscode folder at the app's root level
- Inside .vscode folder, create extensions.json file with the following configuration:
{ // Workspace recommended extensions. // Learn more: "recommendations": [ "christian-kohler.npm-intellisense", "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint", "editorconfig.editorconfig", "mikestead.dotenv", "sibiraj-s.vscode-scss-formatter", "silvenon.mdx", "stylelint.vscode-stylelint", "tyriar.sort-lines", "vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons" ] }
- Save
- Inside .vscode folder, create launch.json file with the following configuration:
{ // Launch Chrome when debugging from VS Code. // Learn more: "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "chrome", "request": "launch", "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost", "url": "http://localhost:4000", "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}" } ] }
- Save
- Inside .vscode folder, create settings.json file with the following configuration:
{ // VS Code workspace settings. // Learn more: "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll": true }, "files.eol": "\n", "javascript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single", "search.exclude": { "node_modules": true, "out": true, "package-lock.json": true }, "css.validate": false, "scss.validate": false, "stylelint.validate": ["css", "scss"], "[scss]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "sibiraj-s.vscode-scss-formatter" }, "files.associations": { ".env.https.local": "dotenv" } }
- Save
10. Update .gitignore
- Replace .gitignore with the following content:
# See for more about ignoring files. # dependencies /node_modules /.pnp .pnp.js # production /out # misc .DS_Store # certificates *.pem # log npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log*
- Save
11. Add Environment Files
- Create .env file at the app's root level
- Add the following configuration:
# This file defines variables common to all environments. # Variables in this file will be overridden by each specific environment. # Shell variables never get overridden. # Name variables beginning with "REACT_APP_". # Access variables from the "process.env." object. # Restart the development server every time you change a variable. # Learn more: # Advanced config: # Path to resolve SASS imports. # Ref: SASS_PATH='./src/styles' # Package Name and Version come from the package.json file. # They are used to render App Info in some places, for example # in the Storybook intro page, or in the App <title>. REACT_APP_PACKAGE_NAME=${npm_package_name} REACT_APP_PACKAGE_VERSION=${npm_package_version} # Lets you find common bugs in your components early during development. # Learn more: REACT_APP_SCRICT_MODE=false
- Save
- Create .env-override folder at the app's root level
- Inside .env-override folder, create the following files:
- .env.development
# Variables in this file are injected by the following scripts: # - "build:d" Builds the App to `out/build/development` # - "sb-build:d" Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/development` # Don't touch BUILD_PATH='./out/build/development' REACT_APP_ENV='development' # Add variables below, starting with REACT_APP_ REACT_APP_API_URL='' REACT_APP_SCRICT_MODE=true
- .env.https.local
# Variables in this file are injected by the following scripts: # - "start-https" Runs the App in https://localhost:4001 (HTTPS) # - "sbook-https" Runs Storybook in https://localhost:4003 (HTTPS) # Don't touch PORT=4001 HTTPS=true SSL_CRT_FILE=localhost.pem SSL_KEY_FILE=localhost-key.pem REACT_APP_ENV='local' # Add variables below, starting with REACT_APP_ REACT_APP_API_URL='https://localhost:5000/api/v1' REACT_APP_SCRICT_MODE=true
- .env.local
# Variables in this file are injected by the following scripts: # - "start" Runs the App in http://localhost:4000 # - "sbook" Runs Storybook in http://localhost:4002 # - "build:l" Builds the App to `out/build/local` # - "sb-build:l" Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/local` # Don't touch PORT=4000 HTTPS=false BUILD_PATH='./out/build/local' REACT_APP_ENV='local' # Add variables below, starting with REACT_APP_ REACT_APP_API_URL='http://localhost:5001/api/v1' REACT_APP_SCRICT_MODE=true
- .env.production
# Variables in this file are injected by the following scripts: # - "build" Builds the App to `out/build/production` # - "sb-build" Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/production` # Don't touch BUILD_PATH='./out/build/production' REACT_APP_ENV='production' # Add variables below, starting with REACT_APP_ REACT_APP_API_URL=''
# Variables in this file are injected by the following scripts: # - "build:q" Builds the App to `out/build/qa` # - "sb-build:q" Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/qa` # Don't touch BUILD_PATH='./out/build/qa' REACT_APP_ENV='qa' # Add variables below, starting with REACT_APP_ REACT_APP_API_URL=''
- .env.staging
# Variables in this file are injected by the following scripts: # - "build:s" Builds the App to `out/build/staging` # - "sb-build:s" Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/staging` # Don't touch BUILD_PATH='./out/build/staging' REACT_APP_ENV='staging' # Add variables below, starting with REACT_APP_ REACT_APP_API_URL=''
- .env.test
# Variables in this file are injected by the following scripts: # - "test" Executes Unit Tests outputting to `out/coverage` # Don't touch REACT_APP_ENV='test' # Add variables below, starting with REACT_APP_ REACT_APP_API_URL==''
- .env.development
- Create LICENSE file at the app's root level
- Add the following terms:
MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Juan Cuartas Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
- Save
13. Update
- Replace with the following content:
# React, MUI and TypeScript Template This template is intended to help you start a new `React SPA` project from scratch with a comprehensive file structure, required dependencies, built-in configurations, example components and good practices for React Web Development. The project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( following this [Tutorial]( Below you will find some information about main features and how to perform common tasks. ## Supported Language Features This project supports a superset of the latest `JavaScript`/`TypeScript` standard. In addition to [ES6]( syntax features, it also supports: - [Exponentiation Operator]( (ES2016) - [Async/await]( (ES2017) - [Object Rest/Spread Properties]( (ES2018) - [Dynamic import()]( (stage 4 proposal) - [Class Fields and Static Properties]( (part of stage 3 proposal) - [TSX]( and [TypeScript]( Constant enums and namespaces are not supported, you can learn about the constraints of using [Babel with TypeScript here]( ## Core Libraries - [React 18.2.0]( with `React Scripts 5.0.1` - [SASS 1.60.0]( with [CSS Modules]( - [MUI 5.11.14]( with `Emotion` styling engine, `Roboto Fonts` and `Material Icons` - [TypeScript 5.0.2]( with [ES6]( - [I18next 22.4.13]( for internationalization - [React Router 6.9.0]( for the routing system ## Documentation Tools - [Storybook 6.5.16]( to document components ## Code Quality & Performance - [ESLint 8.36.0]( with `TypeScript`, `React`, `React Hooks` and `Jest` configuration - [Stylelint 15.3.0]( to analyse `CSS`/`SCSS` files - [Jest 27.5.2]( to test `JavaScript`/`TypeScript` files - [React Testing Library 13.4.0]( to test components - [Web Vitals 2.1.4]( to meassure performance ## Built-in Settings - [.editorconfig]( settings to standardize charset, ending of lines and indentation - [.vscode]( settings with integrated Chrome Debugger, faster search results and auto-format on save - [Environment files]( for `Local`, `Test`, `Development`, `QA`, `Staging` and `Production` ## Environment Quick Setup 1. Install [NodeJs]( 2. Install [Git]( 3. Install [VS Code]( 4. Install VS Code recomented extensions: * [DotENV]( * [ESLint]( * [EditorConfig]( * [Icons]( * [MDX]( * [NpmIntellisense]( * [SCSS Formatter]( * [SortLines]( * [Stylelint]( 5. Install [React Developer Tools]( for Google Chrome ## Running & Debugging the application for the first time 1. Open a new [VS Code]( window: - `File` > `New Window` 3. Open a parent folder that will host this project (e.g. `~/Projects`): - `File` > `Open Folder` 4. Open a new terminal: - `Terminal` > `New Terminal` 5. Clone repo: - `git clone` 6. Install project dependencies: - `cd react-mui-ts-template` - `npm run init` (performs a [Clean Install]( 7. Restart VS Code to refresh TypeScript Intellisense, otherwise you might see errors in the editor: - Close VS Code - Open a new VS Code window - Open the folder where the project was cloned 8. Start the application: - Open a new terminal - `npm start` 9. Start debugging in VS Code: - Press `F5` or click on `Run and Debug` > `Green Debug Icon` - You can set breakpoints and inspect components in the [React Developer Tools]( ## Available Scripts | Command | Description | Evironment File | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `npm run init` | Installs project dependencies for the first time | N/A | | `npm run lint` | Analyses **JavaSript**/**TypeScript** code | N/A | | `npm run lint:f` | Try to fix **JavaSript**/**TypeScript** errors | N/A | | `npm run slint` | Analyses **CSS**/**SCSS** styles | N/A | | `npm run slint:f` | Try to fix **CSS**/**SCSS** errors | N/A | | `npm test` | Executes Unit Tests outputting to `out/coverage` | .env.test | | `npm start` | Runs the App in http://localhost:4000 | .env.local | | `npm run start-https` | Runs the App in https://localhost:4001 (HTTPS) | .env.https.local | | `npm run build:l` | Builds the App to `out/build/local` | .env.local | | `npm run build:d` | Builds the App to `out/build/development` | .env.development | | `npm run build:q` | Builds the App to `out/build/qa` | | | `npm run build:s` | Builds the App to `out/build/staging` | .env.staging | | `npm run build` | Builds the App to `out/build/production` | .env.production | | `npm run sbook` | Runs Storybook in http://localhost:4002 | .env.local | | `npm run sbook-https` | Runs Storybook in https://localhost:4003 (HTTPS) | .env.https.local | | `npm run sb-build:l` | Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/local` | .env.local | | `npm run sb-build:d` | Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/development` | .env.development | | `npm run sb-build:q` | Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/qa` | | | `npm run sb-build:s` | Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/staging` | .env.staging | | `npm run sb-build` | Builds Storybook to `out/storybook/production` | .env.production | ## Project Structure After cloning, your project should look like this: ``` 📦 react-mui-ts-template ├── 📜 .editorconfig EditorConfig settings ├── 📜 .env Variables common to all environments ├── 📜 .eslintignore Folders and files ignored by ESLint ├── 📜 .eslintrc ESLint configuration ├── 📜 .gitignore Folders and files ignored by Git ├── 📜 .npmrc Npm settings ├── 📜 .stylelintrc Stylelint configuration ├── 📜 LICENSE License information ├── 📜 package-lock.json Npm dependency tree to recreate node_modules ├── 📜 package.json Project dependencies, scripts and more ├── 📜 Project documentation ├── 📜 tsconfig.json TypeScript configuration ├── 📂 .env-override │ ├── 📜 .env.development Environment variables for Development │ ├── 📜 .env.https.local Environment variables for Local (HTTPS) │ ├── 📜 .env.local Environment variables for Local │ ├── 📜 .env.production Environment variables for Production │ ├── 📜 Environment variables for QA │ ├── 📜 .env.staging Environment variables for Staging │ └── 📜 .env.test Environment variables for Unit Test ├── 📂 .storybook │ ├── 📜 favicon.svg Favicon for Storybook │ ├── 📜 main.js Storybook server behavior │ ├── 📜 manager.js Customize how Storybook App renders │ └── 📜 preview.js Global code that applies to all stories ├── 📂 .vscode │ ├── 📜 extensions.json Recomended extensions to load in VS Code │ ├── 📜 launch.json Launch Chrome against localhost │ └── 📜 settings.json Settings for VS Code ├── 📂 public │ ├── 📜 favicon.ico The icon found in the URL address bar │ ├── 📜 index.html HTML where the React App is rendered │ ├── 📜 logo192.png PWA icon (192x192) │ ├── 📜 logo512.png PWA icon (512x512) │ ├── 📜 manifest.json Metadata to install the App as a PWA │ └── 📜 robots.txt Instructions for search crawlers └── 📂 src ├── 📜 index.tsx The application entry point ├── 📜 react-app-env.d.ts TypeScript declarations for React App ├── 📜 setupTests.ts Global setup before running tests ├── 📂 app │ └── 📜 index.tsx The main App component with routes ├── 📂 components/HelloWorld │ ├── 📜 index.module.scss Component styles │ ├── 📜 index.stories.tsx Storybook documentation │ ├── 📜 index.test.tsx Jest testing file │ └── 📜 index.tsx Example component definition ├── 📂 lang │ ├── 📜 index.ts i18next configuration │ ├── 📜 resources.en.json Application texts in English │ └── 📜 Application texts in Spanish ├── 📂 pages │ └── ... React components for each page ├── 📂 stories │ └── ... Files for the Storybook intro page ├── 📂 styles │ ├── 📜 _reset.scss Simple CSS reset for consistent styles │ └── 📜 main.scss Main SASS file └── 📂 util └── 📜 web-vitals.ts Web Vitals reporting ``` For the project to build, these files must exist with exact filenames: - `public/index.html` is the page template - `src/index.tsx` is the TypeScript entry point You may create subdirectories inside `src`. For faster rebuilds, only files inside `src` are processed by webpack. You need to put any TypeScript and SCSS files inside `src`, otherwise webpack won’t see them. Only files inside public can be used from `public/index.html`. ## File extensions Most of the files you will create in the `src` folder will be **TypeScript**, **TypeScript with React** or **SASS**: - `.ts`: TypeScript files (Don't use `.js`). Use it for: - Utilities. e.g. `arrays.ts` - Test of utilities. e.g. `arrays.test.ts` - `.tsx`: TypeScript with React (Don't use `.jsx`). Use it for: - Components. e.g. `HelloWorld/index.tsx` - Test of components. e.g. `HelloWorld/index.test.tsx` - Storybook stories. e.g. `HelloWorld/index.stories.tsx` - `.scss`: Superset of CSS (Don't use `.css`). Use it for: - Global styles. e.g. `main.css` - Component styles. e.g. `HelloWorld/index.module.scss` ## Adding a Stylesheet This project supports [Sass]( alongside [CSS Modules]( - `Sass` is CSS with superpowers - `CSS Modules` scopes CSS by automatically creating a unique **className** `Sass` supports two syntaxes: - `.scss`: Is an extension of CSS where every valid CSS is a valid **.scss** as well - `.sass`: Is an older indented syntax not recommended for use in new **Sass** files In this project we use the `.scss` syntax. To express that a component depends on a **.scss module**, you should use the `[name].module.scss` convention: ```tsx import styles from './index.module.scss'; function MyComponent() { return <div className={styles.myClass}>My Component</div>; } ``` In development, expressing dependencies this way allows your styles to be reloaded on the fly as you edit them. In production, all `.scss` files will be concatenated into a single minified `.css` file in the build output. To share variables between **Sass** files, you can use Sass's [@use]( rule. There is a `SASS_PATH` variable in the `.env` file that is used to locate `.scss` files. Supposing that `SASS_PATH='./src/styles'` and that you have `_colors.scss` in that directory, then you can use it like this: ```scss @use 'colors'; .info { color: colors.$primary; } ``` For information about how to structure a SASS codebase using the **7-1 Pattern** you can read this [article]( or take a look to the following [boilerplate]( ## Adding Images and Files With webpack, using static assets like images and files works similarly to `SCSS`. To reduce the number of requests to the server, importing images that are less than 10,000 bytes returns a data URI instead of a path. This applies to the following file extensions: bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, and png. You can control the 10,000 byte threshold by setting the `IMAGE_INLINE_SIZE_LIMIT` environment variable as documented in the [advanced configuration]( ```tsx import logo from './logo.png'; function Header() { return <img src={logo} alt="Logo" />; } ``` ## Using HTTPS in Local Environment You may require the local server to run the App or Storybook over [HTTPS]( - Use `npm run start-https` to run the APP over HTTPS - Use `npm run sbook-https` to run Storybook over HTTPS Note that you might get an error in the console telling that `localhost.pem` or `localhost-key.pem` files can't be found. This is because when running the App over HTTPS a valid **Certificate Authority** and an **SSL certificate** are needed. To generate those files use [mkcert]( - You need a package manager to install **mkcert**: - **MacOS**: Use Homebrew (`brew install mkcert`) - **Linux**: Use Certutil - **Windows**: Use Chocolatey - Once installed **mkcert**: - Open a terminal at the root of the project - Create a locally trusted CA with `mkcert -install` - Generate an SSL certificate with `mkcert localhost` - `localhost.pem` and `localhost-key.pem` will be generated - Note that these files are included in the `.gitignore` ## Working in StrictMode `<StrictMode>` lets you find common bugs in your components early during development. It also helps you to prepare your app for the future. You can read more about it [here]( Strict Mode enables the following development-only behaviors: - Your components will re-render an extra time to find bugs caused by impure rendering - Your components will re-run Effects an extra time to find bugs caused by missing Effect cleanup - Your components will be checked for usage of deprecated APIs. To enabble/disable StrictMode you can use the `REACT_APP_STRICT_MODE` environment variable. By default it's set to `true` in the following files: - `.env.development` - `.env.https.local` - `.env.local` ## Working Guidelines - Never delete and re-generate the `package-lock.json` file from scratch, it will break the App and Storybook! Let `npm` update that file every time you install a new dependency - Create reusable components inside the `src/components` folder. Define each component in its own folder with the following structure: ``` ├── 📂 src/components/MyComponent Component name in PascalCase ├── 📜 index.module.cs Component styles (optional) ├── 📜 index.stories.tsx Storybook documentation ├── 📜 index.test.tsx Jest testing file └── 📜 index.tsx Component definition ``` - Prefer [Function Components]( over **Class Components**, they offer almost the same: state and lifecycle methods, with the plus they are more lightway, have a sophisticated API and require less code. With the introduction of [React Hooks]( it's possible to write your entire application with just functions as React Components: ```tsx // External imports import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import { BoxProps } from '@mui/material'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; // Local imports import styles from './index.module.scss'; // Component props export interface MyComponentProps { /** * The box container styles. * See: */ box?: BoxProps } // Component definition function MyComponent({ box } : MyComponentProps) { const { t } = useTranslation(); const defaults = MyComponent.defaultProps; const boxProps = {, } as BoxProps; return ( <Box className={} {...boxProps}> {t('hello-world')} </Box> ); } // Default props MyComponent.defaultProps = { box: { sx: { background: 'blue' }, }, }; // Default export export default MyComponent; ``` - Use default `imports` and `exports` when a module only exports a single thing (for example, a component). Named exports are useful for utility modules that export several functions. A module may have at most one default export and as many named exports as you like. - In general use [Trailing Commas]( (except on `JSON` files), many coding styles now recommend using them all the time because they make it easier to add new parameters to your functions or copy/paste properties in arrays and objects and also helps with producing cleaner diff output - Add your own environment variables to the `.env-override/.env.local` file, this file should not be commited - Before running or building this application always run linters and unit tests ## Troubleshooting - **When running `npm run lint` you get this error: "Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF'"** - This happens because on Windows, Git converts linebreaks from `LF` to `CRLF` when you checkout the code, but esLint is configured to accept valid ending of lines as `LF` (unix style) - To avoid Git converting from `LF` to `CRLF`, run the following commands: ```shell git config --global core.autocrlf false git config --global core.eol lf git rm --cached -r . git reset --hard ``` - **On VS Code you get this errors: "JSX element implicitly has type 'any'..."** - This happens because your Typescript IntelliSense is not working properly - To fix it reload your code editor: `Ctrl + p` > `Developer: Reload Window` ## More Topics - [Configuring Supported Browsers]( - [Updating React to New Releases]( ## Documentation & Training - [Official React Documentation]( - [React Function Components]( - [The TypeScript Handbook]( - [ES6]( - [Sass Basics]( - [MUI Crash Course]( - [MUI From Zero to Hero]( - [MUI Components]( - [MUI Templates]( ## Creator **Juan Cuartas** ## Copyright and License Code and documentation released under [the MIT license](
- Save
- Go to src folder and delete the following files:
- App.css
- App.test.tsx
- App.tsx
- index.css
- logo.svg
15. Update reportWebVitals.ts
- Create src/util folder
- Move reportWebVitals.ts file to that folder:
- Update imports for 'reportWebVitals.ts'? > Yes (VS Code)
- Rename reportWebVitals.ts to web-vitals.ts:
- Update imports for 'reportWebVitals.ts'? > Yes (VS Code)
- Replace web-vitals.ts with the following code:
// Web Vitals is an initiative by Google to provide unified guidance // for quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user // experience on the web. // Learn more: import { ReportHandler } from 'web-vitals'; // Initializes Web Vitals with a custom reporter const reportWebVitals = (onPerfEntry?: ReportHandler) => { if (onPerfEntry && onPerfEntry instanceof Function) { import('web-vitals').then(({ getCLS, getFID, getFCP, getLCP, getTTFB, }) => { getCLS(onPerfEntry); getFID(onPerfEntry); getFCP(onPerfEntry); getLCP(onPerfEntry); getTTFB(onPerfEntry); }); } }; // Default export export default reportWebVitals;
- Save
- Open pubic/index.html file
- After the
link reference, add the following:<!-- The easiest way to set up icon fonts for use in any web page is through Google Fonts See: --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
- Replace the title by the following:
- Save
- Create src/styles folder
- Inside src/styles folder, create _reset.scss file with the following styles:
/** * A simple set of CSS rules that resets the styling * of all HTML elements to a consistent baseline. */ *, *::before, *::after { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } html { font-size: 100%; /* 1rem = 16px */ } body { font-size: 1rem; /* 16px */ font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; }
- Save
- Inside src/styles folder, create main.scss file with the following styles:
// External imports @import "@fontsource/roboto/300.css"; @import "@fontsource/roboto/400.css"; @import "@fontsource/roboto/500.css"; @import "@fontsource/roboto/700.css"; // Local imports @import "reset";
- Save
18. Configure i18next
- Create src/lang folder
- Inside src/lang folder, create resources.en.json file with the following content:
{ "hello-world": "Hello World!" }
- Save
- Inside src/lang folder, create file with the following content:
{ "hello-world": "¡Hola Mundo!" }
- Save
- Inside src/lang folder, create index.ts file with the following code:
/** * react-i18next is a powerful internationalization framework for * React/ReactNative which is based on i18next. * Learn more: */ // External imports import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector'; import i18n from 'i18next'; import { initReactI18next } from 'react-i18next'; // Local imports import resourcesEn from './resources.en.json'; import resourcesEs from './'; // Init the i18next module with the resource files const initI18n = () => { i18n .use(LanguageDetector) .use(initReactI18next) .init({ resources: { en: { translations: { ...resourcesEn }, }, es: { translations: { ...resourcesEs }, }, }, fallbackLng: 'en', debug: false, ns: ['translations'], defaultNS: 'translations', keySeparator: false, interpolation: { escapeValue: false, }, }); }; // Default export export default initI18n;
- Save
19. Configure Storybook
- Open .storybook/main.js file:
- Add the following comments at the top of the file:
/** * This file controls the Storybook server's behavior. * You must restart Storybook’s process when you change it. * Learn more: */
- Disable Telemetry:
"core": { ... "disableTelemetry": true, }
- Add typescript and webpackFinal after core:
"typescript": { "reactDocgen": 'react-docgen-typescript-plugin' }, "webpackFinal": async (config) => { injectEnvVariables(config); return config; },
- Add injectEnvVariables after module.exports:
// Manually inject environment variables into the webpack config object. // Note that otherwise, only `STORYBOOK_*` prefix env vars are supported. // Ref: function injectEnvVariables(config) { const findPlugin = (name) => config.plugins.find( ({ constructor }) => constructor && === name, ); const definePlugin = findPlugin('DefinePlugin'); const interpolateHtmlPlugin = findPlugin('InterpolateHtmlPlugin'); const definitions = Object.keys(definePlugin.definitions); const replacements = Object.keys(interpolateHtmlPlugin.replacements); const isMissingKey = (key) => !definitions.includes(`process.env.${key}`); const missingKeys = replacements.filter(isMissingKey); missingKeys.forEach((key) => { definePlugin.definitions[`process.env.${key}`] = JSON.stringify( interpolateHtmlPlugin.replacements[key], ); }); };
- Add trailing commas where missing
- Save
- Open .storybook/preview.js file:
- Add the following code at the top of the file:
/** * Use preview.js for global code that applies to all stories. * Learn more: */ import { addParameters } from '@storybook/client-api'; import initI18n from '../src/lang'; import '../src/styles/main.scss'; // Global initialization initI18n();
- Save
- Create .storybook/favicon.svg file with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg width="16px" height="20px" viewBox="0 0 16 20" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>storybook-icon/default</title> <defs> <path d="M0.620279251,18.4293378 L0.000720094879,1.92089246 C-0.0197415137,1.37568327 0.398305374,0.913624829 0.942835893,0.879591672 L14.984425,0.00199234997 C15.5386921,-0.0326493419 16.016097,0.388590257 16.0507387,0.942857327 C16.0520438,0.963739972 16.0526969,0.984658267 16.0526969,1.00558166 L16.0526969,18.9944525 C16.0526969,19.549801 15.6024979,20 15.0471494,20 C15.0321047,20 15.017062,19.9996624 15.0020325,19.9989873 L1.58000252,19.3961612 C1.05726753,19.3726835 0.639903368,18.9522316 0.620279251,18.4293378 Z" id="path-1"></path> </defs> <g id="storybook-icon/default" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <mask id="mask-2" fill="white"> <use xlink:href="#path-1"></use> </mask> <use id="path1_fill-path" fill="#FF4785" fill-rule="nonzero" xlink:href="#path-1"></use> <path d="M11.8537041,2.4583186 L11.9496157,0.15151183 L13.8779482,0 L13.9610222,2.37893005 C13.9639134,2.46172229 13.8991408,2.53118243 13.8163485,2.53407359 C13.780898,2.53531156 13.7461558,2.52394606 13.7182911,2.50199528 L12.9746642,1.91619251 L12.094228,2.584057 C12.0282261,2.63412351 11.934134,2.62120528 11.8840675,2.55520331 C11.862992,2.52741977 11.8522554,2.49316117 11.8537041,2.4583186 Z" id="path2_fill-path" fill="#FFFFFF" fill-rule="nonzero" mask="url(#mask-2)"></path> <path d="M9.38755179,7.53827354 C9.38755179,7.92949033 12.0227349,7.74199033 12.376485,7.4671875 C12.376485,4.80309448 10.9469952,3.40315552 8.32935804,3.40315552 C5.71172085,3.40315552 4.24510144,4.82487559 4.24510144,6.95745682 C4.24510144,10.6717025 9.25759817,10.7427885 9.25759817,12.7687407 C9.25759817,13.337429 8.97912613,13.6750877 8.36648764,13.6750877 C7.56820113,13.6750877 7.25259948,13.2673973 7.28972909,11.8812195 C7.28972909,11.5805064 4.24510144,11.4867564 4.15227743,11.8812195 C3.91590969,15.2404217 6.0087577,16.2093445 8.40361725,16.2093445 C10.7242176,16.2093445 12.5435683,14.9724079 12.5435683,12.7331976 C12.5435683,8.75237935 7.45681231,8.85900841 7.45681231,6.88637078 C7.45681231,6.08665282 8.050886,5.98002376 8.40361725,5.98002376 C8.7749133,5.98002376 9.4432462,6.04546668 9.38755179,7.53827354 Z" id="path9_fill-path" fill="#FFFFFF" fill-rule="nonzero" mask="url(#mask-2)"></path> </g> </svg>
- Save
- Create file .storybook/manager.js with the following code:
/** * This file allows you to customize how Storybook’s app UI renders. * That is, everything outside of the Canvas (preview iframe). * Learn more: */ import favicon from './favicon.svg'; // Change Storybook Favicon. // Ref: const injectFavicon = () => { const link = document.createElement('link'); link.setAttribute('rel', 'icon'); link.setAttribute('href', favicon); link.setAttribute('type', 'image/svg+xml'); document.head.appendChild(link); }; injectFavicon();
- Save
- Go to src/stories folder and delete the following files:
- button.css
- Button.stories.tsx
- Button.tsx
- header.css
- Header.stories.tsx
- Header.tsx
- page.css
- Page.stories.tsx
- Page.tsx
- Rename Introduction.stories.mdx to introduction.stories.mdx
- Open introduction.stories.mdx file:
- Replace
- Replace # Welcome to Storybook by the following:
<h1>{process.env.REACT_APP_PACKAGE_NAME}</h1> <h2>{process.env.REACT_APP_PACKAGE_VERSION}</h2>
- Replace
- Replace
- Save
20. Update setupTests.ts
- Open src/setupTests.ts file and replace with the following code:
/** * jest-dom adds custom jest matchers for asserting on DOM nodes. * It allows you to do things like: * expect(element).toHaveTextContent(/react/i) * Learn more: */ import '@testing-library/jest-dom'; import initI18n from './lang'; // Global initialization initI18n();
- Save
- Create src/components/HelloWorld folder
- Inside src/components/HelloWorld folder, create index.module.scss file with the following code:
/** * Style file for the HelloWorld component. */ .info { font-size: 0.875rem; /* 14px */ }
- Save
- Inside src/components/HelloWorld folder, create index.tsx file with the following code:
/** * The HelloWorld component renders an alert with * the package name, version and environment. */ // External imports import Alert from '@mui/material/Alert'; import AlertTitle from '@mui/material/AlertTitle'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import { AlertProps, BoxProps } from '@mui/material'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; // Local imports import styles from './index.module.scss'; // Component props export interface HelloWorldProps { /** * The alert message styles. * See: */ alert?: AlertProps, /** * The box container styles. * See: */ box?: BoxProps, } // Component definition function HelloWorld({ alert, box } : HelloWorldProps) { const { t } = useTranslation(); const defaults = HelloWorld.defaultProps; const boxProps = {, } as BoxProps; const alertProps = { ...defaults.alert, ...alert } as AlertProps; const name = process.env.REACT_APP_PACKAGE_NAME; const version = process.env.REACT_APP_PACKAGE_VERSION; const env = process.env.REACT_APP_ENV; return ( <Box {...boxProps}> <Alert {...alertProps}> <AlertTitle>{t('hello-world')}</AlertTitle> <div className={}>{name}</div> <div className={}>{version}</div> <div className={}>{env}</div> </Alert> </Box> ); } // Default props HelloWorld.defaultProps = { alert: { severity: 'success', sx: { width: 300 }, variant: 'filled', }, box: {}, }; // Default export export default HelloWorld;
- Save
- Inside src/components/HelloWorld folder, create index.test.tsx file with the following code:
/** * Testing file for the HelloWorld component. */ import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import HelloWorld from '.'; test('Render HelloWorld Component', () => { render(<HelloWorld />); const element = screen.getByText(/Hello World!/i); expect(element).toBeInTheDocument(); });
- Save
- Inside src/components/HelloWorld folder, create index.stories.tsx file with the following code:
/** * Storybook file for the HelloWorld component. */ import { ComponentMeta, ComponentStory } from '@storybook/react'; import HelloWorld from '.'; // Story placement in the story list export default { title: 'Components/HelloWorld', component: HelloWorld, } as ComponentMeta<typeof HelloWorld>; const Template: ComponentStory<typeof HelloWorld> = (args) => <HelloWorld {...args} />; // Story #1 export const Green = Template.bind({}); Green.args = { }; // Story #2 export const Red = Template.bind({}); Red.args = { alert: { severity: 'error' }, };
- Save
- Create src/pages/Home folder
- Inside src/pages/Home folder, create index.tsx file with the following code:
// Local imports import HelloWorld from '../../components/HelloWorld'; // Component definition function HomePage() { return ( <HelloWorld box={{ sx: { background: 'rgb(0, 30, 60)', height: '100vh', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', }, }} /> ); } // Default export export default HomePage;
- Save
- Inside src/pages/Home folder, create index.test.tsx file with the following code:
// External imports import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; // Local imports import HomePage from '.'; test('Render HomePage', () => { render(<HomePage />); const element = screen.getByText(/Hello World!/i); expect(element).toBeInTheDocument(); });
- Save
- Inside src/pages/Home folder, create index.stories.tsx file with the following code:
// External imports import { ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react'; // Local imports import HomePage from '.'; // Story placement in the story list export default { title: 'Pages/Home', component: HomePage, parameters: { layout: 'fullscreen', }, } as ComponentMeta<typeof HomePage>; // Default export export const Default = () => <HomePage />;
- Save
- Create src/app folder
- Inside src/app folder, create index.tsx file with the following code:
// External imports import { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'; // Local imports import HomePage from '../pages/Home'; // Component definition function App() { return ( <Routes> <Route path="/" element={<HomePage />} /> <Route path="home" element={<HomePage />} /> </Routes> ); } // Default export export default App;
- Save
- Open src/index.tsx file and replace all code with the following:
// External imports import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'; import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import { StrictMode } from 'react'; // Local imports import App from './app'; import initI18n from './lang'; import reportWebVitals from './util/web-vitals'; import './styles/main.scss'; // Global initialization initI18n(); const htmlRoot = document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement; const reactRoot = ReactDOM.createRoot(htmlRoot); reactRoot.render( process.env.REACT_APP_SCRICT_MODE === 'true' ? ( <StrictMode> <BrowserRouter> <App /> </BrowserRouter> </StrictMode> ) : ( <BrowserRouter> <App /> </BrowserRouter> ), ); if (process.env.REACT_APP_ENV !== 'production') { // If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function // to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log)) // or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more: // eslint-disable-next-line no-console reportWebVitals(console.log); }
- Save
- Delete node_modules folder
- Install project dependencies for the first time:
npm run init
- Restart VS Code in order to refresh TypeScript Intellisense
- Analyse JavaSript/TypeScript code:
npm run lint
- Try to fix JavaSript/TypeScript errors:
npm run lint:f
- Analyses CSS/SCSS styles:
npm run slint
- Try to fix CSS/SCSS errors:
npm run slint:f
- Execute Unit Tests outputting to out/coverage:
npm test
- Run the App in http://localhost:4000:
npm start
- Create a locally trusted CA:
mkcert -install
- Generate an SSL certificate:
mkcert localhost
- Run the App in https://localhost:4001:
npm run start-https
(HTTPS) - Build the App to out/build/local:
npm run build:l
- Build the App to out/build/development:
npm run build:d
- Build the App to out/build/qa:
npm run build:q
- Build the App to out/build/staging:
npm run build:s
- Build the App to out/build/production:
npm run build
- Run Storybook in http://localhost:4002:
npm run sbook
- Run Storybook in https://localhost:4003:
npm run sbook-https
(HTTPS) - Build Storybook to out/storybook/local:
npm run sb-build:l
- Build Storybook to out/storybook/development:
npm run sb-build:d
- Build Storybook to out/storybook/qa:
npm run sb-build:q
- Build Storybook to out/storybook/staging:
npm run sb-build:s
- Build Storybook to out/storybook/production:
npm run sb-build
Juan Cuartas
Code and documentation released under the MIT license