This is a simple Pygments higlighter for Rzk, which can be used with minted
package when writing rzk code in LaTeX or with MkDocs to highlight code in blocks when rendering literate Rzk Markdown files.
Clone this repository, and install the highlighter using pip
git clone
cd pygments-rzk # enter repository root
pip install . # install using pip
To be done.
In your LaTeX document:
- Include
- Use
environment withrzk
language, for example:
\frametitle{\textsc{Rzk} highlighting in LaTeX with \texttt{minted}}
A basic example:
#lang rzk-1
#section path-algebra
#variable A : U
#variables x y z : A
-- path reversal
#define rev uses (A x y)
(p : x = y) -- A path from x to y in A.
: y = x -- The reversal will be defined by path induction on p.
:= idJ(A, x, \y' p' -> y' = x, refl, y, p)
-- path composition by induction on the second path
#define concat
(p : x = y) -- A path from x to y in A.
(q : y = z) -- A path from y to z in A.
: (x = z)
:= idJ(A, y, \z' q' -> (x = z'), p, z, q)
#end path-algebra