This deployment process allows you to setup and deploy your own local ethereum PoS networks with multiple nodes. This repository is targeted to developers who want to quickly modify client source code and deploy a PoS network. This setup can is can serve as a reference for building your own production deployments but better solutions exist for that use case. I'm personally using this for simulating reorgs and byzantine behaviour.
This project utilizes Git submodules to reference the client code, notably Go-Ethereum and Prysm. However, the scripts can be configured to reference binaries you build locally, making development quicker.
You will need Go 1.23, JQ and Bazel installed.
git clone --recursive
A helper script that builds the submodules, saving the binaries in a known path
Start testnet. This will start a test with a two validators. You should expect blocks to be produced. Logs are stored in ./network/node-*/logs
The script is idempotent and will clean up every time it is restarted.
In a new shell, you can then attach to any of the generated nodes.
If you have geth
in your path you can run:
geth attach network/node-0/execution/geth.ipc
> net.peerCount
> eth.blockNumber
Alternatively, you can use the built version of geth
./dependencies/go-ethereum/build/bin/geth attach network/node-0/execution/geth.ipc
> net.peerCount
> eth.blockNumber
You can also interact with a beacon node you spin up
curl localhost:4100/eth/v1/node/identity
You can change the number of nodes to run by changing this line in ./
# Change this number for your desired number of nodes
If you want to try submitting transactions, add your address to the alloc
field in ./genesis.json
before running the testnet. This will premine your address some funds.
"alloc": {
// Replace with your address
"123463a4b065722e99115d6c222f267d9cabb524": {
"balance": "0x43c33c1937564800000"
You can then send transactions using cast while the network is running
# Get balance of an address
cast balance -r localhost:8000 0xFe8664457176D0f87EAaBd103ABa410855F81010
# Send 0.01 ether to 0x8D...8E
cast send -r localhost:8000 --private-key $PKEY 0x8D512169343cc6e108a8bB6ec5bc116C416eFc8E --value 0.01ether
Reach out to me on Twitter @0xZorz if you have any issues. DMs are open
- Deposits and Withdrawals
go: cannot find main module, but found .git/config in /home/gopal/ethereum-pos-testnet to create a module there, run: cd ../.. && go mod init
This occurs because the submodules were not cloned. Make sure to clone with the
flag, i.e.git clone --recursive
Nil finalized block cannot evict old blobs
This is expected log from Geth until a block is 'finalized'. The first finalized block will occur after 24 blocks.
- The work of Raul Jordan was a great reference starting point. His setup will suffice requirements that don't demand signficant customization and only require 1 node.