(razor) is a razor-thin functional application framework
rzr consists of 3 core components: Services, Models and Agents
Services are the verbs in your stories- the actions that happen.
login = Service ->
user: X @User
user: @find @user
token: generateToken()
**Models** are the _nouns_ in your stories- the _things_ that are important
User = Model
name: @string.length.min.3
password: @password.min.12
**Agents** expose Models and Services, and communicate with other Agents
UserAgent = Agent ->
@collab SomeOtherAgent
@expose login, User
a Module is a collection of related Models and Services (and their specs), with one Agent governing the Module.
Modules can be nested within other Modules with arbitrary depth, with a folder within your /projectRoot/domain/
directory representing a module
Specs are executable specifications that specify some behavior that needs to be fulfilled and every service has at least one Spec. Spec support is provided by the Spex framework
run Services in series
timeout: 5
cb: -> console.log "5"
timeout: 2
cb: -> console.log "2"
# 5
# 2
run Services in series, passing output of one to the next
user: user