Simple yet powerful application for managing a blog within your Django website.
Zinnia has been made for publishing weblog entries and designed to do it well.
Basically any feature that can be provided by another reusable app has been left out. Why should we re-implement something that is already done and reviewed by others and tested.
Main features :
- Comments
- Sitemaps
- Archives views
- Related entries
- Private entries
- RSS or Atom Feeds
- Tags and categories views
- Advanced search engine
- Prepublication and expiration
- Widgets (Popular entries, Similar entries, ...)
- Spam protection with Akismet
- MetaWeblog API
- Ping Directories
- Ping External links
- support
- Twitter support
- Gravatar support
- Django-CMS plugins
- Collaborative work
- Tags autocompletion
- Entry model extendable
- Pingback/Trackback support
- WYMeditor or TinyMCE support
- WordPress conversion utility
- Ready to use and extendables templates
- Windows Live Writer compatibility
Take a look at the online demo at :
Make sure to install these packages prior to installation :
- akismet
- django-mptt (0.4.1)
- django-tagging
- BeautifulSoup
The packages below are optionnal but needed for run the full test suite.
- pyparsing
- django-xmlrpc
You could retrieve the last sources from and run the installation script
$> python install
or use pip
$> pip install -e git://
For the latest stable version use easy_install
$> easy_install django-blog-zinnia
Then register zinnia, and these following applications in the INSTALLED_APPS section of your project's settings.
>>> INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... # Your favorite apps ... 'django.contrib.contenttypes', ... 'django.contrib.comments', ... 'django.contrib.sessions', ... 'django.contrib.sites', ... 'django.contrib.admin', ... 'tagging', ... 'mptt', ... 'zinnia',)
Add these following template context processors if not already present.
>>> TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ... 'django.core.context_processors.auth', ... 'django.core.context_processors.i18n', ... 'django.core.context_processors.request', ... '', ... '', ... 'zinnia.context_processors.version', # Optional ... )
You have to make a symbolic link from zinnia/media/zinnia directory to your media directory or make a copy named zinnia, but if want to change this value, define ZINNIA_MEDIA_URL in the as appropriate.
And don't forget to serve this URL.
Add the following lines to your project's in order to display the blog.
>>> url(r'^weblog/', include('zinnia.urls')), >>> url(r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')),
Note that the default zinnia URLset is provided for convenient usage, but you can customize your URLs if you want. Here's how :
>>> url(r'^', include('zinnia.urls.capabilities')), >>> url(r'^search/', include('')), >>> url(r'^sitemap/', include('zinnia.urls.sitemap')), >>> url(r'^trackback/', include('zinnia.urls.trackback')), >>> url(r'^weblog/tags/', include('zinnia.urls.tags')), >>> url(r'^weblog/feeds/', include('zinnia.urls.feeds')), >>> url(r'^weblog/authors/', include('zinnia.urls.authors')), >>> url(r'^weblog/categories/', include('zinnia.urls.categories')), >>> url(r'^weblog/discussions/', include('zinnia.urls.discussions')), >>> url(r'^weblog/', include('zinnia.urls.entries')), >>> url(r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')),
One of the cool features of Django is the sitemap application, so if you want to fill your website's sitemap with the entries of your blog, follow these steps.
- Register django.contrib.sitemaps in the INSTALLED_APPS section.
- Edit your project's URLs and add this code :
>>> from zinnia.sitemaps import TagSitemap >>> from zinnia.sitemaps import EntrySitemap >>> from zinnia.sitemaps import CategorySitemap >>> from zinnia.sitemaps import AuthorSitemap >>> >>> sitemaps = {'tags': TagSitemap, ... 'blog': EntrySitemap, ... 'authors': AuthorSitemap, ... 'categories': CategorySitemap,} ... >>> urlpatterns += patterns('django.contrib.sitemaps.views', ... (r'^sitemap.xml$', 'index', ... {'sitemaps': sitemaps}), ... (r'^sitemap-(?P<section>.+)\.xml$', 'sitemap', ... {'sitemaps': sitemaps}), ... )
By default the Akismet spam protection is enabled when anyone leaves a comment.
IMPORTANT : you need an API key. If you don't have any, get one for free at then set it in your project's settings like this :
>>> AKISMET_SECRET_API_KEY = 'your key'
If you don't want spam protection for comments, you can disable it with this setting.
You find useful and want to use it for your blog entries ?
It's simple, install django_bitly in your project's settings and add these settings.
>>> BITLY_LOGIN = 'your login' >>> BITLY_API_KEY = 'your api key'
Zinnia will do the rest.
When you post a new entry on your blog you might want to tweet it as well.
In order to do that, you first need to activate the support like described above.
Then install tweepy and add these settings.
>>> TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = 'Your Consumer Key' >>> TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = 'Your Consumer Secret' >>> TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY = 'Your Access Key' >>> TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET = 'Your Access Secret'
Note that the authentification for Twitter has changed since September 2010. The actual authentification system is based on oAuth. That's why now you need to set these 4 settings. If you don't know how to get these information, follow this excellent tutorial at:
Now in the admin, you can post an update containing your entry's title and the shortened url of your entry.
If you use django-cms, Zinnia can be integrated into your pages, thanks to the plugin system.
Simply register zinnia.plugins in the INSTALLED_APPS section of your project's settings.
It will provides custom plugins for adding entries into your pages, an App-Hook and Menus for easy integration.
If you want to use the plugin system of django-cms in your entries, an extended EntryModel with a PlaceholderField is provided.
Add this line in your project's settings.
>>> ZINNIA_ENTRY_BASE_MODEL = 'zinnia.plugins.placeholder.EntryPlaceholder'
If you want to replace WYMEditor by TinyMCE install django-tinymce and follow the installation instructions.
TinyMCE can be customized by overriding the admin/zinnia/entry/tinymce_textareas.js template.
Zinnia provides few webservices via XML-RPC, but before using it, you need to install django-xmlrpc.
Then register django_xmlrpc in your INSTALLED_APPS section of your project's settings.
Now add these lines in your project's settings.
ZINNIA_XMLRPC_METHODS is a simple list of tuples containing all the webservices embedded in Zinnia.
If you only want to use the Pingback service import ZINNIA_XMLRPC_PINGBACK, or if you want you just want to enable the MetaWeblog API import ZINNIA_XMLRPC_METAWEBLOG.
You can also use your own mixins.
Finally we need to register the url of the XML-RPC server. Insert something like this in your project's
>>> url(r'^xmlrpc/$', 'django_xmlrpc.views.handle_xmlrpc'),
Note : For the Pingback service check if your site is enabled for pingback detection. More information at
Zinnia provides several template tags based on inclusion_tag system to create some widgets in your website's templates.
- get_recent_entries(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/recent_entries.html")
Display the latest entries.
- get_random_entries(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/random_entries.html")
Display random entries.
- get_popular_entries(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/popular_entries.html")
Display popular entries.
- get_similar_entries(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/similar_entries.html")
Display entries similar to an existing entry.
- get_calendar_entries(year=auto, month=auto, template="zinnia/tags/calendar.html")
Display an HTML calendar with date of publications.
- get_archives_entries(template="zinnia/tags/archives_entries.html")
Display the archives by month.
- get_archives_entries_tree(template="zinnia/tags/archives_entries_tree.html")
Display all the archives as a tree.
- get_categories(template="zinnia/tags/categories.html")
Display all the categories available.
- get_recent_comments(number=5, template="zinnia/tags/recent_comments.html")
Display the latest comments.
- zinnia_breadcrumbs(separator="/", root_name="Blog", template="zinnia/tags/breadcrumbs.html")
Display the breadcrumbs for the pages handled by Zinnia.
- get_gravatar(email, size=80, rating='g', default=None)
Display the Gravatar image associated to an email, usefull for comments.
A Buildout script is provided to properly initialize the project for anybody who wants to contribute to the project.
First of all, please use VirtualEnv to protect your system.
Follow these steps to start the development :
$> git clone git:// $> virtualenv --no-site-packages django-blog-zinnia $> cd django-blog-zinnia $> source ./bin/activate $> python $> ./bin/buildout
The buildout script will resolve all the dependencies needed to develop the application.
Once these operations are done, you are ready to develop the zinnia project.
Run this command to launch the tests.
$> ./bin/test
To view the code coverage run this command.
$> ./bin/cover
Execute these commands to check the code conventions.
$> ./bin/pyflakes zinnia $> ./bin/pep8 --count -r,migrations zinnia
To launch the demo site, execute these commands.
$> ./bin/demo syncdb $> ./bin/demo loaddata helloworld $> ./bin/demo runserver
And for building the HTML documentation run this.
$> ./bin/docs
Pretty easy no ?
If you want to contribute by updating a translation or adding a translation in your language, it's simple: create a account on and you can edit the translations at this URL :
- Online documentation of Zinnia.
- Online API of Zinnia module.
- Discussions and help at Google Group.
- For reporting a bug or submitting a suggestion use Github Issues.
If you are a proud user of Zinnia, send me the URL of your website and I will add it to the list.