Puppet Caddy module installs and configures caddy - The HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS.
Puppet Caddy module handles installing, configuring, and running Caddy server on Redhat based oparting systems.
include caddy
class {'caddy':
caddy_features = "git,mailout,ipfilter",
caddy::vhost {'example1':
source => 'puppet:///modules/caddy/etc/caddy/config/example1.conf',
caddy::vhost {'example2':
source => 'puppet:///modules/caddy/etc/caddy/config/example2.conf',
Install Caddy with extra features
Caddy binary installation path - default /usr/bin
User to run caddy - default caddy
Group to run caddy - default caddy
Caddy loggin directory - default /var/log/caddy
Temp dir for caddy download
Tested on Centos 6.8 and Centos 7.3.
- Improve management of Caddyfile (templates).
MIT License