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Predict People’s Income


There are two csv-format data files named census.csv and census-test.csv respectively. Each data file contains a header line, and after that each line contains an individual personal record including 14 attributes. The two files have the same format, where "ensus.csv" contains the training data, and "census-test.csv" contains the test data.I will explore a simple linear model a simple linear model based on the squared error between prediction values and label by optimizing objective function with respect to the weight vector w = [w1; ... ; wd] to predict the label.My program is writtern in c language.


The Arguements

char *fpTest1="XXX.csv";

You can replace XXX.csv with another file name.Note that the file must be csv-format and The content of the book should be the same as tcensus.csv .



Open the assigmentMSRA.sln with  Visual Studio 2012 and build.



##Result After you have built it,you will get the accuarcy rate in cmd windowand a file namedweight_and_parameter.txt .



The default parameter of fpTest1 is census-test.csv,So we can built it diretly.

12.char *fpTest1="census-test.csv";

After Implementation, you can find the the accuarcy rate in cmd window like the following picture the content of the weight_and_parameter.txt like this.


For the two-category problem, we believe that the correct rate must be greater than 50% to be reasonable.


1.Data Loading:

Data Loading ,whichcorresponds to the processCsvfile.h and processCsvfile.c files, mainly includes statistics on data reading, storage, data size etc and handling of errors.

  • For the purpose of this assignment, i assume that i know the number of attributes and which attributes are numbers (or text values),SoI create structure variableattributes(text type data is defined as char type, numeric type is defined as double type) to save the data. The statistics read from the file will be saved by their attributes respectively.
  • I ignore all records with missing values.

2.Data Preprocessing

Data preprocessing, which corresponds to the Datapreprocessing.h and Datapreprocessing.c files, mainly includes the encoding of text values, the normalization of numerical values, and obtaining feature vectors.

  • I employ the one-hot trick to encode attribute sex and Huffman&one-hot code to encode others text attributes.(Huffman&one-hot code is the idea of Huffman coding.The same size code is divided into one class sharing the same code)

  • I implement a following scaling scheme separately for each column,so that values after transformation are in the range of [0; 1]

  • All the processed values are merged in the order of attributes given by the header to obtain 28-dimensional feature vectors.

3.Model Training and Parameter Selection

Model training and parameter Selection ,which corresponds to the parameterSelection.h and parameterSelection.c files, mainly include the generation of random numbers, stratified sampling, cross-validation to select the optimal parameters, and the training model.

  • We use function xiPaiRand(int randarray[],int Times) to generate a random sequence randarray[] whose range is [0, Times] not repeated.
  • In order to make sure that when I split the training data into training and validation sets by randomly assigning records to one of these sets, each set should observe about the same proportion of label values as the full data,I split the training data into positive sample set(label = 1) and negative sample set(label = 0) firtly.Then I sampled from two geometriesrespectively.
  • I implement a validation scheme to select the bestλ from four possible values of λ, namely {0.001; 0.01; 0.1; 1} and the bestβfrom four possible values of β,{0.001; 0.01}
  • Finally, I train the model on the full training data using the optimal parameter selected by the validation scheme.


the test records are loaded from \census-test.csv",they are also preprocessed by applying the same preprocessing steps that were previously applied to the training data set. After preprocessing, each test record is converted to a feature Vector. We then apply linear prediction model to get the prediction accuracy.


predict the people's income based on their records.






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