Releases: s16rv/cosmos-exporter
Releases · s16rv/cosmos-exporter
- 5f4936f Fix overflow in /metrics/validators and add denom exponent (solarlabsteam#18)
- 55c266f chore: README fixes
- 9884bf5 chore: add v0.1
- b5f2e93 chore: add v0.2
- 51ff977 chore: add v0.3
- c55f350 chore: add images
- 8ae84e5 chore: add timing
- 280481b chore: added debug logging
- 2773eb1 chore: added golangci-lint config
- fd0b13f chore: added gorelease
- 6087b61 chore: autoformat by golangci-lint
- 39cbd88 chore: crash if tendermint rpc is unaccessible
- 53fd3cd chore: debug go version
- 532b412 chore: fix /metrics/wallet request logging
- 47fc567 chore: fix logging
- 54f52fa chore: fix logging requests
- c162223 chore: fix outdated chains info on readme
- d370708 chore: fix pagination limit for validator rank
- 1489957 chore: fix panic
- a216c3b chore: fixed CI
- 5d302be chore: fixed chain_id duplicate labels
- 2addd11 chore: fixed filename
- d97a979 chore: fixed go vet
- c1843e3 chore: fixed go vet action probably
- fb8d172 chore: fixed go vet action probably, v2
- e7d1715 chore: fixed go.sum
- 4fd99d3 chore: fixed validator active gauge
- 6c97e71 chore: logrus -> zerolog, improved logging
- 5592592 chore: make linter happy
- e1974e2 chore: more denoms for annual provisions
- 0a364a8 chore: more denoms for validator
- 9df98a3 chore: more denoms for validators
- c1a9d25 chore: more golangci-lint fixes
- 45c68a3 chore: more precision, small fixes
- 64a19bd chore: new github actions approach
- 10a1ca2 chore: new setup-go version
- 41414a1 chore: not return validator missed blocks if it is not active
- 2f439f7 chore: not working on Terra or Sifchain
- 50110a6 chore: not working on
- f2f6983 chore: refactor
- d28fcdd chore: refactor checking for float64
- 1902979 chore: refactor logging
- 53ef403 chore: rename metric
- d768932 chore: small fixes
- 5f4dd58 chore: specify goreleaser go version
- 2d30a79 chore: tested on Akash
- 6d967cb chore: tested on Cosmos
- 651bdf4 chore: tested on
- f5b1336 chore: testing badges
- 30b506c chore: testing the new release process
- 4c75656 chore: trying to fix fetching deps
- 9c4bf52 feat: add chain_id to all metrics
- 42e15d6 feat: add dashboards
- c654856 feat: add denom query
- 21f338f feat: add distribution params
- d1d16e5 feat: add github actions prototype
- c2ef294 feat: add linter to ci
- 2249086 feat: add more logs, add configuration via config
- d1c26a4 feat: add proposals metrics
- 2070c86 feat: add redelegations for validator
- 59e3528 feat: add rewards
- 5ff87ba feat: add specific validator ranking and presence in the validators set
- 82d1dc9 feat: add staking, slashing and mint params
- aedfcce feat: add total supply
- de1b5a8 feat: add unbonding delegatins for validator
- ea3c5d1 feat: add validator commission
- 9ca7922 feat: add validator ranking and presence in the validators set
- 1fbe278 feat: add validator rewards
- b2d8a83 feat: added community pool
- bb238fe feat: added go vet
- 73765b7 feat: added prefix flags, tested on Iris
- 595ab4f feat: added staking pool
- 62067f4 feat: allow JSON output
- a5e2948 feat: allow specifying custom denom and coefficient
- 79caf4f feat: display missed blocks for single validator
- d221ad8 feat: inflation and annual provisions added
- 81e7c6f feat: init
- 75158c8 feat: missing blocks for all validators
- 833a3a8 feat: refactor + add redelegations
- 19ed4fe feat: refactored with cobra + viper
- a954ebc feat: single validator status + jailed gauge
- 8cd2bdb feat: validator methods
- f66c3a6 feat: validators metrics
- fb77783 fix: add moniker to all validators metrics
- 37627dd fix: add moniker to validator
- a742c0a fix: calculate everything in correct denom
- 5053b97 fix: consider bech prefixes when using flags, fixed description
- 18b04ee fix: do not panic when no denom metadatas
- 6c2654a fix: don't panic on some validator queries bigger than int64
- 77c1745 fix: fix balance precision
- ba045fa fix: fix balances
- 47e3975 fix: prevent panic due go wg.SyncGroup misusage