Fast Java cuckoo filter implementation that utilizes sun.misc.Unsafe for native memory access.
Probabilistic Filters By Example
import net.cinnom.nanocuckoo.NanoCuckooFilter;
public class CuckooTest {
public void generalUsageTest() {
long capacity = 32;
// Use Builder to create a NanoCuckooFilter. Only required parameter is capacity.
final NanoCuckooFilter cuckooFilter = new NanoCuckooFilter.Builder( capacity )
.withCountingEnabled( true ) // Enable counting
String testValue = "test value";
// Insert a value into the filter
cuckooFilter.insert( testValue );
// Check that the value is in the filter
boolean isValueInFilter = cuckooFilter.contains( testValue ); // Returns true
// Check that some other value is in the filter
isValueInFilter = cuckooFilter.contains( "some other value" ); // Should return false, probably
// Insert the same value a couple more times
cuckooFilter.insert( testValue );
cuckooFilter.insert( testValue );
// Get a count of how many times the value is in the filter
int insertedCount = cuckooFilter.count( testValue ); // Returns 3 since we inserted three times with counting enabled
// Delete value from the filter once
boolean wasDeleted = cuckooFilter.delete( testValue ); // Returns true since a value was deleted
// Try to delete the value up to six more times
int deletedCount = cuckooFilter.delete( testValue, 6 ); // Returns 2 since only two copies of the value were left
isValueInFilter = cuckooFilter.contains( testValue ); // Returns false since all copies of the value were deleted
// Double filter capacity by doubling entries per bucket. However, this also roughly doubles max FPP.
// Close the filter when finished with it. This is optional to immediately free memory used by the filter.
// Otherwise, the memory will be freed when the GC gets around to it.
import net.cinnom.nanocuckoo.NanoCuckooFilter;
public class CuckooTest {
public void serializationTest() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// Create a filter
NanoCuckooFilter cuckooFilter = new NanoCuckooFilter.Builder( 32 ).build();
String testValue = "test value";
// Insert a value into the filter
cuckooFilter.insert( testValue );
// Serialize the filter to a byte array
ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream( byteOutputStream );
objectOutputStream.writeObject( cuckooFilter );
byte[] serializedBytes = byteOutputStream.toByteArray();
// Close the current filter before replacing it (optional)
// Read the serialized filter in from the byte array
ByteArrayInputStream byteInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( serializedBytes );
ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream( byteInputStream );
cuckooFilter = (NanoCuckooFilter) objectInputStream.readObject();
boolean isValueInFilter = cuckooFilter.contains( testValue ); // Returns true
// Close the filter (optional)
See NanoCuckooFilter.Builder documentation for various settings.
Currently, only String, byte[], and long (pre-hashed value) types can be inserted into the filter. Generic type support may be added later, but I generally recommend serializing data yourself for optimal performance.
Multithreaded insert/delete/contains/count are supported. Bucket expansion and serialization will lock all buckets until they are finished.