This repository contains data used in conjunction with the paper "Bots, Disinformation, and the First Trump Impeachment" by Michael Rossetti and Tauhid Zaman.
The data is stored here separately for sharing purposes, while the code can be found here.
A single file of 67M tweet identifiers is too large to export from Google BigQuery, so instead we have split up this dataset into six parts, based on the tweet's creation date (see table below). You will need to union the files to restore the original dataset.
File Name | Start Date (Inclusive) | End Date (Exclusive) | Num Rows | File Size MB | File Size MB (.ZIP Compressed) |
Part 1 | all before | 2019-12-15 | 4,082,499 | 81.6 | 33.2 |
Part 2 | 2019-12-15 | 2020-01-01 | 14,156,573 | 283.1 | 120.4 |
Part 3 | 2020-01-01 | 2020-01-15 | 9,044,139 | 180.9 | 76.4 |
Part 4 | 2020-01-15 | 2020-02-01 | 22,460,122 | 449.2 | 193 |
Part 5 | 2020-02-01 | 2020-02-15 | 11,564,597 | 231.3 | 97.9 |
Part 6 | 2020-02-15 | all after | 6,358,627 | 127.2 | 55.1 |
Data Dictionary for the "tweet_ids" CSV file(s):
column_name | datatype | description |
status_id | INTEGER | unique identifier for the tweet |
Data Dictionary for the "user_details_v20210806" CSV file (494.3 MB / 147.1 MB compressed):
column_name | datatype | description |
row_id | INTEGER | anonymized unique identifier for each user in our "impeachment 2020" dataset |
created_on | DATE | date the user was created |
screen_name_count | INTEGER | number of screen names used |
is_bot | BOOLEAN | whether or not we classified this user as a "bot" / automated account |
bot_rt_network | INTEGER | for bots, which retweet network cluster (0, 1) |
is_q | BOOLEAN | whether or not this user is classified as a Q-anon promoter (i.e. pro-Trump users who used Q-anon language / hashtags in their profiles, EXCLUDING anti-Trump users and users tweeting with anti-Trump hashtags) |
q_status_count | INTEGER | the number of tweets with Q-anon language / hashtags |
status_count | INTEGER | number of total tweets authored by this user (in our "impeachment 2020" dataset only) |
rt_count | INTEGER | number of total retweets authored by this user (in our "impeachment 2020" dataset only) |
avg_score_lr | FLOAT | avergage opinion score from our Logistic Regression model (0:anti-trump, 1:pro-trump) |
avg_score_nb | FLOAT | avergage opinion score from our Naive Bayes model (0:anti-trump, 1:pro-trump) |
avg_score_bert | FLOAT | avergage opinion score from our BERT Transformer model (0:anti-trump, 1:pro-trump) |
opinion_community | INTEGER | binary classification of average opinion (0:anti-trump, 1:pro-trump) -- THIS IS THE PARTISANSHIP LABEL!! |
follower_count | INTEGER | number of followers (in our "impeachment 2020" dataset only) |
follower_count_b | INTEGER | ... who are bots |
follower_count_h | INTEGER | ... who are humans |
friend_count | INTEGER | number of friends (in our "impeachment 2020" dataset only) |
friend_count_b | INTEGER | ... who are bots |
friend_count_h | INTEGER | ... who are humans |
avg_toxicity | FLOAT | average "toxicity" score from the Detoxify model |
avg_severe_toxicity | FLOAT | average "severe toxicity" score from the Detoxify model |
avg_insult | FLOAT | average "insult" score from the Detoxify model |
avg_obscene | FLOAT | average "obscene" score from the Detoxify model |
avg_threat | FLOAT | average "threat" score from the Detoxify model |
avg_identity_hate | FLOAT | average "identity hate" score from the Detoxify model |
fact_scored_count | INTEGER | number of tweets with URL domains that we have fact check scores for |
avg_fact_score | FLOAT | average fact score of URLs / links shared (1: fake news, 5: mainstream media) |