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POC - Job management

This POC consists on a simple library which will provide elementary functionalities to handle your jobs management.
This management is made by delegation, using one of our partner's software :

  • Knime
  • Trifacta
  • Dataiku
  • Nifi
  • AWS Glue



This project can be logically splitted into three parts :

  1. The business logic (domain) : Defines all informations required to define what a job is (Job = name, project, id, status), and
    how we can manage it (JobManager).

  2. The implementation parts (infra.right) : Contains all API requests and DTO to make it run with our job managers.

  3. The demo apps (infra.left) : Simple apps to manipulate all available commands.


  • Jobs : A Job is a specific action which will produces an output result on a given data input.
  • Dataset : A dataset is used to store a specified quantity of data. A dataset is usually created from an import process,
    or as the result of a given jobs's execution. (In some apps, jobs are related to datasets as their source.)
  • Project : A project is a group of datasets and jobs, and describes how they're related on to another, in order to produce
    the solution to given problem.



Describes the matching between a given app's concepts and ours.

Concept Dataiku Trifacta Knime Nifi AWS Glue
Project Project --- Workflow ProcessGroup ---
Dataset Dataset WrangledDataset --- --- ---
Job Job JobGroup Job Processor Job


Describes which methods are currently available for each app.

Functionnality Dataiku Trifacta Knime Nifi AWS Glue
Retrieve all projects OK -- OK OK --
Retrieve all datasets for a given project OK OK -- -- --
Retrieve all jobs for a given project OK OK OK OK OK
Retrieve a job with a specific ID OK OK OK OK OK
Retrieve a job's current status OK OK OK OK OK
Start a specific job OK OK OK OK OK
Stop a given job OK -- -- OK OK
Import a job -- -- OK OK --
Export a job -- OK OK OK OK
Import a project -- -- -- OK --
Export a project -- -- -- OK --
Security profile basic basic basic none none*

*Securization base on a specific system, not by the use of an option decided by profile at runtime.

Demonstration tools

By using a correct spring profile, you can select which demonstration tool to use, for a rapid test of the functionalities :

  • demo : Consists of an interactive demo which commands are described below.
  • starter : An automatic execution of all library's methods, with a simple display of the results.
    Note that it will require two additionnal parameters as environment variable (PREDEFINED_PROJECT and PREDIFINED_JOB) to function.

And to select your app, you can add (only one of them) : dataiku, trifacta or knime.

To modify the profile at launch, you should use a command like :
java,demo -jar {YOUR_JAR} (In this example, we'd use the demo and dataiku profile)

Interactive demo

In this demo, every job or project will be displayed with a specific number like : $ID : $OBJECT.
This number will define a local ID, which is required by the local demo tool to realize some of the other functionalities

At any time - projects : Displays a list of all projects registered on the selected platform. (In Trifacta, as the 'project' notion doesn't exist, only the value DEFAULT will be displayed.)

After setting the project - use $PROJECT_ID : Set which project to use for the next commands.

  • download $PROJECT_ID : Retrieve the selected project as a JSON file ready to be imported elsewhere.
  • upload $PROJECT_ID : Create a new project based on the previously downloaded project. Only usable after a first download !
  • datasets : Displays a list of all datasets.
  • jobs : Displays a list of all jobs and store their informations in order to manipulate them later.

After setting the project and getting all jobs - status $JOB_ID : Give the current status of the selected job

  • start $JOB_ID : Starts the specified job.
  • stop $JOB_ID : Stops the given job if currently running. Useless if the job's already done.
  • export $JOB_ID : Retrieve the selected job as a JSON file ready to be imported in an other project.
  • import $JOB_ID : Create a new job based on the previously exported job. Only usable after a first job export !

Dev' setup KISS

  1. In IntelliJ, open Run > Edit configurations

  2. Add a new Spring Boot configuration (+), and specify the main class of the app io.saagie.poc.infra.AppKt

  3. (Optional, if specified at launch) Change the current app's action by changing the Active profiles attribute.

  4. Update your environment varaibles as needed by your app in the Override parameters menu. :

  • a)
    Most of the time,you'll only need to change the service's URL
    (Please check the src/main/resources/application.yml for the exact syntax).

  • b) Select with a profile argument (, which kind of security to use :

    • none : No security, I hope you know what you're doing :)
    • basic : You'll have to inform your username and password under the common section of the application.yml
  • token : You'll have to inform your URL under the common section of the application.yml,
    and eventually your (username, password) if the token's request is secured with basic auth.

  1. Run it through your IDE.

Build and run

Build the app by using mvn clean package, and then edit the provided utility script, by adding/updating, all environment variables to overload before executing the jar.

Then, you'll be able to launch the app by using ./ $PATH_TO_YOUR_JAR.


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