SnakeAI leverages a combination of genetic algorithms and fully connected neural networks to evolve intelligent agents capable of playing the classic Snake game.
To train your own neural network, first copy the repository to a local folder. Open MATLAB (R2024a tested working) and run the file main.m
SnakeGame contains the logic of the game, state management and rendering.
Agent represents the AI agent that decides actions based on the game state.
Genome encodes the neural network's weights and architecture.
Population manages a collection of genomes (agents).
GeneticAlgorithm controls the evolutionary process of training AI agents.
The neural network inputs were selected to not depend on the size of the grid. This way a trained neural network can play games on a grid of arbitrary size. In total, there are 11 binary inputs:
if turning left results in a collision; else0
if turning right results in a collision; else0
if continuing straight results in a collision; else0
if the snake is currently moving left; else0
if the snake is currently moving right; else0
if the snake is currently moving up; else0
if the snake is currently moving down; else0
if food is to the left of the snake's head; else0
if food is to the right of the snake's head; else0
if food is to the above the snake's head; else0
if food is to the below the snake's head; else0
The user can define the (feed-forward) architecture freely, provided the input layer has 11 units and the output layer has 3 units. The outputs of each layer are processed through the ReLU activation function with an optional dropout mask being applied as in [2]. Each of the 3 outputs correspond to the possible direction of snake movement.
- Initialization: A population of agents (genomes) is created with each one having the pre-defined genome. If no pre-defined genome is supplied, each agent will be assigned a randomly generated one.
- Evaluation: Each agent plays the Snake game, and its performance (fitness) is calculated based on the apples eaten and the survival time. By default, the fitness function of [1] is used. The function is designed to reward early exploring snakes, reward apples eaten and penalize steps taken. The user can also define a custom fitness function. The maximum amount of steps can (and should) be set to be finite, as otherwise some snakes might stay in an infinite loop circling around. To encourage eating apples rather than maximizing steps, each apple eaten can be set to give the agent more playtime.
$N$ agents with the highest fitness scores are selected as parents for the next generation. - Crossover and mutation: The selected parents produce offspring genomes through crossover (combining weights) and mutation (randomly altering weights).
- Iteration: Steps 2-4 are repeated for a set number of generations, progressively evolving more competent AI agents.
All of the parameters are set in the param
struct. Currently implemented ones are displayed in the following table:
Parameter | Explanation |
Population parameters | |
populationSize |
Number of agents playing the game simultaneously |
topNreproduce |
Defines how many agents with the best fitness are selected to reproduce for the next generation |
generations |
The number of generations the simulation is run |
mutationRate |
The chance for a mutation in one neural network weight |
fitnessFun |
The function (of steps and apples) used for determining the fitness of agents (genomes). By default, the function of [1] is used. |
Neural network parameters | |
architecture |
Neural network architecture as a vector. The first element has to be 11 (inputs) and the last element has to be 3 (outputs). |
dropoutRate |
Chance for neuron dropout |
initialGenome |
The initial genome used to create the population |
activationFunction |
Activation function |
Game parameters | |
gridSize |
Snake game playing area size as a vector of two elements |
initialLength |
Initial snake length |
maxSteps |
Maximum steps, after which the game will end |
bonusSteps |
Amount of steps rewarded for eating an apple |
Miscellaneous parameters | |
plotFitness |
Tag to plot agent fitness by each generation |
The file main.m
contains a section, where the most competent agent of the last generation can be visualized playing the Snake game.
- Structure of readme: the problem with the motivation, methods, results
- Default parameters (and valid parameter ranges to
[2] A. Sebastianelli, M. Tipaldi, S. L. Ullo and L. Glielmo, "A Deep Q-Learning based approach applied to the Snake game", 2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), PUGLIA, Italy, 2021, pp. 348-353, doi: 10.1109/MED51440.2021.9480232.