Shany Abady 17/03/2020
Create random logs and write them to database. Display logs index using web server.
Note: Proper changes should be made according to the environment being used. The following was tested on an on-premise k8s cluster.
Use Dockerfile to create image. The is responsible for generating the logs and insterting rows to the database.
Persistent volume folders should be created: /mnt/sql /mnt/logs
Mysql requires initialization (create logs database and table) as described below - This can be done using a MapConfig.
Any changes made to environment variables should be updated in yaml files.
Initiating mysql
[root@k120 ]# kubectl exec -it k8s-mysql -- /bin/bash
root@k8s-mysql:/# echo $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
root@k8s-mysql:/# mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
. . .
mysql> create database logs_db;
mysql> use logs_db;
mysql> create table logs (logName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, lastModify VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL);