SEA-ABNB is a rental app that allows users to reserve a home or register a hope for short term reseravations by others.
Collaborators: Shukri Abdi, Paul D'Angelo, Enzo Staton
- MERN Stack
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node.js
- JWT token auth
- BCrypt
- Mongoose
Note: .env file needs be included in the root of the directory
Within project directory, run npm install Run heroku local Navigate to localhost:3000 in browser
- Deployed Link: (
- GitHub: (
The UI Kit used for this project is the Now-UI-Kit created by creative Tim. We used his styling sheets as our base and then created our own App.css file to modify the styling to adapt it to our project environment.
We would like to later add a map feature to display the location of the properties.
We also like to add an events feature displaying events that may be occuring during the stay of the guest.
React-strap didn't work properly with our app, we would like to debug that a little more.
Home: Home page is the landing page of our application where you may access other pages to interact with our site.
Signup: Page where you create an account and gain access to view Hosting and Rental pages
Rent: Page where you may enter the information on when you would like to visit Seattle in addition to which neighborhood and the number of guest.
Host: Page where users may post their properties that they would like to rent out. Users may enter details including the address, property photos, and lengthier descriptions.
Profile: Page which displays a signed-up users information with the ability to update their name, email, and profile picture. Other information displayed includes properties that the user may have booked or rented out.