Collection of pretrained networks in pytorch readily available for transfer learning tasks like neural system identification.
pip install ptrnets
Find a list of all available models like this:
from ptrnets import AVAILABLE_MODELS
Import a model like this:
from ptrnets import simclr_resnet50x2
model = simclr_resnet50x2(pretrained=True)
You can access intermediate representations in two ways:
You can conveniently access intermediate representations of a forward pass using the ptrnets.utils.mlayer.probe_model
function Example:
import torch
from ptrnets import resnet50
from ptrnets.utils.mlayer import probe_model
model = resnet50(pretrained=True)
available_layers = [name for name, _ in model.named_modules()]
layer_name = "layer2.1"
assert layer_name in available_layers, f"Layer {layer_name} not available. Choose from {available_layers}"
model_probe = probe_model(model, layer_name)
x = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)
output = model_probe(x)
Note: if the input is not large enough to do a full forward pass through the network, you might need to use a try-except
block to catch the RuntimeError
creates a copy of the model up to a specific layer. Because the model is smaller, a forward pass can run faster.
However, the output is only guaranteed to be the same as the original model's if the architecture is fully sequential up until that layer.
import torch
from ptrnets import vgg16
from ptrnets.utils.mlayer import clip_model, probe_model
model = vgg16(pretrained=True)
available_layers = [name for name, _ in model.named_modules()]
layer_name = "features.18"
assert layer_name in available_layers, f"Layer {layer_name} not available. Choose from {available_layers}"
model_clipped = clip_model(model, layer_name) # Creates new model up to the layer
x = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)
output = model_clipped(x)
assert torch.allclose(output, probe_model(model, layer_name)(x)), "Output of clipped model is not the same as the original model"
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