THe main goal of this project is to enable modular domain bounded services using aws serverless stack.
- AWS cli installed
- AWS account configured locally
# if you modify the schema, run this command to generate types
npm run codegen
# To test if the stack is ok, run this command
npx cdk synth
# To deploy this stack
npm run deploy
- Build small domain specific graphql microservices
- Each service can register their stack with the main stack
- Services will only be able to extend the stack and not modify it
- Each service will as a minimum have the following:
- Graphql Api
- Data source ( dynamodb or aurora )
- Lambda resolver ( nodejs lambda resolver )
- Github action to build and deploy the stack in different environments
- Refactor the code into modules / services
- Create an interface for the services
- Use dependency injection to register services so the main stack can deploy them
... more to come