A lightweight, concurrent, threaded Statsd client for use in Java or JRuby applications which require only basic or custom instrumentation.
is intended to be a lightweight statsd-compliant client which is able to send statsd instrumentation messages via UDP to a statsd server. It makes use of a single internal thread and a Concurrent Queue in order to buffer
data for dispatch asynchronously to the dispatch of this data.
delivers messages via UDP in the following format:
Messages are sent in ISO-8859-1
and an attempt is made to santise app and bucket names to prevent strange timeseries in influxdb
It complies with the Influx Statsd enhancements as supported by influx import services such as Telegraf and currencycloud-statsd-influxdb-backend
Map<String,String> configuration = new HashMap<String,String>();
configuration.put("statsd.host", "localhost");
configuration.put("statsd.port", "8080");
// create and obtain an instance
Statsd instance = Statsd.getInstance(configuration);
Map<String,String> tags = new HashMap<String,String>();
tags.put("hostname", "machine-hostname");
tags.put("service", "service-name");
// increment a counter
instance.incrementCounter("funkyapp", "test_counter", tags, 1);
// disconnect, cleanly close the thread and ensure any unsent buffered data is sent