is an Elixir driver for Neo4j/Bolt Protocol.
- Supports Neo4j versions: 3.0.x/3.1.x/3.2.x/3.4.x/3.5.x/4.x/5.9 -5.13.0
- Supports Bolt version: 1.0/2.0/3.0/4.x/5.0/5.1/5.2/5.3/5.4
- Supports transactions, prepared queries, streaming, pooling and more via DBConnection
- Automatic decoding and encoding of Elixir values
Feature | Implemented |
Querys | YES |
Transactions | YES |
Stream capabilities | NO |
Routing | NO |
Add :boltx to your dependencies:
def deps() do
{:boltx, "~> 0.0.6"}
Using the latest version.
opts = [
hostname: "",
auth: [username: "neo4j", password: ""],
user_agent: "boltxTest/1",
pool_size: 15,
max_overflow: 3,
prefix: :default
iex> {:ok, conn} = Boltx.start_link(opts)
{:ok, #PID<0.237.0>}
iex> Boltx.query!(conn, "return 1 as n") |> Boltx.Response.first()
%{"n" => 1}
# Commit is performed automatically if everythings went fine
Boltx.transaction(conn, fn conn ->
result = Boltx.query!(conn, "CREATE (m:Movie {title: "Matrix"}) RETURN m")
Add the configuration to the corresponding files for each environment or to your config/config.ex.
The process name must be defined in your configuration
import Config
config :boltx, Bolt,
uri: "bolt://localhost:7687",
auth: [username: "neo4j", password: "password"],
user_agent: "boltxTest/1",
pool_size: 15,
max_overflow: 3,
prefix: :default,
name: Bolt
Add Boltx to the application's main monitoring tree and let OTP manage it.
# lib/n4_d/application.ex
defmodule N4D.Application do
@moduledoc false
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
id: Boltx,
start: {Boltx, :start_link, [Application.get_env(:boltx, Bolt)] },
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: N4D.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
children = [
{Boltx, Application.get_env(:boltx, Bolt)}
Now you can run query with the name you set
iex> Boltx.query!(Bolt, "return 1 as n") |> Boltx.Response.first()
%{"n" => 1}
By default the scheme is bolt+s
URI | Description | TLSOptions |
neo4j | Unsecured | [] |
neo4j+s | Secured with full certificate | [verify: :verify_none] |
neo4j+ssc | Secured with self-signed certificate | [verify: :verify_peer] |
bolt | Unsecured | [] |
bolt+s | Secured with full certificate | [verify: :verify_none] |
bolt+ssc | Secured with self-signed certificate | [verify: :verify_peer] |
Neo4j uses the Bolt protocol for communication and query execution. You can find the official documentation for Bolt here: Bolt Documentation.
It is crucial to grasp various concepts before getting started, with the most important ones being:
- PackStream: The syntax layer for the Bolt messaging protocol.
- Bolt Protocol: The application protocol for database queries via a database query language.
- Bolt Protocol handshake specification
- Bolt Protocol message specification
- Structure Semantics
It is advisable to use the specific terminology from the official documentation and official drivers to ensure consistency with this implementation.
As certain versions of Bolt may be compatible with specific functionalities while others can undergo significant changes, tags are employed to facilitate version-specific testing. Some of these tags include:
(Included in all executions).:bolt_version_{{specific version}}
(Tag to run the test on a specific version, for example, for 5.2::bolt_version_5_2
, for version 1::bolt_version_1_0)
.bolt_{major version}_x
(Tag to run on all minor versions of a major version, for example, for 5::bolt_5_x
, for all minor versions of 4:::bolt_4_x
(Tag to run the test only on the latest version).
By default, all tags are disabled except the :core
tag. To enable the tags, it is necessary to configure the following environment variables:
: This variable is used for Bolt version configuration but is also useful for testing. You can specify a version, for example, BOLT_VERSIONS="1.0".BOLT_TCP_PORT
: You can configure the port with the environment variable (BOLT_TCP_PORT=7688).
To simplify test execution, the script is available. You can find the corresponding documentation here: Help script