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Trac #20343: Add file
and class `Tikz…
…Picture` The goal of this ticket is to import the `TikzPicture` module from the optional !SageMath package [ slabbe] into !SageMath. This module has been created in 2016 and has evolved to a stable state and it is mature enough to go into !SageMath now. Here is a demo inside a Jupyter notebook (notice that the import line was since changed to `from sage.misc.latex_standalone import TikzPicture`): [[Image(tikz-jupyter-demo.png, width=600)]] More examples: {{{ sage: from sage.misc.latex_standalone import TikzPicture sage: V = [[1,0,1],[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[0,0,-1],[0,1,0],[-1,0,0],[0,1,1],[0, 0,1],[0,-1,0]] sage: P = Polyhedron(vertices=V).polar() sage: s = P.projection().tikz([674,108,-731],112) sage: t = TikzPicture(s) sage: t.pdf() # opens the pdf in a viewer '/home/slabbe/.sage/temp/miami/5032/tikz_gvem9vu8.pdf' sage: t.pdf('image.pdf') # when a filename is provided, it doesn't open in a viewer '/home/slabbe/image.pdf' }}} It may create the image into png format (translation pdf -> png made with convert from imagemagick) or svg format (translation pdf -> svg made with pdf2svg): {{{ sage: path_to_file = t.png() sage: path_to_file = t.svg() sage: path_to_file = t.tex() }}} In a Jupyter notebook, this shows the picture below the cell (using rich repr): {{{ sage: t }}} In the terminal, this shows the header and tail of the tikzpicture code: {{{ sage: t \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}% [x={(0.249656cm, -0.577639cm)}, y={(0.777700cm, -0.358578cm)}, z={(-0.576936cm, -0.733318cm)}, scale=1.000000, --- 91 lines not printed (5169 characters in total). Use print to see the full content. --- \node[vertex] at (0.00000, -1.00000, 0.00000) {}; \node[vertex] at (-0.50000, -0.50000, -0.50000) {}; %% %% \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} }}} Use `print` to see the full content: {{{ sage: print(t) }}} A second example shows that it is faster than view and better (avoids to crop the vertices): {{{ sage: g = graphs.PetersenGraph() sage: %time _ = TikzPicture(latex(g), standalone_options=["border=4mm"], usepackage=['tkz-graph']).pdf() CPU times: user 3.52 ms, sys: 12.7 ms, total: 16.2 ms Wall time: 2.24 s }}} compared to using view (which crops the vertices and creates two pages pdf on mac): {{{ sage: %time view(g, tightpage=True) CPU times: user 126 ms, sys: 85 ms, total: 211 ms Wall time: 6.06 s }}} Also, if dot2tex and graphviz available, one may directly construct a tikzpicture from a sagemath graph: {{{ sage: t = TikzPicture.from_graph(g, prog='dot') # optional: dot2tex }}} The `` was developped within optional package `slabbe` since 2015. Its interface should be stable enough to go into sage now. Meanwhile any user can use this tikzpicture module by installing the package: {{{ sage -pip install slabbe }}} and {{{ sage: from slabbe import TikzPicture }}} An example of usage of this module can be found at this url: - 6_01104.ipynb associated to the preprint - published in Journal of Modern Dynamics at - URL: Reported by: slabbe Ticket author(s): Sébastien Labbé Reviewer(s): Jean-Philippe Labbé, Xavier Caruso, Vincent Delecroix, Matthias Koeppe
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