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Merge branch 'modform-eval' into elliptic-curve-from-basis
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user202729 committed Nov 29, 2024
2 parents 79e01a9 + 6804989 commit 961b150
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Showing 4 changed files with 220 additions and 1 deletion.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/modular/modform/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -288,3 +288,18 @@ def hecke_module_of_level(self, N):
return constructor.ModularForms(self.character().restrict(N), self.weight(), self.base_ring(), prec=self.prec())
raise ValueError("N (=%s) must be a divisor or a multiple of the level of self (=%s)" % (N, self.level()))

def _pari_init_(self):
Conversion to Pari.
sage: m = ModularForms(DirichletGroup(17).0^2, 2)
sage: pari.mfdim(m)
sage: pari.mfparams(m)
[17, 2, Mod(9, 17), 4, t^4 + 1]
from sage.libs.pari import pari
return pari.mfinit([self.level(), self.weight(), self.character()], 4)
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/modular/modform/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -377,6 +377,21 @@ def _compute_q_expansion_basis(self, prec=None):
return [weight1.modular_ratio_to_prec(chi, f, prec) for f in

def _pari_init_(self):
Conversion to Pari.
sage: A = CuspForms(DirichletGroup(23, QQ).0, 1)
sage: pari.mfparams(A)
[23, 1, -23, 1, t + 1]
sage: pari.mfdim(A)
from sage.libs.pari import pari
return pari.mfinit([self.level(), self.weight(), self.character()], 1)

class CuspidalSubmodule_wt1_gH(CuspidalSubmodule):
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/modular/modform/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -586,6 +586,22 @@ class EisensteinSubmodule_eps(EisensteinSubmodule_params):
q^5 + (zeta3 + 1)*q^8 + O(q^10)
def _pari_init_(self):
Conversion to Pari.
sage: e = DirichletGroup(27,CyclotomicField(3)).0**2
sage: M = ModularForms(e,2,prec=10).eisenstein_subspace()
sage: pari.mfdim(M)
sage: pari.mfparams(M)
[27, 2, Mod(10, 27), 3, t^2 + t + 1]
from sage.libs.pari import pari
return pari.mfinit([self.level(), self.weight(), self.character()], 3)

# def _compute_q_expansion_basis(self, prec):
# B = EisensteinSubmodule_params._compute_q_expansion_basis(self, prec)
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175 changes: 174 additions & 1 deletion src/sage/modular/modform/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,38 @@ def _repr_(self):
return str(self.q_expansion())

def _pari_init_(self):
Conversion to Pari.
sage: M = EisensteinForms(96, 2)
sage: M.6
sage: M.7
sage: pari(M.6) == pari(M.7)
sage: pari(M.6).mfcoefs(10)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
sage: M = ModularForms(DirichletGroup(17).0^2, 2)
sage: pari(M.0).mfcoefs(5)
[0, 1, Mod(-t^3 + t^2 - 1, t^4 + 1), Mod(t^3 - t^2 - t - 1, t^4 + 1), Mod(2*t^3 - t^2 + 2*t, t^4 + 1), Mod(-t^3 - t^2, t^4 + 1)]
sage: M.0.qexp(5)
q + (-zeta8^3 + zeta8^2 - 1)*q^2 + (zeta8^3 - zeta8^2 - zeta8 - 1)*q^3 + (2*zeta8^3 - zeta8^2 + 2*zeta8)*q^4 + O(q^5)
from sage.libs.pari import pari
from sage.rings.number_field.number_field_element import NumberFieldElement
M = pari(self.parent())
f = self.qexp(self.parent().sturm_bound())
coefficients = [
x.__pari__('t') if isinstance(x, NumberFieldElement) else x
for x in f]
# we cannot compute pari(f) directly because we need to set the variable name as t
return M.mflinear(M.mftobasis(coefficients + [0] * (f.prec() - len(coefficients))))

def __call__(self, x, prec=None):
Evaluate the `q`-expansion of this modular form at x.
Expand All @@ -233,9 +265,150 @@ def __call__(self, x, prec=None):
sage: f(0)
Evaluate numerically::
sage: f = ModularForms(1, 12).0
sage: f(0.3) # rel tol 1e-12
sage: f = EisensteinForms(1, 4).0
sage: f(0.9) # rel tol 1e-12
sage: f = ModularForms(96, 2).0
sage: f(0.3) # rel tol 1e-12
sage: f(0.0+0.0*I)
For simplicity, ``float`` or ``complex`` input are converted to ``CC``, except for
input ``0`` where exact result is returned::
sage: result = f(0.3r); result # rel tol 1e-12
sage: result.parent()
Complex Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: result = f(0.3r + 0.3jr); result # rel tol 1e-12
0.299999359878484 + 0.299999359878484*I
sage: result.parent()
Complex Field with 53 bits of precision
Symbolic numerical values use precision of ``CC`` by default::
sage: f(sqrt(1/2)) # rel tol 1e-12
sage: f(sqrt(1/2)*QQbar.zeta(8)) # rel tol 1e-12
0.496956554651376 + 0.496956554651376*I
Higher precision::
sage: f(ComplexField(128)(0.3)) # rel tol 1e-36
sage: f(ComplexField(128)(1+2*I)/3) # rel tol 1e-36
0.32165384572356882556790532669389900691 + 0.67061244638367586302820790711257777390*I
Confirm numerical evaluation matches the q-expansion::
sage: f = EisensteinForms(1, 4).0
sage: f(0.3) # rel tol 1e-12
sage: f.qexp(50).polynomial()(0.3) # rel tol 1e-12
With a nontrivial character::
sage: M = ModularForms(DirichletGroup(17).0^2, 2)
sage: M.0(0.5) # rel tol 1e-12
0.166916655031616 + 0.0111529051752428*I
sage: M.0.qexp(60).polynomial()(0.5) # rel tol 1e-12
0.166916655031616 + 0.0111529051752428*I
Higher precision::
sage: f(ComplexField(128)(1+2*I)/3) # rel tol 1e-36
429.19994832206294278688085399056359632 - 786.15736284188243351153830824852974995*I
sage: f.qexp(400).polynomial()(ComplexField(128)(1+2*I)/3) # rel tol 1e-36
429.19994832206294278688085399056359631 - 786.15736284188243351153830824852974999*I
Check ``SR`` does not make the result lose precision::
sage: f(ComplexField(128)(1+2*I)/3 + x - x) # rel tol 1e-36
429.19994832206294278688085399056359632 - 786.15736284188243351153830824852974995*I
from sage.rings.integer import Integer
from sage.misc.functional import log
from sage.structure.element import parent
from sage.rings.complex_mpfr import ComplexNumber
from import CC
from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RealNumber
from sage.symbolic.constants import pi
from sage.rings.imaginary_unit import I # import from here instead of sage.symbolic.constants to avoid cast to SR
from sage.symbolic.expression import Expression
if isinstance(x, Expression):
x = x.pyobject()
except TypeError:
if x in CC:
if x == 0:
return self.qexp(1)[0]
if not isinstance(x, (RealNumber, ComplexNumber)):
x = CC(x) # might lose precision if this is done unconditionally (TODO what about interval and ball types?)
if isinstance(x, (RealNumber, ComplexNumber)):
return self.eval_at_tau(log(x)/(2*parent(x)(pi)*I)) # cast to parent(x) to force numerical evaluation of pi
return self.q_expansion(prec)(x)

def eval_at_tau(self, tau):
Evaluate this modular form at the half-period ratio `\tau`.
This is related to `q` by `q = e^{2\pi i \tau}`.
sage: f = ModularForms(1, 12).0
sage: f.eval_at_tau(0.3 * I) # rel tol 1e-12
Symbolic numerical values use precision of ``CC`` by default::
sage: f.eval_at_tau(sqrt(1/5)*I) # rel tol 1e-12
sage: f.eval_at_tau(sqrt(1/2)*QQbar.zeta(8)) # rel tol 1e-12
For simplicity, ``complex`` input are converted to ``CC``::
sage: result = f.eval_at_tau(0.3jr); result # rel tol 1e-12
sage: result.parent()
Complex Field with 53 bits of precision
Check ``SR`` does not make the result lose precision::
sage: f = EisensteinForms(1, 4).0
sage: f.eval_at_tau(ComplexField(128)(1+2*I)/3 + x - x) # rel tol 1e-36
-1.0451570582202060056197878314286036966 + 2.7225112098519803098203933583286590274*I
from sage.libs.pari.convert_sage import gen_to_sage
from sage.libs.pari import pari
from import CC
from sage.rings.complex_mpfr import ComplexNumber, ComplexField
from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RealNumber
from sage.symbolic.expression import Expression
if isinstance(tau, Expression):
tau = tau.pyobject()
except TypeError:
if not isinstance(tau, (RealNumber, ComplexNumber)):
tau = CC(tau)
precision = tau.prec()
return ComplexField(precision)(pari.mfeval(self.parent(), self, tau, precision=precision))

def valuation(self):
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