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William Stein edited this page May 18, 2022
321 revisions
This is no longer updated. It's both hard to keep up to date using public info, and potentially conflicts with privacy requirements when we use non-public info, making this complicated.
If you'd like your course listed, send us an email at help@sagemath.com.
NOTE (Nov 2017): It has been too hard to maintain this page, so it is very incomplete at present.
(... this is very incomplete)
(... there is a lot of activity)
- BIOL66021: Computational Approaches to Biology - Jean Marc Schwartz / Simon Hubbard - Univ of Manchester
- LIN 120: Language and Technology - ? - Stony Brook Univ
- PHY213: Stellar structure & evolution - ? - University of Sheffield, UK
- COM2004: Data Driven Computing - ? - University of Sheffield, UK
- Math 157: Intro to Mathematical Software - Peter Wear - UCSD
- Math 3012L: Applied Combinatorics - Shane Scott - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Math 157: Intro to Mathematical Software - Kiran Kedlaya - UCSD
- Math 107: Mathematics of Modern Secure Communication - PLU
- EC ENGR 219 Large-Scale Data Mining: Models and Algorithms - UCLA
- Matematički softver - Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Croatia
- Python: Introduction to Python Programing - Slimane Ben Miled - Univ of Tunis el Manar, Tunisia
- Cryptography - Gabriel Chênevert - ISEN Lille, FR
- MATH 120: Elementary Statistics - Anand L. Pardhanani - Earlham College
- MTH 440: Computational Number Theory (3) - Clayton Petsche - Oregon State Univ
- MATH 444: Abstract Algebra - Will Murray - California State University, Long Beach
- M351: Ordinary Differential Equations - Richard Bernatz - Luther College
- PHY235: Programming using Python - Dr Mark Quinn - University of Sheffield, UK
- PHYS-335: Applied Optics in Photonics - Todd Zimmerman - University of Wisconsin-Stout
- PHY113 - Pro Skills in Physics - Dr Mark Quinn - University of Sheffield, UK
- PHY213 - Stellar structure & evolution - Dr Katherine Inskip - University of Sheffield, UK
- PHY235 - Programming using Python - Dr Mark Quinn - University of Sheffield, UK
- PHY236 - Computational physics - Dr Mark Quinn - University of Sheffield, UK
- PHY241 - Observational Astronomy - Dr Stuart Littlefair - University of Sheffield, UK
- PHY242 - Astronomical Spectroscopy - Dr Katherine Inskip - University of Sheffield, UK
- PHY328 - Advanced Programming in Python - Prof Lee Thomson - University of Sheffield, UK
- Optica Fisica II (Physicial Optics): Oscar G Calderon - Complutense University of Madrid
- Abstract Algebra - Tom Edgar - Pacific Lutheran University
- MATH 202: Calculus II: Kyle Calderhead - Malone University
- MATH 272: Calculus II: - Cathy Holl-Cross - South Piedmont community college
- Course Álgebra y Geometría (2016-2017) - University of Cantabria
- MATH 187/187A: Introduction to Cryptography - Alina Bucur - University of California San Diego
- MAT 110: Foundations of Mathematics - Jacob Koehler - Borough of Manhattan Community College
- CPSC 219 - Foundations of Data Science - Stephen Davies - UMW
- Math 209: Numerical Analysis using SAGE - Thomas Clark - Dordt College
- Math 3380: Algorithms for Applied Mathematics - Steve Graves - The University of Texas at tyler
- ATMS 305 - Computing and Data Analysis - Steve Nesbitt - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Course 18.783 Elliptic Curves - MIT
- MECH 322 Computer Applications 2 for MET - Brian Brady - Ferris State University
- CS 301 - Oscar Levin - University of Northern Colorado
- Calculus - Eric Abell - St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
- MTH 203 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III - Taylor Short - Grand Valley State University
- MATH-212 Linear Algebra - Keir Lockridge - Gettysburg College
- MAT 255 Discrete Mathematics - Jeff Denny - Mercer University
- CSC 490-820: LaTeX - Elizabeth Wilcox - SUNY Oswego
- GCB 535 Intro to Bioinformatics - Benjamin Voight - University of Pennsylvania
- COMP 203 Programming and Computer Algebra - Laura Gross - Bridgewater State University
- Math 314 - Cryptography - Nathan McNew - Towson University
- Mathematical Computation - John Perry - University of Southern Mississippi
- Mathematical Computing (Math 255) - Craig E Larson - Virginia Commonwealth University
- Experimental Mathematics (Math 353) - Craig E Larson - Virginia Commonwealth University
- PHYS 310 – Electronics Applications – Alan DeWeerd – University of Redlands
- Math 387 Analysis I - Andrew Koichi Greene - Manhattan College
- Math 286 Differential Equations - Andrew Koichi Greene - Manhattan College
- Explorations in Data Science - Sean Raleigh, Westminster College (Salt Lake City, UT)
- CS 591 - Applied cryptography - Mayank Varia - Boston University
- Math Experimentation - Matt Thomas - Ithaca College
- Mathematics and Digital Art - Vince Matsko - Univ of San Francisco
- MATH1235: Python Programming & Mathematical Software -- Bernd Sing - University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados
- Math2415, Calculus III - James “Joe” McCarry at Laredo Community College, Texas.
- CS 410: Introduction to Computer Graphics - Ross Beveridge - Colorado State Univ
- TCSS 321 A: Discrete Structures I - Erik R. Tou - UW
- 6G5Z3006: Number Theory And Cryptography - Killian O'Brien - Manchaster Metropolitan Univ
- PHY340-350 - Susan Cartwright - Sheffield, UK
- Math 121: Calculus 3 - Taylor Dupuy - Univ of Vermont
- MA6011: Cryptographic Mathematics - Eberhard Mayerhofer - University of Limerick
- Math 2500 Linear Algebra - Theron Hitchman - Univ of Northern Iowa
- MATH/CSCI 408: Cryptography - - Coastal Carolina Univ
- INFO I368: Introduction to Network Science - Filippo Menczer - Indiana Univ
- MS 142 - Physical Oceanography - Tom Connolly - MLML CalState
- MATH 231 Linear Algebra - Michael Butros - Victor Valley Coll, CA
- MAT 361 - Numerical Analysis - Mohammad Obiedat - Gallaudet Univ, DC
- Projets pluridisciplinaires, modélisation mathématique et informatique - Viviane Pons - Univ Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
- Cryptographic Protocols Practice Session - Prastudy Fauzi - Unive of Tartu, Estonia
- MATH 242 Calculus II - Scott Frank - Marist Coll, NY
- MATH 215: Object Oriented Math Programming - Aaron Lauve - Loyola Univ Chicago
- GEOG 30323: Data Analysis & Visualization and homepage - Kyle Walker - Texas Christian Univ
- MATH 314: Intro to Cryptography - Nathan McNew - Towson U
- ATMS 406 - Tropical Meteorology - Nesbitt - U Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- MATH 1152Q: Honors Calculus II - Cabrera, Wallace, Giambrone - Univ of Connecticut
- MAT-252 Calculus III - Braxton Carrigan - Southern Connecticut State U
- MTH 2450 - Topics in Computer Mathematics - Christina Alvey - MSMC, NY
- Linear Algebra - S-STEM Data Driven Mathematicians - ETSU
- MATH-212 Linear Algebra - Keir Lockridge - Gettysburg Coll
- MAT/CSC 332: Cryptology - Elizabeth Wilcox - OSWEGO
- Math 243 Discrete Foundations - Andrew Greene - Manhattan Coll
- Graph Theory - Matthew Zeckner - Adrian College
- T-317-CAST - Calculus and Statistics - Henning Ulfarsson - Reykjavik University
- PHYS 312 - Optics Lab - Michael E. Huster - Duquesne Univ
- Math 205 - Calculus 1 Lecture & Lab - Aaron Tresham - Univ. Hawaii
- PHYS-281 - University Physics I - Todd Zimmerman - University of Wisconsin - Stout
- PHYS-291 - Statics - Todd Zimmerman - University of Wisconsin - Stout
- PHYS-216 - Computational Physics - Jeff Oishi - Bates College
- MATH-261 - Calculus III - Jan Hlavacek - Saginaw Valley State University
- 6G6Z3012: Group Theory, Killian O'Brien, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- CDS-101 - Introduction to Computational and Data Sciences - James Glasbrenner - George Mason University
- PHYS220/MATH220/CPSC220 Scientific Computing I - Dr. Justin Dressel - Chapman Univ
- CS510 Computing for Scientists - Dr. Justin Dressel - Chapman Univ
- Computational Mathematics - Andrew Thompson - Oxford, UK
- Number Theory, Summer Session 2 - UC Davis
- Calculus 1 - University of New England
- Python for IASSIST
- Laboratório de Matemática II - Leon Denis - UFRPE, PE, Brasil
- Álgebra Computacional - António Malheiro - NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal
- Math 726: The Mathematics of Data and Networks - Pietro Poggi-Corradini - Kansas State University
- Math 4370 Applied Algebra - Luis David Garcia Puente - Sam Houston State University
- DCS S20 - Intro to Computer Programming - Adriana Salerno - Bates, ME, US
- AMath 483/583 - High Performance Scientific Computing - Chris Swierczewski - Univ Washington, WA
- Analizde Hesaplamalar II (Calculus 2) - Gönec Onay - Mimar Sinan Univ, Turkey
- MA 1453: Cryptography 2 - Robert Nyqvist - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Matemáticas Discretas y Algoritmos - Marcos Villagra - Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay
- Matematički softver (Mathematical software) - Ivica Nakić - Univrsity of Zagreb, Croatia
- MTH 121 - Introduction to Linear Algebra - Charles C. Johnson - Wake Forest Univ
- Sujet spécial: Computer algebra - Giulia Bianco - Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- Error-Correcting Codes - Johan S. R. Nielsen - Technical University of Denmark
- Mathematical Laboratory for Engineers - Zeljka Tutek - Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Math 185 Calculus I - Andrew Koichi Greene - Manhattan College
- Math 387 Analysis I - Andrew Koichi Greene - Manhattan College
- Óptica Física II (Physical Optics II) - Eduardo Cabrera-Granado - Complutense University of Madrid, ES
- Diseño Óptico y Optométrico (Optical and Optometric Design) - Eduardo Cabrera-Granado - Complutense University of Madrid, ES
- Analysis, Algebra and Graphs - Dominique Soudiere - Univ Le Havre, FR
- MAT 412, Introduction to Abstract Algebra II - Nandor Sieben - Northern Arizona Univ
- CSC 490-820: LaTeX - Elizabeth Wilcox - Oswego State Univ, NY
- Math 308: Introduction to Algebraic Cryptology - Liljana Babinkostova - Boise State Univ
- Math 406: Cryptography 암호론 - Mark Siggers, Kyungpook National University, Korea
- edX MOOC: Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots - Anton Akhmerov, Jay Sau, Bernard van Heck, e.a. - Delft Univ, Univ Maryland, Yale
- G405-G279 Algebra y Geometria - University of Cantabria
- Math 333: Calculus III - Nicholas Long - SFA, TX
- Math 290: Linear Algebra - Carl Toews - Univ of Puget Sound
- Math 259: Calculus - Jeffrey Wand - Gonzaga Univ
- MTH 270/395: Topics in Data Science - Malcolm Kotok - Univ Rochester
- MTH 437: Algebra II - Douglas Haessig - Univ Rochester
- MATH 4530-100 (4216): Statistical Computing - Martin J. Mohlenkamp - Ohio University: "We will do our computations in CoCalc using the language R."
- Math 150: Linear Algebra - Lauren Kelly Williams - Mercyhurst Univ
- Math 422: Introduction to Number Theory - Shahed Sharif - Cal State University San Marcos
- G4079: Nonlinear Option Pricing - Sylvain Corlay - Columbia Univ
- PHYS-383: Quantum Mechanics - Todd Zimmerman - University of Wisconsin - Stout
- Math 21A: Calculus - Anne Schilling - UC Davis
- Analyse d’algorithmes et programmation - Boura, De Feo - UVSQ, France
- GCB 535 Intro to Bioinformatics - Hannenhalli/Master - UPenn
- Accelerated Precalculus - Mr. James - Potomacschool
- MAT 305 Mathematical Computation - John Perry - University of Southern Mississippi
- Math 582: Computational Number Theory - William Stein - University of Washington
- ENSP 437 Passive Solar Design - Daniel Soto - Sonoma State University
- Mathématiques assistées par ordinateur, option Calcul formel (Computer assisted mathematics, specialty Computer algebra, 4th year course) - Stéphane Fischler & Samuel Lelièvre - Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
- MATH-223 Matrix Algebra - Jan Hlavacek - Saginaw Valley State University
- MA 2513: Cryptography 3 - Robert Nyqvist - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Mathematics on Computers - Zeljka Tutek - Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Maths CIR2 - Gabriel Chênevert - ISEN Lille, FR
- Cryptography - Gabriel Chênevert - ISEN Lille, FR
- MCS 260 - John Lenz - Univ Illinois at Chicago
- IQ-0525 Operaciones de Separación por Métodos Difusionales - Esteban Richmond-Salazar - Universidad de Costa Rica
- Mathematical Programming - Henning Ulfarsson - Reykjavik University
- Math 120: Calculus II - Bret Benesh - College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's Univ
- Math 243 Discrete Foundations - Andrew Greene - Manhattan College, NY
- BMS353 Bioinformatics for Biomedical Science - Marta Milo and Mike Croucher - University of Sheffield
- Computer Algebra (2015) - Stefano Martin - Aalborg U, DK
- Math 485: Mathematical Cryptography - Paul Jenkins - Brigham Young U
- Public Key Cryptography and Digital Signatures - Klaus Dohmen - Hochschule Mittweida, DE
- UCLA Life Science 30A - Mathematics for Life Scientists and courses - Will Conley - UCLA
- MATH 725 - The Mathematics of Data and Networks - Pietro Poggi-Corradini - Kansas State Univ
- Math 185 Calculus I - Andrew Greene - Manhattan College
- Math 411, Intro to Abstract Algebra I - Eric Sommers - Univ Massachusetts / Amherst
- MA6011 - Cryptographic Mathematics - Dr. Bernd Kreussler - Univ of Limerick
- CAS CS 591/791 - Electronic Commerce - Prof. John W. Byers - Boston Univ/CS
- MATH 4600-100 (4132) Introduction to Numerical Analysis - Martin J. Mohlenkamp - Ohio Univ
- MAA4211 Advanced Calculus I - Scott McCullough - Univ of Florida
- MAT204 (UG15) A - Calculus I - Shawn Chiappetta - Univ of Sioux Falls
- COMP/MATH 331/431 Cryptography - S. R. Doty - Loyola University Chicago
- txt1x: Text Mining and Analytics - Scott Cunningham - edX TUDelft
- CERI 7315/8315 Computational Methods for Geodynamics - Eunseo Choi - Univ Memphis
- CS510 : Scientific Computing - Dr. Justin Dressel - Chapman Univ
- Math 211: Multivariable calculus I - Kyle M. Ormsby - Reed College
- ATMS 391: Advanced Geophysical Data Analysis - Steve Nesbitt - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Math 205 - Calculus 1 Lab - Aaron Tresham - Univ. Hawaii
- Math 2803: Number Theory and Cryptography - Matt Baker - Georgia Tech
- MA1003: Computing for mathematics - Vince Knight - Cardiff University
- PHYS-335: Applied Optics and Photonics - Todd Zimmerman - University of Wisconsin-Stout
- MATH431: Linear Algebra in CoCalc - Robert Lipshitz - Oregon
- Mathematics Fundamentals - Killian O'Brien - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- Bioinformatics - Luca Beltrame and Fiorenzo Peverali, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy
- Linear Algebra - MAT 372 - Joe Fields, Southern Connecticut State University
- Informatyczne wspomaganie pracy matematyka - Peter Rzonsowski - Adam Mickiewicz Univ, PL
- Math 3012: Applied Combinatorics - Shane Scott - Georgia Tech, ATL
- Math V1201: Calculus III - Sebastien Picard - Columbia U, NY
- Math 506: Algebra for Teachers - Luís Renato Abib Finotti - UTK
- math 799 - scientific computing with python - Nathan Albin - Kansas State Univ
- Topics in Algebra & Combinatorics - Scott Corry - Lawrence Univ, WI
- MA 1453: Cryptography 2 - Robert Nyqvist - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
- MC140-2 Matematicas I - Sergio Muñoz V. - Chile
- MasterMath Cryptology Course - Part II Cryptanalysis - Marc Stevens - Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, NL
- MATH 2500 Linear Algebra - Min Ho Lee - Univ Northern Iowa
- UW Math 309 E Differential Equations - Pál Zsámboki - UW, WA
- TCSS 321 Discrete Structures 1 - Ruth Vanderpool - UW Tacoma, WA
- Probability 2015-1 - Juan Pablo Urrea Duque - Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
- Math 307 - Introduction to Proof - Andrew Schopieray - Univ Oregon
- Научное программирование и Sage (Scientific programming and Sage) - George Kuryachii and Paul Sutyrin - Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State Univ
- Math 1700 - Mathematical Modeling - Han-Bom Moon - Fordham University, NY
- Matematyka dla Ciekawych Świata (Interesting Mathematics for the World) - Pawełka Samoraj - Warsaw Centre for Mathematical Sciences, PL
- CS110 -- Combinatorics for Computer Science 1 - Einar Steingrmsson - University of Strathclyde
- Application of Modular Arithmetic using Sage - Idaho Digital Learning Academy
- Math 0430: Abstract Algebra - Frank Beatrous - Univ. Pittsburgh
- Wstęp do rachunku prawdopodobieństwa (Introduction to probability) - Peter Swarthy - Univ Adama Mickiewicza, PL
- AMATH (4,5)83 - High-Perfomance Scientific Computing - Ulrich Hetmaniuk - UW
- MAT 2680: Differential Equations - OpenLab NYCCT
- Algebra I - Paulius Drungilas - Univ Vilnius, LT
- Math 301: Fundamentals of Mathematics - Gonzaga University
- Mathematics with Computers (Finnish) - Helsingin yhteislyseo (High School course in Finland)
- Math 204B: Algebraic Number theory - Kiran Sridhara Kedlaya - UC SanDiego
- MA1S12: Calculus with applications for Scientists - Sergey Mozgovoy - Trinity College, IE
- MATH 374: Mathematical Modeling - Michael B. Scott - California State Univ.
- MATH 324B: Advanced Multivariable Calculus - Graham Clenaghan - UW, WA, USA
- Įvadas į algebrinę skaičių teorijąDirbsime pagal knygą - Introduction to algebraic number theory - Paulius Drungilas - Vilnius University, LTU
- M202: Linear Algebra and Probability - Vincent Matsko - Univ San Francisco
- Computer science and mathematics projects for first year students: https://www.lri.fr/~pons/projet-maths-info.php - Université Paris Sud, France
- Math 260 "Introduction to Abstract Mathematics", Dr. Margaret Symington, Mercer University
- M110: Calculus II - Vincent Matsko - Univ San Francisco
- Math4100: Differential Equations - Aaron Wood - Univ Missouri
- EdX TOPOCMx: Topology in Condensed Matter Physics - tying quantum knots run in parallel in TU Delft by Anton Akhmerov and Univ Maryland by Jay Sau
- Math 400 Just Enough Python for Numerical Analysis - David Sklar and Bruce Cohen - San Francisco State
- MAT 211-01 Multivariable Calculus (Calculus III) - George Jennings - California State Univ
- MAT 411-01 Mathematical Modeling - George Jennings - California State Univ
- Math 307A: Intro to Differential Equations - Jim Stark - UW, WA
- Math 364 - Principles of Optimization - Tom Asaki - Washington State Univ
- Calculus 4, MATH 226 - Samuel S. Gross - Bloomsburg Univ. PA
- Introduction to Scientific Computing, MTAT.08.025 - Eero Vainikko - University of Tartu, Estonia
- Optimización combinatoria, MATE 3716/4716 - Felipe Rincón - Universidad de los Andes, CO
- CIS 194: Introduction to Haskell - Noam Zilberstein - UPenn
- Differential Equations with Linear Algebra - Ioannis Souldatos - Univ. of Detroit Mercy
- Calculus II Lab - Math 206-002 - Brian Wissman - Hawaii.edu
- Nonlinear Dynamics 1: Geometry of Chaos, experimental MOOC - Predrag Cvitanović - Georgia Inst. of Techn.
- MATE5403 Tieteellinen laskenta I (Scientific Computing I) - Riku Klen - Univ. Turku, FI
- Math 4100 — Introduction to Number Theory - C C Joohnson - Clemson Univ.
- PHYS 250 - Craig J Copi - Case Western Reserver Univ.
- Finance 4480 - Derivatives Markets - Tyler J. Brough - Utah State Univ.
- Math 480: Topics in Modeling - Sara Billey - UW
- Mathematical Computing (Math 255) - Craig E Larson - Virginia Commonwealth University
- Intro to Algebraic Geometry (Math 591) - Craig E Larson - Virginia Commonwealth University
- Math 104B: Number Theory II - Alina Bucur - UC SanDiego
- Conservation Laws and Finite Volume Methods, Applied Math 574 - Randall J. LeVeque - UW
- Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning - Dana Ernst - Northern Arizona University
- M107: Math Explorations - The Mathematics of Modern Secure Communication - Tom Edgar - PLU
- 18.783 - Elliptic Curves - Andrew Sutherland - MIT
- Finance 6320 - Computational Methods - Tyler J. Brough - Utah State Univ.
- MATH 210 - Introduction to Mathematical Computing - Carmen Bruni - Univ. of British Columbia
- MATH 182: Algorithms - Alejandro Morales - UCLA
- MATH 180: The symmetric group, symmetric functions and computer exploration - Anne Schilling - UC Davis
- Global Health 590: Selected Topics in Global Health - University of Washington - Abraham D. Flaxman
- American Indian Studies 475A: Environmental Issues on Indigenous Homelands - University of Washington - Clarita Lefthand
- MATH 180: The symmetric group, symmetric functions and computer exploration - UC Davis - Anne Schilling
- ESS 544: Applied Tsunami Hazard Science - University of Washington - Frank I Gonzalez; A broad introductory overview of tsunami science and physical, social, and economic impacts of tsunami hazards. Designed for scientific, engineering, earth-science professionals, and graduate students interested in tsunami hazard assessment, mitigation, or warning.
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematics - James Aisenberg - UC San Diego
- [Math 400: Numerical Analysis - San Francisco State University] (http://tetrahedra.net/m400/) David Sklar and Bruce Cohen
- CSCI 360, Cryptography and Cryptanalysis. Hunter Johnson - John Jay College, CUNY
- Fizikte Bilgisayar Uygulamaları (FİZ225) - Mesut Karakoç - Akdeniz Üniversitesi
- Calculus Math 31B - Taylor Dupuy - UCLA
- Mathematical Programming - Henning Ulfarsson - Reykjavik University
- Àlgebra Abstracta II (Abstract Algebra II) - Gabriel Cardona - Universitat de les Illes Balears
- Matemaattiset ohjelmistot opetuksessa, MATE5331 - Riku Klén - University of Turku, FI
- Calcul Formel ISA 1 - Université de Pau et des Pays de l Adour, FR
- Calculus 2502A - Advanced Calculus I - Martin Frankland - University of Western Ontario
- Introduction to Quantum Field Theory - Volker Braun - University of Oxford, UK
- Calculus III - James M. Hammer, III - Auburn University, AL
- MATH 265: Differential Equations & Linear Algebra - California State Univ Monterey Bay
- Computerorientierte Mathematik - Prof. Dr. Thomas Gerstner - Göthe Universität, Frankfurt, DE
- Computing for Mathematics - Vincent Knight - Cardiff University - My 150+ students are now actively using CoCalc. This time last year I was running around in a panicked state rebooting servers and various other things as our local Sage Mathematical Software System server kept crashing. This year it's been completely painless with all the students using CoCalc. Even had the opportunity to teach some markdown to some students and also heard of a group of 3 who were collaboratively writing revision notes using a shared +IPython notebook. Great tool.
- Applied Number Theory & Cryptography - M 343 L - Felipe Voloch - University of Texas
- Linear Algebra - Math 2500 - Theron J Hitchman - University of Northern Iowa
- MAT 215, Lineer Cebir - Özer Öztürk - Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi
- CISC 320 Introduction to Algorithms - Andy Novocin - University of Delaware
- Computational Methods for Evolutionary Biologists - CSE 801
- Introduction to Differential Equations - MAT 330 - Jeff Denny - Mercer
- Cryptographic Mathematics - MA6011 - Bernd Kreussler - Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
- Algorithmische Zahlentheorie (Algorithmic Number Theory), at Universität Oldenburg by Steffen Müller
- Cryptography - Gabriel Chênevert - ISEN Lille, FR
- MAT 193-01 Calculus II - George Jennings - Calif. State Univ.
- Математик 3
- Théorie des nombres - Vincent Guirardel - Univ Rennes, Fr
- Math 243 - Codes and Cryptography - Jeremy Rouse - Wake Forest University, NC
- MTH 275: Linear Algebra - Tony Shaska - Oakland University
- Computer Algebra (2014) - Diego Ruano - Aalborg University
- Math 240 - Linear Algebra - Albert Schueller - Whitman College, WA
- Math 521: Computational and Applied Algebra - Shahed Sharif - California State University
- MATH 321: Statistics for the Experimentalist - Nathanial Burch - Gonzaga Univ, WA
- MATH 242 - Eric Errthum - Winona State Univ
- Calculus Lab - Aaron Tresham - Hawaii.edu
- MTH 225: Discrete Structures for Computer Science 1 - Robert Talbert - Grand Valley State University
- David Ketcheson - HyperPython
- PH 237: Experimental Gravitational Wave Physics, Caltech
- Math 271 - Differential Equations - Nathan Reff - Alfred Univ, NY
- MATH3120: Numerical Analysis - Bernd Sing - University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados
- Computer Systems Security - LJ Awuah - University of Ghana
- MATH 4673/5673, Graph Theory and Social Networks - Kimball Martin - University of Oklahoma
- SM473, Projects in Cryptography, Codes, and Information Security - David Joyner - US Naval Academy
- Advanced Linear Algebra (Math 420, Spring 2014) - Rob Beezer - UPS
- AMCS 252: Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations - David Ketcheson - KAUST (see also [this blog post])(http://www.davidketcheson.info/2014/05/31/teaching_with_SMC.html)
- MATH 847: Topics in Algebra: Modular forms and their arithmetic - Rob Harron - U. Wisconsin
- Math 470: Communications and Cryptography - J. Maurice Rojas - Texas A&M
- MATH 4530, Statistical Computing - Martin J. Mohlenkamp - OHIO University
- Math 2060 — Calculus of Several Variables - Charles C. Johnson - Clemson
- Math 80220 Topics in Algebra 2 (Spring 2014) Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory - Andrei Jorza - Univ. of Notre Dame
- MA1003: Computing for Mathematics - Dr. Vincent Knight - Cardiff UK
- Math 320 Numerical Analysis - Dr. Bryan Clair - SLU
- MATH 308 L: Matrix Algebra With Applications - Bharathwaj Palvannan - UW
- CSE 891: Computational Techniques for Large-Scale Data Analysis for MSBA
- M107: Math Explorations - Tom Edgar - PLU
- MTH 325: Discrete Structures for Computer Science 2 - Robert Talbert - Grand Valley State University
- Electromagnetics - Hsin-Luen Tsai - Kao Yuan University (Department of Electronics)
- Math 255 + 501 - Craig Larson - Virginia Commonwealth University
- Math 122 - John Ringland (?) - Buffalo, NY
- Linear Algebra Math 290A&B - Bob Beezer - U of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, USA
- Mathematics 18.782 - Arithmetic Geomety - Andrew Sutherland - MIT, USA
- Mathematical Methods - Killian O'Brien
- Kryptographie - Andre Chatzistamatiou - Universität Duisburg-Essen, DE
- Mathematics for Scientists/MA1S11 - Tristan McLoughlin - Trinity College Dublin, UK
- Math 242: Calculus II - University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
- MTH 325: Discrete Structures for Computer Science 2 - Robert Talbert
- MA 213 001-004 - Calculus III - Uwe Nagel - Kentucky University
- ESCI 7403 Advanced Topics: Computatinal Methods for Geodynamics - Eunseo Choi - U. of Memphis, TN
- Math 124 - Greg Warrington - CEMS, University of Vermont
- Math 724: Enumerative Combinatorics - Jeremy Martin
- Calculus, Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA
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