Simple Django app to allow administrators to upload and manage media files, for use with flatpages or another simple CMS, for example.
Django 1.4.x. Other versions may work but have not been tested.
Copy the dosiero directory to your project, or put it on your PYTHONPATH. Add 'dosiero' to your INSTALLED_APPS and run syncdb. You will have a new app in your admin that users with administrative rights can use to upload files and link to from elsewhere.
You can set the following configuration variables in your
DOSIERO_UPLOAD_TO is the subdirectory of the media folder that files will be uploaded too (i.e., the upload_to argument to FileField). Default: 'dosiero'.
If DOSIERO_BACKUP_DIR is defined, then deleted files will be renamed to include a hash of the file contents and moved to this directory, instead of being outright deleted, so you can keep backup copies of all files. This should be a full path to the directory.