a raytracer written in Rust , taken from writing a raytracer in a weekend
current progress is that we are able to render a blue-to-whiote gradinet image using a camera focussed on ray Y coordinate.
we have generated the sphere colored according to its normal vectors.
we have a resulting render of normals-colored sphere with ground.
cargo run > etc/image.ppm
python convert.py etc/image.ppm > image.jpg
230 text files.
110 unique files.
453 files ignored.
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 2.02 T=0.10 s (137.3 files/s, 9425.6 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Rust 10 107 141 513
Markdown 2 41 0 87
Python 1 13 9 41
TOML 1 1 0 8
SUM: 14 162 150 649