The presented package aims to build upon the existing Python package RA2CE (Deltares/ra2ce, Resilience Assessment and Action perspective for Critical infrastructurE) used for the road network and extend its functionalities to be used for assessing the resilience of multi-modal transport networks. Initial steps are taken to include railway network with this regard.
The most important packages used are:
OSM-FLEX: Required for downloading the PBF (Protocolbuffer Binary Format) files, extracting relevant railway elements, and clipping to the region of interest. (
Trail: A Python toolkit for Trade and tRAnsport Impact and fLow analysiS (
RA2CE (Resilience Assessment and Action perspective for Critical infrastructurE): Focuses on mapping the exposure, criticality, and vulnerability as well as the forthcoming prioritisation of locations to take actions based on cost-benefit assessment. ra2ce_multi_modal_network uses a branch of RA2CE called chore/185-ra2ce-multi. (
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Create the ra2ce_multi_env:
cd <to the main repository ra2ce_multi folder>
conda env create -f .config\environment.yml
conda activate ra2ce_multi_env
- Manually download binaries from . Then rename it to osmconvert.exe. Then place the .exe in the osm folder created by osm_flex during the installation.
- For updating the Trail package, Clone and place the Trail's src folder in the ra2ce_multi|_network folder, and then import accordingly in .py files.
The following features (using the mentioned packages, modified, or developed here) are available:
- A rail network for a specific transport purpose (e.g., freight) can be created and simplified for the region of interest. The railway network simplification includes the following:
- Dropping hanging nodes.
- Merging tracks: segments with node degrees of 2 are merged while allowing for excluding bridges and tunnels to be merged (also other types of road links)
- The package allows for introducing terminals or detecting possible terminals in the region under study. Moreover, the introduced or identified terminals are mapped on the railway network.
- Detecting possible terminals: Identifying hanging nodes with the track type of spur.
- Introducing terminals: Input by the user in GEOJSON format. It should include information about the origin or destination IDs and modes to which the terminals deliver services.
A multi-modal object (from the MultiModal class) can be created that contains information about the input graphs (NetworkX type) networks (road and rail). Moreover, this object creates a multi-modal network that connects networks at terminals serving these networks. For instance, if we have rail and road networks and a number of multi-modal terminals serving both networks, then the multi-modal graph consists of the rail and road networks connected at the multi-modal nodes. The weight (i.e., travel time or distance) of the connector edges linking separate graphs are defined statically and can be defined through the connector_weight parameter of the create_multi_modal_graph method of the MultiModal class. Such weights will be used later in finding the optimal routes.
After creating a multi-modal object (from the MultiModal class), it is possible to explore the optimal routes among origins and destinations through the introduced graphs (rail and road) as well as the multi-modal graph. The shortest path is calculated using transport time or distance (weights). The optimal route finding is connected to the RA2Ce package for the future integration of the ra2ce_multi_modal_network and RA2CE
In the examples folder, examples are provided for the mentioned features.