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Docs! Yay!




  • Create a directory in your repository containing all the markup files along with an index.rst file which contains toctrees to link the various documents. You can also provide the index in markdown format although then you won't be able to include other documents such as the README into them.
  • Register your repository with Yaydoc CI.
  • If you use embedded html in markdown or ReST, any static content such as images, javascript referred from it should be present in a _static directory placed under source.


Yaydoc will automatically read configuration from a file named .yaydoc.yml stored at the root of your repository.

  • Specifying Metadata
  author: FOSSASIA       # Author of the project, default: Github uername or organization
  projectname: Yaydoc    # Name of the Project, default: Name of the repository
  version: development   # Version of the Project, default: UTC date of latest deployment
  debug: true            # Enables detailed logging, default: false
  autoindex:             # Control various properties of the auto-generated index which is used to generate the landing page of the generated docs
    include:             # Names of Documents which should be included at the top of the index. Files specified here if present, would be used to generate the starting page of the generated docs. default:, README.rst
      show: true              # Whether table of contents for locally available documents should be generated.
      heading: Contents       # The heading under which documents directly under `source` would be served.
      show: true              # Whether links to subprojects should be added, default: true
      heading: Sub projects   # The overall heading of all subprojects, default: Sub Projects
      show: true                  # Whether links to API docs should be added at the end. If this is false then none of the apidocs would be added, default: true
      heading: API Documentation  # The overall heading of the API docs, default: API Documentation
        show: true                # Whether link to javadoc should be added, default: false
  • Configuring build options
    name: sphinx_fossasia_theme        # Name of the theme. Apart from built in sphinx themes, custom themes from PyPI are also supported, default: sphinx_fossasia_theme
    options:                           # The respective theme options. They are theme specific.
      link_about: '/about'
      show_fossasia_logo: true
  source: docs                         # Path of the documentation, default: docs
  logo: images/logo.svg                # Path to an image to be used as logo for the Project. It should be relative to `source`.
  markdown_flavour: markdown_github    # Markdown format flavour. should be one of `markdown`, `markdown_strict`, `markdown_phpextra`, `markdown_github`, `markdown_mmd`, `commonmark`, default: markdown_github
  mock:                                # Any python modules or packages which should be mocked. Useful if your project depends on C dependencies.
    - numpy
    - scipy
  autoapi:               # If enabled, Yaydoc will crawl your repository and try to extract API documentation
    - language: python   # Language for which API docs should be generated.
      source: modules    # If specified, only the `source` would be crawled to extract APIs
    - language: java
  subproject:            # Other projects which should be included when building the documentation
    - url: <URL of Subproject 1>       # URL of the repository
      source: doc                      # Path of the documentation of the subproject, default: docs
    - url: <URL of subproject 2>
  github_ribbon:         # Display a `Fork me on Github` ribbon
    position: right      # Position of the ribbon, Allowed values: left | right, default: right
    color: green         # Color of the ribbon, Allowed values: red | green | darkblue | orange | gray | white, default: red
  github_button:         # Display various Github buttons.
      watch: true        # Display watch button, default: true
      star: true         # Display star button, default: true
      issues: true       # Display issues button, default: true
      fork: true         # Display fork button, default: true
      follow: true       # Display follow button, default: true
    show_count: true     # Display count beside buttons
    large: true          # Use large buttons
  • Configuring publishers
    url:       # Custom URL at which the site should be published, default: <username><reponame>
    app_name: yaydoc               # Name of the heroku app. Your docs would be deployed at <app_name>
  • Configuring External services
  swagger:                              # Supported api-docs [ swagger( ]
    url:   # URL to the JSON specification
    ui: swagger                                 # Supported UI [ swagger( ], default: swagger
    path: 'src/'                                # Path for javadoc source files

Currently Yaydoc only supports publishing to ghpages and heroku.

Accessing the Yaydoc CI

step 1

  • Click the CI Deploy button

step 2

  • Select the repository in which you want to integrate Yaydoc CI

step 3

  • After successful registration Yaydoc will push the documentation to gh-pages on every commit the user makes.

  • Sphinx's alabaster theme will be used for documentation

  • You can see the generated documentation at https://<username><project name>

Custom directives

  • RSS feed
.. feed:: <rss url>
  • Twitter Feed
.. timeline:: <query>


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  • JavaScript 46.6%
  • Python 22.4%
  • HTML 21.3%
  • Shell 7.6%
  • CSS 2.1%