This is a simple aside for Octopress that uses the Google Code-API to automatic generate and dislay the QR Code-image of the actually visible page or post in the sidebar.
Check my blog for a preview in the sidebar and background-information (in german).
First of all you need to copy the file:
- qrcode.html into source/_includes/custom/asides/
After that you need to update these file:
- add 'custom/asides/qrcode.html' to default_asides
To change the color of the QR-Code-image substitute in file qrcode.html in the part
img src="|0
e.g. to
- red: &chco=FF0000
- green: &chco=00FF00
or any other color marked in hexcode (without the #).
To change the size of the QR-Code-image substitute in file qrcode.html in the part
img src="|0
in the size you want. It size is given in pixels (pt). Height and width must be the same, eg. 150x150, 200x200 etc.
The word 'QR Code' is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED. It applies only for the word 'QR Code', not for image. I mention it in the abbr-tag in ™, so your are save with it.