vue-transitioner is a vue3 component to ease adding animation between any components
Use your package manager of choice
npm install vue-transitioner --dev
You can use the component in 2 ways
<script setup lang="ts">
import { VTransitioner, DefaultTransitions } from 'vue-transitioner';
// Import the style files if you are using the default transitions
import 'vue-transitioner/styles/flipCardForward.css'
import 'vue-transitioner/styles/flipCardBackward.css'
<template #vTransitioner_1>
<img src="cat.gif" />
<template #vTransitioner_2>
<img src="dog.gif" />
import { createApp, h } from 'vue';
import VTransitionerPlugin from 'vue-transitioner';
const app = createApp( { render: () => h( App ) } );
app.use( VTransitionerPlugin, {
transitions: {
bounce: { mode: 'in-out' },
swivel: { mode: 'default' }
} );
and then use the component anywhere
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
visibleItemNumber | number 1 < visibleItemNumber < maxItems |
(required) | The item number that is visible. Determines which component is rendered |
maxItems | number | (required) | The max number of items that can be transitioned from |
forwardTransition | string One of config.transitions |
(required) | The name of the transition that will be used when the visibleItemNumber value increases |
backwardTransition | string One of config.transitions |
(required) | The name of the transition that will be used when the visibleItemNumber value decreases |
keepAliveComponents | boolean | false | If true will use 'KeepAlive' to keep the components in cache |
areAllItemsSameComponent | boolean | false | Should be true if all the items being transitioned use the same component with different props. Useful when transitions are needed for list items |
areItemsCyclic | boolean | false | Should be true if the items loop again after the end. Needed to determine forward or backward transition b/w edge items |
appear | boolean | false | Same as appear prop from native vue 'Transition' |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
DEV? | boolean | process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' |
Whether the project is running in development environment. Will alter the warning and errors thrown |
transitions? | `Record<string, { mode: 'in-out' | 'out-in' | 'default' }>` |
slotNames.SINGLE_ITEM_PREFIX | string | 'vTransitionerItem_' | The prefix which will be used when looking up slot names of the items being transitioned |
slotNames.SAME_COMPONENT | string | 'vTransitionerCommonItem' | The name of the slot to be used when the areAllItemsSameComponent is true |
transitionNamePrefix | string | 'v-transitioner--' | The prefix of the css class name that will be used for defining the transitions |