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Vue Transitioner

vue-transitioner is a vue3 component to ease adding animation between any components


Use your package manager of choice

npm install vue-transitioner --dev


You can use the component in 2 ways

Directly importing the component

<script setup lang="ts">
  import { VTransitioner, DefaultTransitions } from 'vue-transitioner';

  // Import the style files if you are using the default transitions
  import 'vue-transitioner/styles/flipCardForward.css'
  import 'vue-transitioner/styles/flipCardBackward.css'

    <template #vTransitioner_1>
      <img src="cat.gif" />

    <template #vTransitioner_2>
      <img src="dog.gif" />

Or using the plugin

import { createApp, h } from 'vue';
import VTransitionerPlugin from 'vue-transitioner';

const app = createApp( { render: () => h( App ) } );

app.use( VTransitionerPlugin, {
  transitions: {
    bounce: { mode: 'in-out' },
    swivel: { mode: 'default' }
} );

and then use the component anywhere


Prop Type Default Description
visibleItemNumber number

1 < visibleItemNumber < maxItems
(required) The item number that is visible. Determines which component is rendered
maxItems number (required) The max number of items that can be transitioned from
forwardTransition string

One of config.transitions
(required) The name of the transition that will be used when the visibleItemNumber value increases
backwardTransition string

One of config.transitions
(required) The name of the transition that will be used when the visibleItemNumber value decreases
keepAliveComponents boolean false If true will use 'KeepAlive' to keep the components in cache
areAllItemsSameComponent boolean false Should be true if all the items being transitioned use the same component with different props. Useful when transitions are needed for list items
areItemsCyclic boolean false Should be true if the items loop again after the end. Needed to determine forward or backward transition b/w edge items
appear boolean false Same as appear prop from native vue 'Transition'

Plugin config

Key Type Default Description
DEV? boolean process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' Whether the project is running in development environment. Will alter the warning and errors thrown
transitions? `Record<string, { mode: 'in-out' 'out-in' 'default' }>`
slotNames.SINGLE_ITEM_PREFIX string 'vTransitionerItem_' The prefix which will be used when looking up slot names of the items being transitioned
slotNames.SAME_COMPONENT string 'vTransitionerCommonItem' The name of the slot to be used when the areAllItemsSameComponent is true
transitionNamePrefix string 'v-transitioner--' The prefix of the css class name that will be used for defining the transitions


For simple transitioner between multiple components






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