First, install Yeoman and generator-reactredux using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-reactredux
Then generate your new project. First go inside the folder where you would want the project to be set up, and then run:
yo reactredux
Follow the onscreen instructions. At then end, you would get a project structure as follows -
│ └───store
│ │ store.js
│ └───reducers
│ │ topReducer.js
│ app.js
│ index.html
To create a new React component
yo reactredux:component
Follow the onscreen instructions. This will create a necessary assets folder with a stylesheet file already included. For stateless component add --stateless
To create a new React container
yo reactredux:container
Follow the onscreen instructions. This will also create a corresponding component.
To create a new Redux reducer
yo reactredux:reducer
Follow the onscreen instructions.
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MIT © Sajal Khandelwal