Building a simple contact management application using Node.js, TypeScript, Koa.js, Handlebars.
- Create github repo
- Add
- Add
- Add
Our TODO list:
* Install packages
* Playing with `tsc`, `tslint`, `ts-node`
- Init
$ npm init
- Install TypeScript packages:
$ npm i -D typescript tslint ts-node
- Install utility packages:
$ npm i -D nodemon rimraf
- Install packages globally:
$ npm i -g typescript tslint ts-node nodemon
- Install type declaration files
$ npm i -D @types/node
- TypeScript configuration
$ tsc --init
$ tslint --init
- Try
$ tsc
$ tslint --project ./tsconfig.json
returns with an error message error TS18003: No inputs were found...
, because there is nothing to compile.
- Create our first
$ touch server.ts
// ./server.ts
const message: string = 'hello world';
- Run compiler
$ tsc
- It generates a new file:
"use strict";
var message = 'hello world';
Notice that the compiler is generated a file with ES5
syntax, we can see a var
statement there.
- Run the app
$ node server.js
- Play with type-checking
Try to assign an integer to message
variable and run tslint
and tsc
. Check the error messages.
$ tslint --project ./tsconfig.json --type-check
$ tsc
- Change
Open tsconfig.json
and change "target"
property to "ES2015"
. Run tsc
. Check the generated file uses const
instead of var
- Single quote vs double quote
In TypeScript the default is double quote. You can run your tslint
with --fix
$ slint --project ./tsconfig.json --type-check --fix
Or update rules
in ./tslint.json
"defaultSeverity": "error",
"extends": [
"jsRules": {},
"rules": {
"quotemark": [true, "single", "avoid-escape"]
"rulesDirectory": []
- Try following commands, what do you see?
$ node server.ts
$ ts-node server.ts
can run TypeScript on the fly, great for development, don't use it in production.
Our TODO list:
* Install Koa packages
* Implement router
* Implement middlewares
* Update our development scripts
- Install koa packages
$ npm i -S koa koa-bodyparser koa-router
- Install type definition packages
$ npm i -D @types/koa @types/koa-bodyparser @types/koa-router
- Update
import * as Koa from 'koa';
import * as Router from 'koa-router';
import bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser');
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
const port = process.env.PORT || 4000;
router.get('/', ctx => {
ctx.type = 'html';
ctx.body = '<h1>Hello World</h1>';
process.stdout.write(`Contacts App listening on port ${port}`);
- Check with linter, compile and run
$ tslint --project ./tsconfig.json --type-check --fix
$ tsc
$ node server.js
$ open http://localhost:4000
- You can update your
if you prefer arrow function without parenthesis in case of one argument.
"rules": {
"quotemark": [true, "single", "avoid-escape"],
"arrow-parens": [true, "ban-single-arg-parens"]
- Setup node scripts
Run the following commands in separate terminals and update your server.ts
$ tsc --watch
$ nodemon server.js
Update scripts
in package.json
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf *.js",
"lint": "tslint --project ./tsconfig.json --type-check --fix",
"build": "tsc",
"watch:build": "npm run clean; npm run build -- --watch",
"watch:server": "nodemon --watch server.js",
"start": "npm run build && node server.js"
Now, you can use:
$ npm run watch:build
$ npm run watch:server
Run them in separate terminals.
Our TODO list:
* Install koa-hbs package
* Create views folder and add templates
* Setup handlebar middleware
* Render our template
* Learning about Node.js debugging
Install koa-hbs
packages for html rendering.
$ npm i -S koa-hbs@next
$ npm i -D @types/koa-hbs
Create templates:
$ mkdir -p views/layouts views/pages
$ touch views/layouts/default.hbs
$ touch views/pages/home.hbs
Add template management to server.ts
import hbs = require('koa-hbs');
Setup a few constants:
const VIEWS = path.resolve(__dirname, 'views');
const LAYOUTS = path.resolve(VIEWS, 'layouts');
const DEFAULT_LAYOUT = 'default';
(Import path
Add hbs.middleware
defaultLayout: DEFAULT_LAYOUT,
layoutsPath: LAYOUTS,
viewPath: VIEWS,
Update router
to render our page:
router.get('/', async ctx => {
// ctx.state = { title: 'title from state' };
await ctx.render('pages/home', { title: 'Home Page' });
Please note, we use async/await
syntax for managing Promise.
A little about debugging:
$ nodemon --inspect ./server.js
Setup source map: uncomment sourceMap
option in tsconfig.json
Directory structure:
for our built and transpiled files, a few examples:/dist/server.js
We never write directly to dist
folder, all the files will be generated by a transpiler tool.
for TypeScript files/src/views
for Views/src/assets/styles
for Sass css files
Let's move our TypeScript file to src
- Create folder and move file
- Update
- Update
$ mkdir ./src
$ mv ./server.ts ./src
Setup outDir
field and add include
array in tsconfig.json
"outDir": "./dist",
include: [
Update clean
task in our package.json
"clean": "rimraf ./dist",
Update package.json
"clean": "rimraf ./dist",
"watch:server": "nodemon --watch ./dist/server.js",
"start": "npm run build && node ./dist/server.js"
If we would try npm start
now, our server would fail, because we haven't moved our views
folder in dist
folder. (You can move it manually now, but we will setup gulp
to do it for us automatically.)
- Add gulp
Let's use Gulp 4
$ npm i -g gulp-cli
$ npm i -D gulpjs/gulp#4.0
Create gulpfile.ts
$ touch gulpfile.ts
Add clean
task to gulpfile
Install del
package and types.
$ npm i -D @types/del del
import del = require('del');
const DIST_FOLDER = './dist';
const clean = () => del([DIST_FOLDER]);
export { clean };
Try it out:
$ gulp clean
You can update your script in package.json
"clean": "gulp clean"
Let's implement a task which would copy our views
folder in dist
import del = require('del');
import * as gulp from 'gulp';
const DIST_FOLDER = './dist';
const paths = {
views: {
src: './src/views/**/*',
dest: `${DIST_FOLDER}/views`
const clean = () => del([DIST_FOLDER]);
const views = () => {
return gulp.src(paths.views.src)
export { clean, views };
$ npm i -D gulp-typescript @types/gulp-typescript
$ npm i -D gulp-tslint @types/gulp-tslint
$ npm i -D gulp-sourcemaps @types/gulp-sourcemaps
import del = require('del');
import * as gulp from 'gulp';
import tsc = require('gulp-typescript');
import sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const DIST_FOLDER = './dist';
const paths = {
views: {
src: './src/views/**/*',
dest: `${DIST_FOLDER}/views`
const clean = () => del([DIST_FOLDER]);
const views = () =>
const tsProject = tsc.createProject('./tsconfig.json');
const ts = () =>
export { clean, views, ts };