- 🔭 I’m currently a student.
- 🌱 I’m currently working on Frontend and Backend with Next.js.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Next.js projects.
- 💬 Ask me about Next.js, JavaScript.
- Developed a car parts website using Next.js, Daisy UI, and Sweeper.js.
- Implemented customer selection, client part management, and backend pagination.
- Increased website traffic by 10%, enhancing the client's online presence and transactions.
- A MERN app with Firebase auth and Stripe integration.
- Created distinct functionalities for admins, instructors, and students with responsive design and dark/light mode.
- Streamlined user registration, login, course management, and payment processes.
- A dynamic web platform for children's toys with seller management functionality.
- Utilized Next.js, React Router, Tailwind CSS, Daisy UI, Firebase Auth, MongoDB, and Express JS.
- Enhanced UX by providing a secure platform for sellers to manage toy listings.
Manarat International University, Dhaka
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
January 2000 - April 2024
- Graduated with a GPA of 3.8.
- Complete Web Development Course With Jhankar Mahbub