Releases: saleor/saleor-dashboard
🪲 Fixes:
- 1a7b055: Fix assigning reference attributes for vouchers and products by @Droniu
- a0a24ba: Fix categories cannot read property of undefined by @poulch
- 5a51e2b: Fix pt-BR transactions by @GabrielZacchi
- 06fbb69: Fix drag and drop in navigation configuration by @poulch
- 36b265a: Fix loading shipping information by @andrzejewsky
- 8d0c8c9: Fix changing channel in rule details form by @poulch
🍇 Improvements:
- 0ed13e8: Change coming soon apps label to upcoming apps @lkostrowski
- 629d900: Improve channel delete dialogs by @timuric
- 7cf51e6: Remove demo link from readme by @timuric
- ba106e2: Add missing units for attributes by @timuric
- e21cba5: Migrate box shadow to new tokens & fix selects overflow isssue for new filters by @krzysztofzuraw
- cf56dc3: Migrate to new MacawUI color tokens by @krzysztofzuraw
- eb15064: Remove certain home screen statistics by @andrzejewsky
- 2f27f6b: Prevent empty subscription query for new webhooks by @2can
- b8303e6: Add link to the cloud environment by @andrzejewsky
- ee824f2: Rename env link to cloud by @andrzejewsky
- dd1d1db: Add prices in grant refund view by @Droniu
🦄 Features in preview:
- ca6bec2: Introduce component for promotion create and edit page by @poulch
- 684a357: Introduce discount list page by @poulch
- fa38078: Use new promotion API to create and update discounts by @poulch
- d4f396d: Introduce intial component for catalog discounts by @poulch
⚙️ Maintenance:
- ecac449: Fix sentry upload and custom version scripts by @andrzejewsky
- 684dcc3: Auto cherry pick workflow by labels by @andrzejewsky
- 620ec9a: Add exemption labels to ignore stale issues by @andrzejewsky
- e518ef0: Proceed with TS migration by @andrzejewsky
- e70720c: Update home page e2e - cypress @wojteknowacki
- fbc1a92: Use stale action instead of stalebot by @andrzejewsky
- 529362a: Changing target of production deployments by @magul
- a2549a0: Fix cancelled and ENVIRONMENT variable availability by @andrzejewsky
- 2d4c49c: Proceed with TS migration, decrease to 692 by @andrzejewsky
- a95ae0e: Refactor code smell many mon null assertions by @HigorSantiago
- 7781eba: Implement fixture for handling grid events in Playwright by @wojteknowacki
- ea2b6c5: Emit release for sentry from workflow by @andrzejewsky
- f26a2e5: Remove enum implicit value code smell by @HigorSantiago
- 4a28f11: Fix missing union types by @HigorSantiago
- 33098f2: Bump @adobe/css-tools from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2
- d40b45a: New deployment targets for cloud dashboard in STAGING by @magul
- 815f1a1: Stop deploying dashboard to demos by @andrzejewsky
- 909d43f: Bump macaw to pre.14 by @andrzejewsky
- 09ccb0c: Fix sentry release by @andrzejewsky
- 58ecc5a: Create instance when it has been not created yet by @andrzejewsky
- 9f5e14e: Proceed with TS migration, remove bunch of TS strict comments by @andrzejewsky
- 1da2476: Display warning for long branch names by @Droniu
- 95d3274: Fix typing for form events by @HigorSantiago
- 6e3704e: Fix discount hasEndDate selector in tests by @poulch
- 1b90e48: Fix base page fixture in playwright by @wojteknowacki
🪲 Fixes:
- Remove certain home statistics (#4482) by @Droniu, @andrzejewsky
🪲 Fixes:
- Remove certain home statistics (#4480) by @Droniu, @andrzejewsky
🦄 Features:
- 28dafdc: Send order lines in orderGrantRefundCreate mutation by @poulch
- 9f83d90:Delay home queries to be non-blocking for the UI by @poulch
- e090f17: Introduce voucher codes datagrid by @poulch
- 926a74b: Integrate voucher codes with API by @poulch
🪲 Fixes:
- 5dffd6e: Fix sending attributes on variant create/update in datagrid on product details page by @poulch
- 4c37703: Fix sending too many requests on line item update by @poulch
- 6b91eef: Fix search for page type is not working correctly by @Droniu
- 3b48cca: Fix input placeholder text in the tax classes section by @Droniu
- be2a9b6: Fix form blink in customer edition for orders by @andrzejewsky
- 3d68e7b: Fix saving previously removed country exceptions by @Droniu
- c4b6085: Fix pt-br locale by @GabrielZacchi
- b7c2a96: Fix incorrect indexing in concurrent variant datagrid bulk mutations by @Droniu
- 601d236: Fix error related to can not read property of undefined in metadata and reading search page info by @poulch
- 873954f: Fix assign attribute value dialogs showing previous search results by @Droniu
- 226b603: Fix assigning products to collection by @Droniu
- 3f6dcfa: Fix pasting float number into datagrid by @poulch
- 060935a: Fix clear datagrid added variants after submit by @poulch
- b792f98: Fix language switcher by @andrzejewsky
- 53cef3d: Fix copy on back button when failure during app installation by @poulch
- 205a4f2: Fix disappearing labels of reference attributes by @Droniu
⚙️ Maintenance:
- 774990e: Fix failing test: product visible in shop SALEOR_2506 by @wojteknowacki
- 308e579: Attributes critical test migrated to playwright by wojteknowacki
- c8040ff: Implement the e2e instance managing by @andrzejewsky
- f39cc69: Use macaw-ui alias to 1.0.0 versions by @andrzejewsky
- e2975ef: Migrated "TC: SALEOR_26 Create basic info variant - via edit variant page" to playwright by @wojteknowacki
- ae0b8da: Home page critical test migration to playwright by @wojteknowacki
- 7329f2c: Migrated navigation tests to playwright by @wojteknowacki
- dcb3ebb: Removed unused get info request by @wojteknowacki
- 81fcd03: Migrated warehouse create test to playwright by @wojteknowacki
- dc5ecf6: Migrated create basic order test to playwright by @wojteknowacki
- 2e5370e: Migrated shipping methods tests to playwright by @wojteknowacki
- 3d28c98: Fix changeset action for forks, block automation on contributions by @andrzejewsky
- b488e85: Updates data-test-id for variant name input on variant page by @wojteknowacki
- c3f7721: Add 'feature' as exempt label for stalebot by @andrzejewsky
- ad9fd12: Use changes files to detect if changeset file is present by @andrzejewsky
- 2ae9491: Remove flaky product update page test by @wojteknowacki
- 9856c76: Update e2e voucher code creation tests by @wojteknowacki
- 5de7039: Fix GHA workflow that runs chromatic on the main branch by @krzysztofzuraw
- 85770f6: Add new issue request templates by @andrzejewsky
- 59c673b: Removed redundant if statement in nightly workflow blocking e2e tests by @wojteknowacki
- a994b7e: Update graphql schema by @poulch
- e9334e0: Change e2e default browser to electron by @wojteknowacki
- 466914f: Update selector for orders tests in cypress by @wojteknowacki
🦄 Features:
29b8740: Migrate product variant page to new macaw by @poulch
5b4cf7d: New column picker for variant datagrid by @Droniu
fd94279: Add visible checkbox in datagrids by @poulch
72ed646: Add metadata column to order details datagrid by @poulch
d924523: add bulgarian translation by @frostatwolf
795b208: Enable new filters by default by @andrzejewsky
e71633a: migrated create products tests to Playwright by @wojteknowacki
646e72f: Add datagrid on shipping zones view by @Droniu
🪲 Fixes:
6f66417: Fix reading null variable autocomplete by @andrzejewsky
35d6094: Fix group of error caused by reading property of undefined by @poulch
2ba563e: Fix loading channels in order creation after publishing the new channel by @andrzejewsky
292c51d: add email confirmation to customer registration e2e test by @wojteknowacki
c31dfef: Remove attributes error, pill reference, editor js error by @andrzejewsky
cc2ecb5: Due to UI changes - staff members and variants tests fixes by @wojteknowacki
0af083f: bring back CYPRESS_baseUrl as env var which is needed for backward compatibility by @wojteknowacki
327008a: Capitalised the "Export products" button by @arvindpndit
a6a6152: Update usage of defaultTransactionFlowStrategy after migrating it to paymentSettings by @poulch
6d64628: Stop creating issues with test results by @andrzejewsky
bd3290b: Set data-test-id for filters by @andrzejewsky
2a202d4: Fix fetching private metadata for Order only when staff userr by @poulch
fdc49f5: change env var name CYPRESS_baseurl to BASE_URL by @wojteknowacki
11feabb: Add back buttons in webhooks and taxes views by @Droniu
d42076f: removed force click on category selection by @wojteknowacki
⚙️ Maintenance:
8957582: Fix contribution guide link in PR template by @Droniu
69a77ee: Add changesets status workflow that fails when there is no changeset file by @andrzejewsky
3ba3255: Change gql codegen config to typescript and reflect env vars by @andrzejewsky
8b57cd7: Update e2e scenarios for new filters by @wojteknowacki
f733c60: Move condional filters UI to dashboard by @krzysztofzuraw
addfae8: Update graphql schema by @andrzejewsky
🪲 Fixes:
c632511: Fix various tiny ESLint rules by @Droniu
b65f346: Fix blank space in legacy filter popper by @Droniu
dd06aca: Fix editing/deleting attribute values when creating new dropdown attribute by @Droniu
⚙️ Maintenance:
db43c91: Tag docker container as latest when the published GitHub release is marked as "latest" by @andrzejewsky
⚙️ Maintenance:
- Trigger deployment when the push was the new tag (#4212) by @andrzejewsky
- Use specific version instead of branch name (#4225) by @andrzejewsky
🍇 Improvements:
- Datagrid cell visibility with auto-generated labels (2055b25) by @Droniu
- Add slovak translation (c8ebb4f) by @djkato
- Migrate product page to new macaw (0dd785b) by @poulch
⚙️ Maintenance:
- Defined reusable Modal component witn new macaw (a86b391) by @poulch
- Add triage label workflow (1227bdf) by @andrzejewsky
- Issue template for epics (d1d3db4) by @andrzejewsky
- Move all build scripts to the docker image (build stage) (4c2815a) by @andrzejewsky