This program is an automatic WhatsApp test.
Test report in html and json file.
The programming language used is python 3.
I hope to get your suggestions and review.
Thank a lot of.
1. [selenium 3.141.0](
2. [python Python 3.8.5](
3. os windows
1. Login [web whatsapp]( .
2. Search for a contact name in list contact whatsapp.
3. Send message to specific contact name, example "salim".
4. Waiting for incoming message reply.
5. Retrieve text data from the reply message.
6. Create test results to be html and json file.
8. Convert csv file to json file.
0. Start.
1. Clone or pull my repo.
2. Don't change the folder.
3. Download chromedriver and geckodrive [ location C:\ ].
4. Then
[ Open Explore ] [ this PC ] [ advance system settings ] [ environtment variables ] [ put location webdriver in here].
like :
5. Open CMD.
6. Navigate to the clone download folder.
7. Command cd [your location folder].
8. Command dir.
9. Run program : python
10. Then Enter.
11. End.
Salim Suprayogi
Our blog