This is an example of how to use better-auth with NextJS, Prisma, better-call, and Stripe.
Implements the following features:
Email & Password . Social Sign-in . Passkeys . Email Verification . Password Reset . Two Factor Authentication . Profile Update . Session Management . Organization, Members and Roles. Provided by, visit here for more docs on how to use the authentication system.
Subscription Management with Stripe for Organizations and Users individually.
better-call for API, with RPC for easy type safety on throughout application, with abiliy to call any API endpoint from any part of the application, or outside source. Visit
- Ability to create Stripe customer as an organization.
- Ability to charge per user for organizations.
- Add the ability to create more roles than owner, admin, and member for organizations.
- Create documentation showing how to use different database adapters.
- Clone the code sandbox (or the repo) and open it in your code editor
- Move .env.example to .env and provide necessary variables
- Run the following commands
pnpm install
npx prisma migrate dev
npx prisma generate
pnpm dev
- Open the browser and navigate to