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The radial magnetic field analysis

  • Direct measurement code can be found in EDM

  • BeamGunSim comprises a failed attempt to make a proper go at a radial field simulation using the beam gun.

  • GridSubmit is a directory used for submission to FermiGrid (for making beam position histograms).

  • Radial field estimation code can be found in RadialFieldEstimation, which may be operated in the following way:

    1. CMacros/ReadNearlineTrees.C is for producing beam position histograms from the nearline if you want results quickly. If you have a production dataset to work with use gm2analyses/EDM/fcl/RunCaloBeamPositionPlots.fcl. I have a SAM dataset for the beam position histograms made already, called caloBeamPosPlots_EDM. Might be worth updating it as we add more datasets. The plots themselves are stored on /pnfs/GM2/persistent/EDM/Data.

    2. CMacros/PlotCaloYvsRun.C does what it's called: it produces a ROOT file with graphs of vs run, and the same for individual calos. It's controlled by Scripts/, which feeds it the name of the dataset as an argument. For re-use, the C++ macro will need to be updated around line 174, which is just a case of adding the run ranges for the new datasets. It will also need new text files listing the runs in each dataset, which can be generated with Scripts/makeRunList.txt

    3. CMacros/GetRefPos.C produces a pol0 fit to the period of Run-4 where I claim to know what
      is. This fit lives in Plots/RefPos_NoBadCalos_Run4_2021.root

    4. CMacros/CheckCaloAlignment.C produces some histograms used to estimate the level of calorimeter misalignment between the dataset of interest and Run-4, writing to Plots/CaloAlignment_<dataset_name>.root. It's controlled by Scripts/, which feeds it the dataset name as an argument. The new dataset names will need to be added in the main, should be self-explanatory.

    5. CMacos/EstimateRadialField.C is where most of the real work happens. It looks a bit complicated, but it just takes the various ROOT files produced by previous macros and tries to estimate the radial field and it's uncertainty, writing to Plots/radialFieldEstimationPlots_<dataset_name>.root. For re-use, it will need to be updated in similar manner to CMacros/PlotCaloYvsRun.C around line 143.

    6. CMacros/PlotBrvsDS2.C takes the ROOT files produced by CMacos/EstimateRadialField.C and plots the average
      in nice graph. CMacros/PlotBrvsDS.C also works but I prefer this one.

    7. CMacros/PrintUncertainties.C is a re-write of CMacos/EstimateRadialField.C which just print contributions to the uncertainty on Br.


g-2 radial field analysis






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