Investigating the Effectiveness of Cross Attention to Unlock Zero-Shot Editing of Text-to-Video Diffusion Models
With recent advances in image and video diffusion models for content creation, a plethora of techniques have been proposed for customizing their generated content. In particular, manipulating the cross-attention layers of Text-to-Image (T2I) diffusion models has shown great promise in controlling the shape and location of objects in the scene. Transferring image-editing techniques to the video domain, however, is extremely challenging as object motion and temporal consistency are difficult to capture accurately. In this work, we take a first look at the role of cross-attention in Text-to-Video (T2V) diffusion models for zero-shot video editing. While one-shot models have shown potential in controlling motion and camera movement, we demonstrate zero-shot control over object shape, position and movement in T2V models. We show that despite the limitations of current T2V models, cross-attention guidance can be a promising approach for editing videos.
To set-up your environment and download one of the T2V models that we work with, please do these steps:
conda create -n video-edit python=3.10
conda activate video-edit
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
cd Video-Editing-X-Attention
git lfs install
git clone ./models/model_scope_diffusers/
You can edit an oject in a video via the jupyter notebook.
Simply provide a prompt and set obj_to_edit
to a word in the prompt you want to edit.
To control the size and motion of the object, refer to function E
Experiment with different backward guidance scales and prompts to get the desired edit.
Note that current T2V models produce noisy cross-attentions so if your edit doesn't work, visualize the cross-attentions, this could be why.
- Enable real video editing
- Support mode resolutions
- Intergaret DiT based T2V backbones like Open Sora
Special thanks to the following works for open sourcing their efforts that helped us immensely in building this work